‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات qatar. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات qatar. إظهار كافة الرسائل


Yemen: Clashes Unsettle the Capital Sanaa

Fighting between Shia rebels and Sunni militias in Yemen has escalated, with clashes on the edge of the capital.

Armed rebels, known as Houthis, shelled buildings of the state TV and the main Sunni Islamist party, Islah, in Sanaa.
Hundreds of residents have fled their homes and international flights to the city have been suspended.
About 40 people have been killed since Tuesday, reports say. The rebels have staged protests for weeks, demanding political and economic reforms.
President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi has dismissed the government and promised to review a decision to cut fuel subsidies.

Over the past few weeks the rebels have occupied protest camps on the road to the airport and staged sit-ins at ministry buildings, as well as clashed with fighters loyal to Islah.
On Thursday night Houthi fighters attacked the state television headquarters in Sanaa.
"The Houthi group is continuing to shell the television building with all kinds of weapons until this moment," the channel said on Friday morning.
As fighting intensified, foreign airlines suspended flights to the Sanaa.

"Arab and foreign airlines have decided to suspend their flights to Sanaa for 24 hours because of developments in the capital," the Civil Aviation Authority said in a statement on state news agency Saba.

The measures could be extended depending on the security situation, the statement added.

update : 9/20/2014

Post by Middle East Monitor.


The Syrian child refugee whose photo hit a nerve online #Syria

It is an everyday occurrence at border crossings out of Syria, but for four-year-old Marwan, it must have been terrifying.
After being temporarily separated from his family at the remote Hagallat crossing on Sunday, he was found by staff from the UN's refugee agency.
Andrew Harper, the head of the UN refugee agency UNHCR in Jordan, took the picture and posted it on Twitter, where it hit a nerve with many users.
It was widely reposted online.
But however heartbreaking the picture was, Mr Harper said, it was not unusual in the "chaos and confusion" of refugee border crossings.
Most refugee groups were headed by mothers bringing several children and all their possessions out of Syria, he said.
When the gates open, there is a crush as desperate refugees surge forward. Every day, children get lost.
With UNHCR staff searching for them when the surge abates, they typically do not spend too long on their own.
Mr Harper said Marwan was taken across and reunited with his mother about 10 minutes after this picture was taken.
On Tuesday, he posted another photo on Twitter that shows Marwan was at the back of a group of refugees when he was met by UNHCR staff.

Photograph showing Marwan among group of other Syrian refugees crossing border with Jordan (16 February 2014)The inset image shows Marwan was not far behind his family when met by UNHCR staff
"He is separated - he is not alone," Mr Harper added.
Crossing the border is a nervous time for the children and their families - one more trauma in the hellish journey from destroyed lives in Syria to an uncertain future as refugees in a foreign land.
Most of the refugees crossing at Hagallat - which lacks even a proper road - came from Homs and al-Quaryatayn, and it was likely Marwan was from there too, said Mr Harper.
He was just one of about 1,000 people who crossed into Jordan on that day alone.
There are now 600,000 Syrian refugees registered with the UNHCR in Jordan, part of an estimated 2.4 million across the region as a whole.
Smiling Syrian refugee children just inside the Jordanian borderA short distance inside Jordan, the mood of the children improved
Malala Yousafzai visiting the border and helping refugees with their bags, as part of her campaign for children's educationMalala Yousafzai visited the border as part of her campaign for children's education
It is not clear what the future holds for young Marwan.
But with the mood of other refugee children one of relief once they cross the border, it is hoped that he, too, might look forward to a brighter future.
Malala Yousafzai, the teenager who survived a Taliban assassination attempt in Pakistan and has become a global campaigner for children's education, was also at the border on Sunday.
She witnessed emotional scenes at the border and, with her father, helped several refugees cross the no-man's land that separates the two nations.
The Malala Fund is teaming up with local Jordanian and Syrian organisations to help Syrian children get an education.


Terrorism has no religion only in #Egypt government

الارهاب لا دين لة فقط فى مصر لة حكومة
Terrorism has no religion only in Egypt government


يا معشر الأعراب هيا عودوا إلى خيامكم

من هم الأعراب!?

قوله تعالى {الأَعْرَابُ أَشَدُّ كُفْرًا وَنِفَاقًا وَأَجْدَرُ أَلاَّ يَعْلَمُوا حُدُودَ مَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ عَلَى رَسُولِهِ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ }
(السعودية- الإمارات - الكويت - قطر - البحرين )
بمعنى اصح دول الخليج فقط. 
على صحراء قاحلة شحيحة كانوا يسكنون ..كانوا قوماً حفاة عراة يئدون بناتهم و يقتلون صغارهم عند وقوع مجاعة ما وكان الرجل منهم يرث حتى زوجات أبيه ، وكان إذا سافر يُقيّد زوجاته إلى شجرة حتى يرجع من سفره

كانوا مفكّكين مبعثرين يُغيرون على بعضهم البعض ..كانوا لا يُؤتمنون على أماناتهم ولا على أعراضهم ..كان القويّ منهم ينهش الضعيف ..يعلنون الحرب لأجل ناقة ويُورّثون هذه الحرب للأجيال المتلاحقة ..

كانوا يُمثّلون بجثث أعدائهم ويُعلّقون الرؤوس على مداخل مدنهم ..كانوا يلبسون ما رثّ وما بليّ ..كانوا يجلسون على التراب ويتّخذونه نمارق ويتبرّزون عليه وينظّفون به عوراتهم ..

كانوا لا يعرفون لا قراءة ولا كتابة يتناقلون ما يقرضون من الشّعر شفوياً ..كانوا يُصَعلِكون شعرائهم ويُحلّون دمائهم ويحرّمون الحب ويقرنون بينه وبين الإثم والخطيئة .

كان الرجل منهم يجمع كبار قومه أدباً ونسباً ليطؤو زوجته حتى تلد له ولد يكون وارثاً لكل صفات الجمال والكمال التي يحملها أولئك الرجال ..

كانوا قطّاعا للطرق سلاّبين نهّابين ..يعتبرون العمل مهانة واستصغارا لذلك يوكلون الأعمال من فلاحة وحدادة وحياكة للعبيد والجواري ..

جاءهم محمد إبن عبد الله ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) علمهم حتى نتف الإبط من شدة جهلهم وتخلفهم ..

أتستغربون بعد هذا أن يختن الرجل ابنته ويجلب صديقه حتى ترضعه زوجته بعدما يفاخذ صغيرته ؟

لم يُنجبوا ابطالاً فقد كان إبن خلدون من تونس وكان إبن الجزار من القيروان وكان الفارابي من بلاد ما وراء النهرين وكان الرازي وإبن المقفع من بلاد فارس وكان سيبويه من البصرة وكان إبن سيناء من بخارى وكان الغزالي من نيسابور وكان النووي من سورية …

ربما كان بينهم أدباء وشعراء فطاحلة لكنهم اُتّهموا من قبل هؤلاء الأعراب بالزندقة وبالإلحاد وبالشذوذ .. فحتى إذا أنجبت أرضهم القاحلة اِسثناء كفّروه أو قتلوه ..

كان هذا دأبهم ؛ لو حدّثتهم عن النساء لقالوا لك : جواري وختان واِرضاع الكبير ومفاخذة الصغير وبكر وعذرية ومثنى وثلاث ورباع ومتبرجة تبرج الجاهلية وعورة وما ملكت أيمانهم وهل يجوز النكاح قبل البلوغ …

ثم يقولون هذا رجس من عمل الشيطان ولا يجتنبونة ..أسَرُهم مفكّكة تملؤها الصراعات والمظالم…

الجنس في كلامهم وفي وعيهم وفي لا وعيهم في مدارسهم وفي ملابسهم وفي هواتفم وفي حواسبهم ..يزنون مع عشيقاتهم ثم يرجمنهن بالحجارة ..

ولا يكتفون بهذا بل يمزجون الجنس بلحاهم وبأفكارهم ويحاولون تصدير كبتهم عبر فتاوى شيوخهم المهوسون به ..

عندما كانوا ينسجون أساطيرهم بوادي الجن وضع أجدادنا العظماء أول دستور في البشرية ..كان أجدادي يسكنون القصور ويشربون الخمور في أواني الفضة والذهب كانوا يشيّدون المعابد والمسارح ويلتقون فيها للتٌسامر وتبادل المعارف وإقامة الألعاب و المسابقات والمناظرات الفكرية ..كانوا يبنون المكاتب قبل المطابخ ..كانت روما أعتى الإمبراطوريات تَرهَبُهم وتغار من تقدّم القرطاجين و الفينيقيين و من اِنفتاحهم ..
لو كتبت بحراً من الكلمات لم وصفت حضارة أجدادي ..

يا معشر الأعراب هيا عودوا إلى خيامكم وإبلكم واِنكحوة ما لذّ وطاب من جواركم وغلمانكم واِبتعدو عن أرضنا وشمسنا وبحرنا فأوطاننا أطهر من أن يدنّسها أمثالكم.


Message from #Anonymouse to #Qatar


Egypt book blasts Brotherhood, becomes best-seller

#Egypt Egyptian book blasts Muslim Brotherhood and becomes a best-seller

An Egyptian lawyer whose dissenting voice got him thrown out of the Muslim Brotherhood examines what he calls the group's hidden radicalism in a book that has become a best-seller in Cairo.
Tharwat al-Khirbawy's "Secret of the Temple" has been dismissed by Brotherhood leaders as part of a smear campaign.
But its success points to a deep mistrust harboured by some Egyptians towards a once-outlawed movement that has moved to the heart of power since Hosni Mubarak was toppled and its candidate secured the presidency.
In its 12th print run since November, the book is being sold in upmarket shops and on street corners, pointing to a thirst for information about a group whose inner workings remain a mystery months after President Mohamed Mursi came to power.
Expelled from the group a decade ago, Khirbawy says he aims to expose dictatorship and extremism inside the Brotherhood. In the process, he has joined a media war being waged to shape views in Egypt's deeply polarised political landscape.
Asked to comment on the book, one senior Muslim Brotherhood leader dismissed its content as "fallacies". Another said that to comment on such a book would be a waste of time.
"I want to make all people know the reality about the Brotherhood," Khirbawy said in an interview with Reuters.
Khirbawy sees the way he was kicked out of the Brotherhood as an illustration of the group's authoritarian streak.
He was disciplined in 2001 at a "Brotherhood court" for publishing three articles that criticised the group for not engaging with other opposition parties - a criticism still levelled at the Brotherhood today. "The Brotherhood does not know the virtue of differences of opinion," he said.
Demonised for decades by Egypt's military-backed autocracy, the Brotherhood sees such attacks as propaganda concocted by opponents who have struggled to get organised and carve out their place in the new order.
But Khirbawy's arguments resonate among those Egyptians who believe the Brotherhood aims to subvert new freedoms for their own ends to set up a new Islamist autocracy - a view hardened late last year when Mursi unilaterally expanded his powers.
Khirbawy has been extensively interviewed by independent Egyptian media that are broadly critical of the Brotherhood.
In his book, he explores the ideology of Mursi and the small group of leaders at the top of the movement, examining their devotion to Sayyid Qutb, a radical ideologue executed in 1966 for plotting to kill president Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Qutb, a Brotherhood leader, formulated some of the most radical ideas in political Islam. These included the idea that modern-day Muslim societies were living in a pre-Islamic state of ignorance. His most radical work, written while he was in prison, advocated violence to bring about change.
Mursi is on the record as defending Qutb as a thinker "who liberates the mind and touches the heart". In a 2009 talk show appearance posted on YouTube last year, Mursi said Qutb "finds the real vision of Islam that we are looking for".
Among Brotherhood watchers, it is no secret that the Brotherhood's current leadership were heavily influenced by Qutb, who also wrote more broadly on Islam.
But "trying to give the impression that Mursi is a Qutbist is an exaggeration" said Khalil al-Anani, an expert on Islamist movements. "Yes they are influenced by him in terms of the purity of ideas, but not in terms of believing in violence or judging people as non-believers," he said.
Brotherhood spokesman Ahmed Aref said the movement, like all groups, had rules that must be respected, adding that it was not the first time a member had left over the years and spoken out. "The difference this time is the media," he said.
A well-oiled campaign machine and grass-roots support base helped the Brotherhood sweep the first post-Mubarak parliamentary vote at the end of 2011, but the assembly was disbanded in June when Egypt's highest court declared the election rules unconstitutional.
Suspicion that the Brotherhood plans to dominate Egypt means the group may find it harder to win votes as fresh parliamentary elections near.
"They don't have people who can explain themselves in a good way, particularly those who talk to the Egyptian public," said Anani. "There is a huge gap of mistrust."
(Writing by Tom Perry; Editing by Tom Pfeiffer)


One of the biggest reasons for the fall of the Arab civilizationاحد اكبر الاسباب لسقوط الحضارة العربية #مصر #العراق #سوريا #اليمن #السعودية #Egypt #iraq #Syria #Yemen #Saudi #ksa #Kuwait #Tunisia

One of the biggest reasons for the fall of the Arab civilization
احد اكبر الاسباب لسقوط الحضارة العربية

تكفير العلماء و الفلاسفة باسم الدين

هؤلاء بعضٌ من كثير من العلماء الأُوَل في الدولة الإسلامية والذين وضعوا أساسيات الكثير من العلوم التطبيقية وأضافوا لما كان موجودا لديهم بعد انفتاح الدولة الإسلامية في عهد المأمون على العالم ، وترجمة كتب الفلاسفة والمفكرين والمبدعين ، وعليهم سار نهج من برع من علماء العرب والمسلمين بعد ذلك ... ويشهد التاريخ على حرق العديد من الكتب لعلماء قدامى كبار وسجنهم وقتلهم بسبب فلسفتهم وآرائهم .

ولو كانت سهام التكفير وتنفير الناس منهم لم تطَلْهم بسبب آرائهم الدينية وفلسفتهم ؛ لكان العالم قد عرف التطور التكنولوجي على يد المسلمين من مئات السنين ، ولكن الخواء الفكري المبني على الطائفية والتعصب للماضي هو الذي يخلق أُمما هشة تتداعى عليها الأمم الأخرى كما تتداعى الأكلة على قصعتها .


محمد بن موسى بن شاكر : فيلسوف منجم موسيقي

نصير الدين الطوسي : ملحد نصير الكفر والشرك

البيروني : كافر لأنه ناقش مسألة التنبؤ بالطقس

الحسن بن الهيثم :ملحد خارج عن الإسلام

فخر الدين الرازي : عابد للكواكب والأوثان

ابن ملكا البغدادي : فيلسوف لكنه كان يميل إلى أهل السنة

قطب الدين الشيرازي : صوفي

كمال الدين الفارسي: مثله مثل مدرسه الملحد نصير الطوسي


العباس بن فرناس : فيلسوف، موسيقي، مغنٍ، منجّم

ابن عبدوس : قيل أنه ادعى الألوهية

المجريطي : من الملحدين المجانبين لطريق الإسلام

الطغراني :اتهم بالإلحاد

جابر بن حيان : مشكوك في وجوده ، وإن كان موجودا فهو من كبار السحرة في هذه الملة

الطب :

أبو بكر الرازي : من كبار الزنادقة الملاحدة

ابن سينا : ملحد ضال

ابن رشد : تك تكفيره من البعض واحتار البعض الآخر فيه

ابن اسحق الكندي : ضال متهم في دينه

الرياضيات :

ثابت بن قرة : صابئ كافر، فيلسوف مات على الكفر

ابن البنا : شيخ المغرب في الفلسفة والتنجيم والسحر

الخوارزمي : من كبار المنجّمين

عمر الخيام : ملحد

مستغرب .. وشايف ان فيه مبالغة .. جرب تعمل سيرش على كل اسم وتشوف اراء ابن تيمية او ابن القيم او الغزالى او ابن حجر فى الاسامى المذكورة .. وانت هتتفاجىء اكتر

ملحوظة :اسامى الشيوخ الى ذكرتها هى الى اتبنى عليها الفكر الوهابى السلفى

Atone scientists and philosophers in the name of religionHere are some of the many scientists first in the Islamic state and those who put the basics of a lot of Applied Sciences and added what was there to have been opened in the Islamic state in the era of safe on the world, and translation of books philosophers, thinkers and creators, and they marched approach excelled from Muslim and Arab scholars thereafter. .. History attests to the burning of several books for veterans senior scientists and jailed and killed because of their philosophy and their opinions.Had Arrows atonement and alienate people whom did not Ttalhm because of their religious and philosophy; the world would have known technological development at the hands of Muslims for hundreds of years, but emptiness intellectual based on sectarianism and intolerance of the past is what creates the nations fragile crumbling upon other nations also crumbling eaters to bowl.PhysicsMuhammad ibn Musa bin Shaker: philosopher mine musicianNasir al-Din Tusi: Atheist Naseer kufr and shirkBiruni: infidel that he had discussed the issue of weather forecastingIbn al-Haitham: Atheist out of IslamFakhr al-Din al-Razi: Abid of the planets and idols'm King-Baghdadi: philosopher, but he was inclined to SunnisQutbuddin Shirazi: SophieKamal Persian religion: atheist like School Nasir TusiChemistryAbbas Ibn Firnas: philosopher, musician, singer, mineI'm Abdus: said to have claimed divinityElmejraiti: atheists Majanpin by IslamTgrana: accused of atheismJabir: questionable in existence, though it exists it is of the top magicians in the MilliMedicine:Abu Bakr al-Razi: senior heretics atheistsIbn Sina: Atheist strayIbn Rushd: Tech kaafir some and puzzled others when'm Canadian Yitzhak: stray accused in religionMathematics:
Thabit ibn Qurra: Sabi infidel, philosopher died on disbelief

Ibn al-Banna: Sheikh Morocco in philosophy, astrology, magicAlgorithm: senior quarterbacksOmar Khayyam: AtheistStrange .. Net exaggerate .. Try working DisplaySearch each name and show the views of Ibn Taymiyyah, values ​​or Ghazali or Ibn Hajar mentioned RACE .. You Httfajye AktarNote: Asami Senate to mentioned is I adopt Wahhabi Salafist