‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات freedom. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات freedom. إظهار كافة الرسائل


#FreeSpeechStories #France accused of 'double standards'

Tens of thousands of fans of the French comic Dieudonne - often criticised as anti-Semitic - are making claims of hypocrisy and double standards after French authorities opened up dozens of cases against people accused of justifying terrorism.

Fans of the controversial comedian reacted angrily after he was arrested and charged with condoning terrorism for a remark on his a Facebook page: "je me sens Charlie Coulibaly" ("I feel like Charlie Coulibaly").
The remark, which has since been taken down, was a mash-up of the#JeSuisCharlie tag and the name of Amedy Coulibaly, the man who killed a policewoman near a Jewish school and four people at a Jewish supermarket in Paris. Dieudonne later defended the remark by saying he felt like he was being persecuted by authorities as if he were a terror suspect.
"Freedom of expression is dead, but its funeral on Sunday was pretty!!" said one of the comedian's Facebook fans, referring to the enormous march through Paris in support of Charlie Hebdo.
"WHAT HYPOCRISY!!!!!" shouted another commentator. "You can legally caricature and insult the prophet and the Muslim world: the oligarchy calls this freedom of expression ... We are in a pseudo-democratic dictatorship."

Dieudonne is a comedian with a history of making crude jokes about the Holocaust (and occasionally getting into legal trouble). He has a huge following on social media including more than 900,000 Facebook fans. Most of the comments on his page were in support of the comedian, and his name was trending briefly on Twitter earlier in the week, but there were a few fans who thought Dieudonne had crossed a line.
"There is a big difference between freedom of expression and incitement to hatred," said one fan. "He knew what to expect ... Charlie Hebdo made caricatures of the prophet that I haven't agreed with, it has made a mockery of the prophet, made some laugh, shocked others, but there was no incentive to hatred and this is a big difference."

The arrest of Dieudonne was just one of dozens of cases - up to 100according to one estimate - opened by the French authorities since the attacks. Some people have even been jailed already under fast-track legislation that was passed last year.
In a typical year, only one or two people are arrested for speaking out in favour of terrorism, said Emmanuel Pierrat, a French media lawyer and member of PEN International, which supports free expression.
Pierrat told BBC Trending that free speech is an idea at the core of the French nation, but one that in his view has been eroded over the years by exceptions for things including hate speech.
"We have weakened the principle of freedom of speech, for good intentions, but without thinking about the consequences. We need to think about how we can recover the idea of freedom of speech after an event that is so emotional, like the one in Paris (last week)," he said.
He cautioned however, that Dieudonne's statements could not be directly compared with the Charlie Hebdo cartoons showing the Prophet Muhammad.
"One thing is for sure, in France you can make drawings or speeches against ideology or against religion. The French revolution of 1789 abolished the crime of blasphemy" and courts have consistently upheld the legality of speech directed at religions or historical religious figures, he says.
Pierrat, who represented Michel Houellebecq when the author wascleared of charges of religious hate speech against Muslims in 2002, says the Dieudonne case will be difficult to judge given the ambiguity of the comedian's outburst. But he says he believes the authorities are made a mistake by arresting him. A trial is scheduled for next month.

"If Dieudonne wins, he will be like a hero," Pierrat says. "It will gives a lot of young people the idea that he is a champion of Muslims or immigrants ... he's no longer a comedian or an actor, but instead his audiences are far-right sympathisers."
"What makes me somewhat afraid is that French justice is speeding up when it comes to these questions," he says. "Like Americans after 11 September, the worry is that judgments are coming too quickly, and influenced by a very emotional event."

Blog by Mike Wendling


#JE SUIS MOAMED Prophet (pbuh) Why I’m NOT Charlie - #Muslim Response #ISLAM ‪#‎WholsMuhammad‬

من هو رسول الله محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ؟
He is the one who defended the rights of all humanity 1400 years ago.
هو الذي دافع عن حقوق كل البشر منذ 1400 عام.
He defended men's, women's and children rights
حفظ حقوق الرجال وحقوق النساء وحقوق الصغار
He commanded and fostered the love between relatives and neighbors
أمر بالحب والود بين الأقارب والجيران
He established a coexistence relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims
وأسس علاقة تعايش بين المسلمين وغير المسلمين
He organized the relationship between the members of the family putting duties on sons and daughters towards the parents
ونظم العلاقات الأسرية التي تضمن للأب وللأم حقوق كبيرة وعظيمة على أبنائهم
He fought injustice, called for justice, love, unity and cooperation for the good.
منع الظلم ودعا للعدل و المحبة والتكاتف والتعاون للخير
He called for helping the needy, visiting the patients, love and exchanging advises between people.
دعا لمساعدة المحتاج وزيارة المريض والمحبة والتناصح بين الناس
He prohibited (by orders from God) bad manners such as stealing, lying, torturing and murdering.
منع على المسلمين المعاملات السيئة مثل السرقة والغش والقتل والظلم
He is the one who changed our lives and manners to be better.
إنه من غير حياتنا وطباعنا السيئة إلى حسنة
A Muslim doesn't steal
المسلم .. لا يسرق
A Muslim doesn't lie
المسلم لا يكذب
A Muslim doesn't drink alcohol.
المسلم لا يشرب الخمر
A Muslim doesn't commit adultery
المسلم لا يزنى
A Muslim doesn't cheat
المسلم لا يغش
A Muslim doesn't kill innocent people
المسلم لا يقتل الأبرياء
A Muslim doesn't harm his neighbors
المسلم لا يؤذي جارة
A Muslim obeys his parents and helps them
المسلم يبر بوالديه و يخدمهما
A Muslim is kind to young and elderly people, to women and to weak people.
المسلم يعطف على الصغار وعلى النساء وعلى الضعفاء وكبار السن
A Muslim doesn't torture humans or even animals, and does not harm trees
المسلم لا يعذب البشر ولا الحيوانات ولا يؤذي الأشجار
A Muslim loves his wife and takes care of his children and show mercy towards them until the last day of his life.
المسلم يرحم ويحب زوجته ويهتم و يعطف عل أبناءه حتى آخر يوم من عمره
A Muslim's relationship towards his children never stops even when they become adults
المسلم لا تنتهي علاقته بأولاده بعد سن الرشد أبدا
He is Muhammad (PBUH)
إنه محمد رسول الله صل الله عليه وسلم
Did you know why all Muslims love Muhammad (PBUH)?
هل عرفتم لماذا يحب كل المسلمون محمد صل الله عليه وسلم؟
Did you know what does Muhammad mean for Muslims?
هل عرفتم ماذا يعنى محمد صل الله عليه وسلم للمسلمين؟
Every Muslim loves Muhammad (peace be upon him) more than himself and more than everything in his life.
كل مسلم يحب محمد صل الله عليه وسلم أكثر من كل شئ
Before judging a Muslim be fair and:
قبل أن تحكم علي أي مسلم كن محايد:
1-Listen to this person, and watch his doings.
1- أسمع منه هو شخصياً ، أستمع الي أفكاره ومعتقداته ولاحظ أفعله.
2-Compare his ideas and teachings with what is Islam and Prophet Mohammad PBUH ordered.
2-قم بمقارنة أفكاره ومعتقداته بما دعا له الإسلام.
3-If you think that his thoughts are typical to that of Islam and Prophet Mohammad PBUH, and then compare them with his doings; is he applying these teachings?
3- إذا تطابقت أفكاره ومعتقداته مع ما دعا له الإسلام فأنظر إلي أفعاله، هل هي متطابقة مع أفكاره ومعتقداته؟
4-If he is applying these teachings and sayings, so for sure represents Islam, if not then he calls himself a Muslim but doesn't represent Islam.
4- إذا كانت أفعاله تطابق أفكاره ومعتقداته فهو يمثل الإسلام، إذا كانت تتناقض فهو يدعي أنه مسلم ولكن لا يمثل الإسلام
Hint: Prophet Mohammad is the best Muslim, no Muslim can be as perfect as he was, Muslims try their best to be the typical Muslim like Prophet Mohammad PBUH but sometimes they disobey God and Prophet Mohammad PBUH as they are normal humans who are subject to do wrong but the repent and get back to the right path.

Why I’m NOT Charlie - Muslim Response

The hypocrisy of freedom of speech and how to properly defend the honour of our Prophet.

Must watch and share.


دول مين و دول مين 18+ free speech or free Insult!18

كراهية و عنصرية حتى النخاع ارهاب حرية الفكر 
دية مش اول كرتون لكن 
ة التانى دلوقتى كل الى عملتة انى قلبتة بس مش اكتر ركز بقى شوية فى صورة الوش و العمة!! هاة شايف اية ايوة عضو >كرى بس كدة 

اة مش اول مرة رسولك الكريم يترسم كرتون وسخ وانت بتتفرج على عرب ايدول و تقعد تحت البطانية وتدفى طيزك
الاخ مسلم ,سلفى , اخوانى,علمانى , ملحد
المهم تخاليك كول ومش ارهابى فى فكرك او داعشى اوعى اة لحسن تتلسع فى طيزك 
ومالة!!! بس حريتك تنتهى لم تدخل على حريتى فى معتقد و ايمانى وعدم احترامك وجهالك و المعرصينن يقولو حرية الراى والتعبير لا دة اسمة حرية الوقاحة  و الوساخة بلا حدود 
لية دلوقتى فرنسا تعمل كدة و مين المستفيد!!
يا ترى الاسلام استفد حاجة ! لا 
المسحيين استفدوا حاجة !! لا
الصهاينة اول مستفيد

 او خاليك فى صافيناز و الشلة و اوعى تفكر و تفتح عينك  

 انت جاى تستفز 3 مليار مسلم فى العالم فى الوقت الى الاسلام بتحارب حتى فى الدول العربية وانهيار اقوى دول عربية و تقسيم
سيكس بيكو جديد على حسبالبشرية كلة كل علشان خاطر عيونة!! كلهم فى خدمتة و سكوتك اكبر خدمة لية كل بيلعب دورة وبيجهز  
لية وبيخدمة كويس بعلم او بدون علم 

فرنسا هتبعت كل اسطولة البحرى الاسبوع الى جاى على سواحل سوريا لضرب وانهاء سوريا بالكامل!!
فرنسا بتاخد من ثارة من الدولة العثمانية وصلاح الدين  اية لسة الكلام مش واضح يا بهوات بجد  
قادريين ينسوة و هو عهد عليهم فى كل حرب صليبية انه تكون مدخلهم من سوريا من اول حرب صليبية لحد دلوقتى دور ف اقوى 

االادوار ديما فى مثلث الحروب الصليبية

 لو حرية تعبير كانا شوفنا مرة واحد فرنسا او الالمانية تعمل كارتون ضد الصهاينة 

و فى نفس الوقت و العالم كل مشغول فى داعش و كرتون فرنسا القدس بيتضيع اكتر و عرفت العالم اننا مسلمين و عرب ارهابيين !

 مكملين يا اولاد القحبة طول ما لسة فين نفس

مجموعة المنافقيين
و للتدوينة باقى ,,,,,,,,,


نهاية 2014 وبداية 2015

اممممممممم هتكلام على مصر الاول
احية طبعا على سنة 2014 من اولة لحد اخرة والى جاى اسود من الى فات و الى مش شايف دة اكيد ابن كلب اعمى اة او معرص و مستفيد من الى بيحصل و دول كتير اوى , طبعا فشخ الاخوان و مرسى والوسخة دية و السيسى و المجلس المعرص بتاع مبارك الى فعلا ركب على ثورة يناير 2011 الى شوفنا فية العجب و دم و عيون راحت للاسف ان الشعب ابن متناكة بطبعة طول عمرة شعب بيحي يعيش عبد ويعشق حياة العبودية و دة من ايام الفراعنة فا تقريبا دة فى الجينات المصريين انهم عبيد وبس.........
الى يزعل يخبطة فى الحيطة
يعنى بعد كل الى الى ماتوا والى راحت عيونهم و فى الاخر مبارك وعصابتة براة و الداخلية حمامة سلام, و احنا بقينا شعب بيتعاقب عقاب جماعى طبعا علشان شبابة فكر فى حريتة , كرامة ولقمة عيش لا اكتر ولا اقل بس ازى ما هما شعب عبيد

وطلع المعرصيين زى ما فى كل تاريخ طلع مبارك و عصابتة اطهر من الطاهرة نفسة والشعب هو المتهم اة هو كدة  ما هو قضاء مصر شامخ وعادل 

الى الواحد بيشوفة وبيسمعة وبقى يحصل و قطع الكهرباء  والقرف و الاشعار و عدم الامان و يا كدة يا هتبقى زى سوريا وليبيا ونجيب لك داعش هاة اختار انت بقى !! يا الوسخ يا الاوسخ

و الشعب دماغة اتغسلت وباقى تايهة و اتلعبت نفس اللعبة شعب ابن عرص بطبعة يا حب يكون عبد للفرعون وبس
الكرف التلات 
السيسى لم يحكم مصر أو أى عرص منهم هيفشخوا المصريين بسبب الثورة هيكدرونا و يفقرونا وهياخدو قروض من البنك الدولى و قروض من طوب الارض و دة هي سبب تتضخم  يعنى الدولار الى ب٦ هيبقى ب ٢٠ و ممكن ٣٠ جنية !!!!يعنى اكتر من ¾ سعر مصر يدخلوا الفقر....
غير شوية مشاريع وهمية فنكوش كبارى،مدن جديدة،مفاعل نووي أو والله لزوم تخليد فخامة الرئيس..
 و ممكن يدخلوا فى حرب وهمية مع دولة او مجموعات إرهابية مسلحة وهميةعلشان الى يفتح بقة يبقى عميل و خاين و من اعداء الوطن و طبعا هما مش هيفشخوا الشعب بس لا ابدا دة الهدف تدمير مصر و ثرواتة و ارضة تخيل لم الواقع يفشخ الخيال لم يتم بيع أرض مصر علشان نقدر نسدد ديون مصر 
و تجفيف كل موارد الدولة و اولهم النيل طبعا و الآثار هتكون للبيع عادى و شوية يتم إعلان إفلاس مصر و قتة الى هيحكم مصر هنا أصحاب الديون السيادية طبعا الامارات و السعودية و من خلف الستار اسرائيل 
و شعب مصر وقتة مش هتقدر يقول لا علشان بقى متعودة
هبقى اكمل بعدينا لحس اتبضنت ...............


#Egypt #Ikhwan #MB killed his own protesters to incite civil war

Video Egypt- Ikhwan( Brotherhood) killed his own protesters to incite civil war

So- called Islamic- faced Morsi’s brotherhood trying to incite civil war and this video prove everything




#30June Get ready for A revolution against the Muslim Brotherhood #Tamarod

 Tamarod ,the rebellious mother movement of the upcoming 30 June protests launched today the 30 June Front. That front is an attempt to have a political cover for the protests despite the founders of that front made it clear in a press conference that they do not represent all revolutionaries or political powers.
Now the 30 June Front presented a roadmap for Egypt after Mohamed Morsi as Tamarod believes that it is going to oust him on 30 June through petitions. The 6 months transitional period roadmap is as follows after getting rid from MB and Morsi :

  • To appoint an independent Prime minister that represents 25 Revolution.
  • To assign this prime minister with all the executive powers of the president and he will head a technocrat government whose main mission is to fix economy and adopt social justice policies.
  • To assign the head of supreme constitutional court with the President’s protocol missions.
  • To dissolve the Shura council and to suspend the current constitution.
  • To form a new constituent assembly in order to draft a new constitution.
  • To have presidential elections by the end of the 6 months followed by parliamentary elections monitored by judges and surpervised internationally. 
  • The National defense council is responsible for national security.
  • -->
    It is worth to mention that the boys and girls of Tamarod have met with Heikal, the old fox twice in the past two weeks. Politically speaking this roadmap is perfect or rather was perfect for Egypt on 12 February 2011 if people were honest in having true democracy. There is one missing detail is how to reach this roadmap already.
    Now there are too many players with other roadmaps and agendas.
    The 30 June Front is founded by a number of revolutionary and political activists like Israa Abdel Fatah, Amr Salah, Mohamed Abdel Aziz, Ahmed Harara , Khaled El Belshy and other others.
    The press conference was attended by many of the famous faces from activists like Ahmed Harara, Karima El Khafny, Hossam Eissa , Khaled Dawood , Hossam Mounis, Mazhar Shahin and Nour El Huda Zaki.
    Here are couple of photos I took from the press conference.


    #Twitter notably absent from #NSA #PRISM list

    Twitter was notably missing from a leaked list of Internet giants reported to be cooperating with The National Security Agency and the FBI on the surveillance program dubbed PRISM.
    Those agencies are siphoning data from the servers of nine U.S. Internet companies including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube and Apple, according to news reports about the documents. The cloud storage device Dropbox was described as "coming soon," along with other unidentified firms.
    Google and Apple have both denied any knowledge of PRISM. Apple stated "any government agency requesting customer data must get a court order." Google said "we disclose user data to government in accordance with the law, and we review all such requests carefully.
    There may be two explanations for Twitter's absence.
    Twitter has a history of noncompliance and fighting information requests against its users. That may, in part, explain its absence from the list of companies disclosed Thursday. The leaks were reported by The Washington Post and The Guardian.
    --> The microblogging service notably defended Malcolm Harris last year. He was being prosecuted by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office on allegations of disorderly conduct related to an Occupy Wall Street protest on the Brooklyn Bridge.
    In that instance, Twitter filed a motion in state court in New York in an effort to quash a court order asking it to turn over his communications on Twitter.
    "As we've said many times before, Twitter users own their Tweets. They have a right to fight invalid government requests, and we stand with them in that fight. We appealed the Harris decision because it didn't strike the right balance between the rights of users and the interests of law enforcement," said Twitter spokesman Jim Prosser.
    --> -->
    Twitter is also currently embroiled in another legal skirmish to uphold the rights of user privacy. It's fighting a battle in France to not turn over information about users connected to complaints from a private French Jewish students group regarding anti-Semitic content.
    Twitter's Prosser points out that the company tries to be transparent with its semi-annual Transparency Report on government requests.
    Another explanation for Twitter's absense is that the bulk of its data — aside from direct messages — is publicly available in the form of tweets. That separates it from the likes of Yahoo and Google, which house years of personal emails and data on people.