‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Wahhabi. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Wahhabi. إظهار كافة الرسائل


Sexual harassment in Saudi Arabia up by 37% in 2017

Sexual harassment in Saudi Arabia up by 11.4% in 2016

A recent field study conducted by the “Institute for International Research”, a Canadian institute specializing in research and field studies in economic, political, and social fields, has revealed that sexual harassment in Saudi Arabia has increased 11.4% in 2016, compared to 2014.
The study, in which 120 thousand women from 49 countries took part in, found that there has been a sharp increase in those countries which also include Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Benin, Mali, Mauritania, and Uganda.

The study, which chose 15 thousand women from Saudi Arabia, found that 37% were subjected to verbal
sexual harassment, 34% to ogling, 36% to “numbering”, in which the harasser attempt to give his victim his phone number, and 25% to unwanted physical contact (touching parts of the body).
According to the study, the age of the women participating in it ranged between 12 to 38 years. Women were also harassed regardless of whether they were made-up or not, indicating that the predator does not care for the kind of victim.
The institute’s study also indicated that 46% of the women believed that their driving a car helps to a degree in raising women’s level of social security in Saudi society, and therefore banning them from driving makes them vulnerable to predation by drivers and bystanders in the streets.

The study shows that harassment in Saudi Arabia is much higher than countries less developed in terms of economy and security. Furthermore, this study only took into account Saudi women, and not foreign women residing in Saudi Arabia as there is need for another study that shows how these women are harassed in the kingdom. These women live under painful and difficult conditions working as maids, whose guarantors (kafeel) to harass them however they wish, and the law does not protect them.
4118 Saudi women came forth with sexual harassment charges in 2016 according to the Saudi Justice Ministry. 78% of the women taking part in the Institute for International Research’s study also believe that the real numbers of sexual harassment in Saudi Arabia are much higher than the ones declared by the government, because women are afraid of being beaten, violated, or of the negative way they may be viewed by their husbands, or by society, as coming forth to court to register such a charge is considered to be “sacrificing one’s honor.”
Harassment cases in 2016 were at 7.6/day according to official and non-official sources; meanwhile the Saudi Justice Ministry blames the foreigners for these numbers, whereas human rights organizations state that the harassment cases for which foreigners are guilty constitute only 19% of the cases. Reuters had published a report in 2014, placing Saudi Arabia in 3rd place among 24 countries in worksite sexual harassment cases, stating that 16% of women working in Saudi Arabia have been sexually harassed by their superiors at work. 92% of Saudi women have been harassed in one form or another according to a series of studies by Saudi researcher Noura al-Zahrani.
Saudi Arabia has no laws that protect harassed women, and most laws favor the men. Many extremist Wahhabi scholars such as the Kingdom’s Mufti Abedlaziz al-Sheikh and Sheikh ‘A’ed al-Qarni, Mohammad al-Arifi, and others, have stood against any attempts at reform for Saudi women, including the anti-harassment bill that was discussed a few years ago in the Shura council, and was later abandoned due to extremists rising against it saying “it helps spread the concept of intersex mingling in society.”
Saudi scholar Abdullah Dawood launched in May 2013 the “#Harass_Cashiers” hashtag, through which he called for harassing female employees and saleswomen in clothes shops; however he was not tried for his statements that violate humane and international laws.
The Saudi government has attempted to separate female and male workplaces, but apparently this step was very unsuccessful on the ground, and so the government claimed that the increase of harassment in society is due to the increase in the female workforce. Would this excuse convince the public?


Because we deserve to live in peace ‪#‎kefayawar‬ ‪#‎ouryemen‬ #Yemen

Nearly two weeks into a Saudi Arabia-led military assault on Yemen, that has rained down bombs on civilian neighborhoods and infrastructure while locking out food and medical aid, people within the country and across the global diaspora are turning to social media—and to the streets—to send a message to the world: Enough War. The online campaign Kefaya War (“enough war” in Arabic) calls for people across the globe to “end ALL fighting in Yemen & stand with The People, who refuse to be collateral damage in a battle for Power.” Since the bombings began March 26, the hashtag has received an outpouring of messages, from Scotland to Mexico to Yemen to the United States.
Protest at the White House April 5. (Photo courtesy of Rami Elamine)

thank you to the people of Pakistan for their incredible solidarity!
Posted by KefayaWar # OurYemen on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Sketch of Old Sana'a - "Solidarity from Turkey"
Posted by KefayaWar # OurYemen on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Solidarity from a #US war veteran - "I know that one war was two too many!" #KefayaWar
Posted by KefayaWar # OurYemen on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Crater -Aden is not Israel and people there are not Zionists #AdenRelief #Kefayawar
Posted by Alawiya Alsakkaf on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Bombs and human rights violations can never bring peace. Therefore, The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation stands with the...
Posted by The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation on Thursday, 9 April 2015

#KefayaWar from Noha in the UK, because I want to go home.. enough war, enough bloodshed!
Posted by KefayaWar # OurYemen on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Posted by Dr-Nasr Alshodby on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Posted by Dr-Nasr Alshodby on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Children have the right to live in safety #KefayaWar
Posted by Soraya Monassar on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Wishing you a smiley Thursday and more warmth and smiles to light up your life as we get closer and closer to Easter!...
Posted by Are you happy? on Thursday, 9 April 2015

#عاصفة_الكبسة #عاصفة_الحزم #اليمن #صنعاء #العدوان_السعودي يستهدف المؤسسة العامة للإتصالات ومنازل مجاورة في الجراف#YemenUnderAttack #Yemen #SaudiAirStrike #KefayaWar #Sanaa
Posted by Mohamed Algenaid on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Dear friends..Over the past few years, ALL of us living in the Arab world have been disillusioned, disappointed and...
Posted by Sara Ishaq on Friday, 3 April 2015

#KefayaWar #OurYemen After sleepless nights she decided to ignore the bombs.By Ethar Alshami http://t.co/sMrdPoxU4P
Posted by Soraya Monassar on Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Because we deserve to live in peace #kefayawar #ouryemen 
Posted by Amani Yahya on Wednesday, 8 April 2015


مكة المكرمة تحت التهديد ال سعود للتدمير الكعبة و تدمير بيت رسول الله والكعبة #السعودية #ksa

خطة لتدمير "مسقط" للنبي محمد واستبدالها قصر جديد ومراكز تجارية الفاخرة!!

بداء العد التنازلى لخطة ال سعود  بنى قيناقع  اكبر ثلاث قبائل يهودية فى المدينة المنورة و لم ينسوا دخول رسزل الله و المسلمين الى المدينة و حصارهم لهم فهما يضمرون الحقد والكراهية لكل مسلم حتى الان,,,,

وكانت خطتهم من نفاقهم للرسول وحتى الان و تدمير الاسلام والكعبة وان طال الامد  وانشاء مجمع تجارى وقصور لهم 
 اولا تم ردم مسقط راس سيدنا محمد رسول الله صلى الله علية وسلم بالرخام وبناء قصر ملكى لبنى صهيون , المشروع مقدم على ان يتم مشروع تحت اسم توسعة الحرم المكى من اجل المسلمين بمباركة كلاب السلفية  شيوخ السلاطين !!!

و الفرق بين ما كانت علية مكة وبيت الله الحرام وكيف اصبح




وكما هو موضح افى الصورة كيف اصبح بيت الله الحرام منتجع سياحى فاخر و تم هدم جميع الاثار الاسلامية بسبب كلاب الوهابية المتحكمين فى بيت الله وبيت المسلمين اجمعين هما وبنى صهيون

واغلب الفنادق حول الحرام المكى والمسجد الحرام ملك ال سعود اكبر بطن من بطون يهود العرب كما ذكر وتم سرقة ارضى المواطنين باسم الدين و قليل من المال من اجل بناء ناطحات السحاب و برج الساعة!!!

سؤال محير اتفاق علماء الوهابية الارهابيين على ان اى اثار للرسول والصحابة يجب ان يهدم و تمت الموافقة على بناء برج الساعة لكى تحمل اثار ال سعود!!!؟
و البرج ما هو الا نسخة من برج ساعة لندن بيج بين!!

قارن بنظرك هل هناك اى فرق!!؟؟ 

وليس مفاجاة ان تكون الشركة المنفذة للمشروع ساعة بنى صهيون هى شركة صهيونية
تم حفر انفاق ما بين الجبال للتوسع و تم استخدم متفجرات مما ادى الى تغيرات فى القشرة الارضية مما ادى الى تغير مسارات مياة زمزم  وبالفعل تغير طعم ماء زمزم وقل بنسبة 27% !!

اما بيت رسول الله صلى الله علية وسلام كما هو واضح مكانة فى الصورة تم بناء مكتب تابع للسطلة الوهابية الارهابية

وحتى غار حراء تم اغلاقة من عصابة الوهابية على انة اثار من سيدنا محمد صلى الله علية وسلم ويجب ان يمحى!!

House of Prophet Mohammad. After marrige Prophat Mohammad Lived in this house with Hazrat Khateeja R.A.

و هل تعلم ان من يقوم بتامين الحجاج هم شركة صهيوينة متعاقدة مع ال سعود واسمة G4S
وهى شركة عالمية و علية لغط مشاكل كبيرة فى كل دول اوربا بسبب انتهاكات حقوق الانسان !! و هى لا تفرق عن شركة بلاك وتر الامريكية صاحبة جرائم سجن ابو غريب!!
و كما تساهم الشركة فى مساعد الاحتلال الصهيونى فى القدس و تعمل مع الموساد و الشركة تم تاسيسة على ايدى ظباط سابقين من الموساد الصهيونى !!

السؤال كيف تحمى حجاج بيت الله الحرام و الامكان المقدسة بشركة صهيوينة !!! فكر قليلا!!

الحجّاج في حماية الشيطان.. شركة G4S لخدمة السعودية واسرائيل!!

    الوهابيون آل سعود أحد أنشط أفرع الصهيونية العربية تفضلوا وطالعوا كيف هؤلاء الصهاينة الوهابيون الحجّاج في حماية الشيطان.. شركة G4S لخدمة السعودية واسرائيل! 

    السؤال لمصلحة من ان يمحى تاريخ بداية الاسلام والاثار الاسلامية وبيت رسول الله صلى الله علية وسلم!!؟؟
    هل ال سعود بنى صهيون يملكون بيت الحرام!!
    اين السلمين 2 مليار مسلم ولا احد يتكلام!!

    يتابع ان شاء الله.....


    The Syrian child refugee whose photo hit a nerve online #Syria

    It is an everyday occurrence at border crossings out of Syria, but for four-year-old Marwan, it must have been terrifying.
    After being temporarily separated from his family at the remote Hagallat crossing on Sunday, he was found by staff from the UN's refugee agency.
    Andrew Harper, the head of the UN refugee agency UNHCR in Jordan, took the picture and posted it on Twitter, where it hit a nerve with many users.
    It was widely reposted online.
    But however heartbreaking the picture was, Mr Harper said, it was not unusual in the "chaos and confusion" of refugee border crossings.
    Most refugee groups were headed by mothers bringing several children and all their possessions out of Syria, he said.
    When the gates open, there is a crush as desperate refugees surge forward. Every day, children get lost.
    With UNHCR staff searching for them when the surge abates, they typically do not spend too long on their own.
    Mr Harper said Marwan was taken across and reunited with his mother about 10 minutes after this picture was taken.
    On Tuesday, he posted another photo on Twitter that shows Marwan was at the back of a group of refugees when he was met by UNHCR staff.

    Photograph showing Marwan among group of other Syrian refugees crossing border with Jordan (16 February 2014)The inset image shows Marwan was not far behind his family when met by UNHCR staff
    "He is separated - he is not alone," Mr Harper added.
    Crossing the border is a nervous time for the children and their families - one more trauma in the hellish journey from destroyed lives in Syria to an uncertain future as refugees in a foreign land.
    Most of the refugees crossing at Hagallat - which lacks even a proper road - came from Homs and al-Quaryatayn, and it was likely Marwan was from there too, said Mr Harper.
    He was just one of about 1,000 people who crossed into Jordan on that day alone.
    There are now 600,000 Syrian refugees registered with the UNHCR in Jordan, part of an estimated 2.4 million across the region as a whole.
    Smiling Syrian refugee children just inside the Jordanian borderA short distance inside Jordan, the mood of the children improved
    Malala Yousafzai visiting the border and helping refugees with their bags, as part of her campaign for children's educationMalala Yousafzai visited the border as part of her campaign for children's education
    It is not clear what the future holds for young Marwan.
    But with the mood of other refugee children one of relief once they cross the border, it is hoped that he, too, might look forward to a brighter future.
    Malala Yousafzai, the teenager who survived a Taliban assassination attempt in Pakistan and has become a global campaigner for children's education, was also at the border on Sunday.
    She witnessed emotional scenes at the border and, with her father, helped several refugees cross the no-man's land that separates the two nations.
    The Malala Fund is teaming up with local Jordanian and Syrian organisations to help Syrian children get an education.


    A Shameful Neglect

     Afghanistan's iniquities are grotesque. At Kabul University last week, zealots -- all men -- protested a law that would abolish child marriage, forced marriage, marital rape, and the odious practice, called ba'ad, of giving girls away to settle offenses or debts. Meanwhile, in jails all over the country, 600 women, the highest number since the fall of the Taliban, await trial on charges of such moral transgressions as having been raped or running away from abusive homes. 

    It is tempting to wring our hands at such obscene bigotry, to pity Afghanistan's women and vilify its men. Instead, we must look squarely at our own complicity in the shameful circumstances of Afghan women, billions of international aid dollars and 12 years after U.S. warplanes first bombed their ill-starred land.
    I have been traveling to Afghanistan since 2001, mostly to its hardscrabble hinterland, where the majority of Afghans live. Over the years, I have cooked rice and traded jewelry with Afghan women, cradled their anemic children, and fallen asleep under communal blankets in their cramped mud-brick homes. I have seen firsthand that the aid we give ostensibly to improve their lives almost never makes it to these women. Today, just as 12 years ago, most of them still have no clean drinking water, sanitation, or electricity; the nearest clinic is still often a half day's walk away, and the only readily available palliative is opium. Afghan mothers still watch their infants die at the highest rate in the world, mostly of waterborne diseases such as bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis, and typhoid.
    Instead of fixing women's lives, our humanitarian aid subsidizes Afghanistan's kleptocrats, erects miniature Versailles in Kabul and Dubai for the families of the elite, and buys the loyalty of sectarian warlords-turned-politicians, some of whom are implicated in sectarian war crimes that include rape. Yet, for the most part, the U.S. taxpayers look the other way as the country's amoral government steals or hands out as political kickbacks the money that was meant to help Afghan women -- all in the name of containing what we consider the greater evil, the Taliban insurgency. In other words, we have made a trade-off. We have joined a kind of a collective ba'ad, a political deal for which the Afghan women are the price.
    To be sure, a lot of well-meaning Westerners and courageous Afghans have worked very hard to improve women's conditions, and there has been some headway as far as women's rights are concerned. The number of girls signed up for school rose from just 5,000 before the U.S.-led invasion to 2.2 million. In Kabul and a handful of other cities, some women have swapped their polyester burqas for headscarves. Some even have taken jobs outside their homes. But here, too, progress has been uneven. A fifth of the girls enrolled in school never attend classes, and most of the rest drop out after fourth grade. Few Afghan parents prioritize education for their daughters because few Afghan women participate in the country's feudal economy, and because Afghan society, by and large, does not welcome education for girls or emancipation of women. To get an idea about what the general Afghan public thinks of emancipation, consider this: the post-2001 neologism "khanum free" -- "free woman," with the adjective transliterated from the English -- means "a loose woman," "a prostitute." In villages, women almost never appear barefaced in front of strangers.
    Doffing their burqas is the least of these women's worry. Their real problem is the intangible and seemingly irremovable shroud of endless violence. It stunts infrastructure and perpetuates insecurity and fear. It deprives women of the basic human rights we take for granted: to have enough food and drinking water that doesn't fester with disease; to see all of their children live past the age of five. The absence of basic necessities and the violence that has concussed Afghanistan almost continuously since the beginning of recorded history are the main reasons the country has the fifth-lowest life expectancy in the world. The war Westerners often claim to be fighting in the name of Afghan women instead helps prolong their hardship -- with little or no compensation. And now, as the deadline for the international troop pullout approaches, the country is spinning toward a full-blown civil war. A handful of hardline men shouting slogans at Kabul University fades in comparison.
    How to help Afghan women? The road to their wellbeing begins with food security, health care that works, and a government that protects them against sectarian violence. Right now, none of these exist. I wish I could offer an adequate solution to the tragic circumstances of the women of Afghanistan's back-of-beyond. There does not appear to be one. Hurling yet more aid dollars into a intemperate funnel that will never reach their villages is not the answer: there is little reason to believe that we can count that such funding would be spent on creating enough mobile clinics to pay regular visits to remote villages; build roads that would allow the women and their families easy access to market; facilitate sanitation projects that would curb major waterborne diseases. The impending troop withdrawal means that women's security will likely go from bad to worse.
    Is it possible to ensure that some of the funding we now hand to Karzai and Co. -- an estimated $15.7 billion in 2010-2011, according to the CIA (and that's not counting the infamous ghost money) -- is distributed among the small non-profits that actually are trying to make life in Afghanistan livable, organizations that create mobile clinics to pay regular visits to remote villages, build roads that allow villagers easier access to market, facilitate sanitation projects that curb major waterborne diseases? This could be a start, but only if these organizations continue to work in Afghanistan after NATO troops leave. That, too, is in question now: this week an attack against the International Committee for Red Cross led the organization to suspend its operations in the country for the first time in almost 30 years. But wringing our hands at Afghan women's abysmal state and shaky social status is not a way out. It is a navel-gazing conversation that avoids looking squarely at our role in perpetuating the very dire condition we condemn


    Arabs Live in UK and say ''UK Go to HELL''

    Can you believe this? They are living in United Kingdom and hate it and say "UK go to Hell!

    the question is that why they are still living there?

    If possible please comment in English to other people see what is the difference between Iranians and MUSLIMS opinion!!! ("Iranians" means normal people NOT government


    كيف أصبح آل سعود عرباً ؟


    كيف أصبح آل سعود عرباً ؟

    يتشدق آل سعود بالصلة النبوية و أنهم من قبيلة عنزة العربيّة وذلك لتغطية مؤامرتهم على الأمّة و على أصلهم اليهودي المنحدر من بنى قينقاع ، الذين ساهموا بدهائهم وأموالهم ورجالهم الأجراء في هزيمة الرّسول وإصابته بجروح في معركة أحد ، هذا إلى جانب حصار الماء الشّهير حيث كانت الرأسمالية اليهودية تسيطر على كل آبار المدينة عندما منعوا النبي و قومه من الشّرب مما جعله ...صلى الله عليه و سلّم يطلب من عثمان بن عفان أن يشتري منهم نصف البئر لتشرب العرب و لينهي حصارهم .

    و ما طرق اليهود الخبيثة الأولى و الحالية إلا نفس الطرق الخبيثة التي يسلكها سليلي بني قينقاع عائلة آل سعود ...
    --> في عام 1473 م بدأ تاريخ إنتساب بنى قينقاع للعرب حين سافر ركب من عشيرة المساليخ من قبيلة عنزة العربيّة النّجديّة لجلب الحبوب من العراق وفي البصرة ذهب أفراد الركب لشراء حاجاتهم من تاجر حبوب يهودي أسمه مردخاى بن إبراهيم بن موشى و أثناء مفاوضات البيع سألهم اليهودي عن أصلهم فأبلغوه بأنهم من قبيلة عنزة وما كاد يسمع بهذا الإسم حتى أخذ يعانق كل واحد منهم بحرارة و يضمه إلى صدره مدّعياً بإنه من نفس القبيلة و أنّه جاء إلى العراق منذ مدة بسبب خصام وقع بين والده و أفراد من القبيلة و قد إستقرّ به المطاف في البصرة ، وما أن خلص من سرد روايته التي إختلقها حتى أمر خدمه بتحميل إبل أبناء عمومته بالقمح و التمر و الأرز فطارت عقول شيوخ العشيرة لهذا الكرم و قد صدقوا بأنه إبن عم لهم .

    --> وما أن عزم ركب قبيلة عنزة على الرحيل حتى طلب منهم اليهودي مردخاى أن يرافقهم إلى بلاده المزعومة فرحب به الركب أحسن ترحيب ، و هكذا وصل اليهودي إلى نجد حيث عمل لنفسه الكثير من الدعاية عن طريقهم على أساس أنه أبن عم لهم و لكنّه وجد مضايقة من عدد كبير من أبناء نجد لمعرفتهم بتاريخ قبائلهم و شكّهم في صدق روايته مما إضطرّه إلى مغادرة القصيم إلى الإحساء و هناك حرف إسمه إلى مرخان بن إبراهيم .

    وكانت ميزته و أهله أنهم على عادة يهود الدّونمة يعتمرون الطرابيش الحمراء ويُطلقون لحاهم ويحلقون رؤسهم (لذلك كان البدو يُطلقون على آل سعود أحفاد حُمر الطرابيش)..

    ثم انتقل اليهودي مردخاي بن إبراهيم بن موشي إلى مكان قرب القطيف فأطلق عليه إسم الدرعية تيمناً بدرع علي بن أبي طالب التي سقطت منه في خروجه لحرب معاوية فتحوّزها يهودياً و قضى له فيها القضاء و بعد ذلك عمل مردخاى على الإتصال بالبادية لتدعيم مركزه إلى حد إنه نصّب نفسه عليها ملكاً ، لكن بعض القبائل عرفوا بوادر الجريمة اليهودية وحاولوا قتله لكنه نجا منهم و عاد إلى نجد مرة أخرى حتى و صل إلى أرض المليبد قرب الرياض فطلب الجيرة من صاحب الأرض فأواه و أجاره لكن هذا اليهودي مردخاى لم ينتظر أكثر من شهر حتى قتله و استولى عليها و أطلق عليها إسم الدرعية مرة أخرى و تظاهر بإعتناق الإسلام و دفع لتجّار الدّين و روّات الأنساب بالذّهب و الفضّة ليدعون له و ليزيّفوا التّاريخ و يزوروا في الأنساب و يختلقون له نسباً يصله ببكر بن وائل من بني أسد بن ربيعه و يزعمون أنّه من أصل النّبي العربي محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد المطّلب صلى الله عليه و سلّم.

    و قد عمّر مردخاي بن إبراهيم بن موشي، الذي أصبح إسمه مرخان بن إبراهيم بن موسى بن ربيعه بن مانع بن ربيعه المريدي وينتهي نسبه إلى بكر بن وائل من بني أسد بن ربيعه، عمّر الدرعية وأخذ يتزوج بكثرة من النساء و الجواري و أنجب عدداً من الأولاد و أخذ يسميهم بالأسماء العربية المحلية ، وقد أنجب إبنه "المقرن" الذي جاء معه من البصرة ولداً أسماه "محمد" ، وأنجب بدوره "سعود" الذي أنجب بدوره ولداً أسماه "محمّد" ، والذي صار فيما بعد إماماً للمسلمين ، وهو الإسم الذي عرفت به عائلة آل سعود ، وقد إلتقى الأمام محمد بن سعود بن محمد بن مقرن بن مرخان ( 1744 - 1765 م ) بإمام آخر أسمه محمد بن عبد الوهاب بن سليمان بن علي بن شلومان قرقوزي ( 1703 - 1792) صاحب الدعوة الوهابية و الذي ينحدر هو الآخر من أسرة يهودية من يهود الدّونمة الذين فروا مع المسلمين من إسبانيا إلى تركيا و إندسوا بأمر من زعيمهم سباتاي زيفي على الإسلام بقصد الإساءة إليه و لتخريب الخلافة العثمانيّة و تفكيكها و التّغلغل في المجتمع العربي و التّنفّذ في دولة عندما تنشأ من تفكك دولة الخلافة ..

    المصدر : موقع البعث برس الإخباري التونسي