
Firework displays in cities around the world

Firework displays in cities around the world 





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(al-Ahed News) ~ About a week ago, Saudi warplanes committed a terrible massacre against a group of Yemeni fishermen on the Island of A’qban in the Province of al-Hadida, killing around 150 fishermen. 

بلاغ صحفي وتضامن#اوقفوا_قتل_الصيادين
Posted by ‎تجمع أحرار اليمن‎ on Thursday, 19 November 2015

#اوقفوا_قتل_الصيادين مجزرة صيادين الخوخة إلى قائمة مجازر الساحل الغربي .. والنوايا تكشفت لماذا ؟http://yalmashhad.com/news/2418
Posted by ‎المشهد اليمني الاول‎ on Thursday, 19 November 2015

#اوقفوا_قتل_الصيادينال سعود المجرمون..لا يمضي يوم إلا ويقتلون المستضعفين في يمن الإيمان والحكمة.كل يوم شهداء كل يوم جر...
Posted by ‎محمد ابو المجد‎ on Thursday, 19 November 2015

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100 GB of NASA space photos turned into epic 4K time-lapse

100GB of NASA space photos turned into epic 4K time-lapse

It took over 95,600 NASA photo files taken from the International Space Station and a month of meticulous photo editing to produce this epic high-definition time-lapse video.
The compilation work turned almost 110 Gigabytes of original material into some 40 minutes of raw footage in 4K resolution. Of those Dmitry Pisanko, a Russian photo blogger, selected four minutes of highlights.

New Horizons Pluto

New Horizons

Pluto Discovery Image
Date: 18 Feb 1930
Copy of sections of the original glass plates on which Pluto was discovered. The arrows show Pluto's movement against the background stars. Clyde Tombaugh discovered the icy world by blinking the plates back and forth on a machine called a blink comparator.
Note: This image is property of the Lowell Observatory Archives. Any public use requires written permission of the Lowell Observatory Archives.
Credit: Lowell Observatory Archives

Pluto shows its spots to Nasa probe

The science team on the American New Horizons mission to Pluto has released two colour views of the dwarf planet and its biggest moon, Charon.

They were made by combining pictures from the probe’s high-resolution, “black and white” camera, Lorri, and its lower-resolution, colour imager known as Ralph.

The difference in hue between Pluto and Charon is clear.
But what catches the eye are four dark spots on the 2,300km-wide dwarf planet.
Each spot is about 500km across. Quite why they should be so similar in size and spacing is not clear.
Their dominant placing is on the hemisphere that New Horizons will not see during its close flyby on 14 July.

However, there should be ample opportunity to study them in the days leading up to the encounter.
“It’s a real puzzle - we don’t know what the spots are, and we can’t wait to find out,” said New Horizons principal investigator, Alan Stern, of the Southwest Research Institute.
“Also puzzling is the longstanding and dramatic difference in the colours and appearance of Pluto compared to its darker and greyer moon Charon.”

If, as scientists think, Pluto and Charon are the products of a collision between two primitive bodies in the early Solar System, one might expect them to look more similar.
New Horizon’s flyby data will hopefully provide the answer.
The US space agency (Nasa) mission is now closing in on Pluto and its five moons.
The moment of closest approach on the 14th will take place at 11:49 GMT, when the probe is just 12,500km above the surface.

It is moving too fast - at 13.7km/s - to go into orbit, and it will simply scream past the dwarf and its satellites, gathering as much data as it can.
No pictures will be sent back to Earth on the day itself; the spacecraft will be too busy executing its pre-programmed observation campaign.
Instead, the first images from the flyby should be presented on the following day, on 15 July.
Controllers have decided not to alter the course of the probe.
They had been looking for icy debris in the vicinity of Pluto that might pose a collision hazard, but could find nothing obvious.
New Horizons was commanded to make a thruster burn earlier this week, to speed it up ever so slightly.
This will ensure the spacecraft reaches a precise point in space and time to carry out the pre-programmed observation sequence.
The probe must spin around to take pictures of all the different targets, and if its navigation is off by even a small amount it will be looking in the wrong direction at the critical moment.
On Thursday, New Horizons was just under 15 million km from Pluto, but 4.7 billion km from Earth.
The vast distance to the probe's home world means a radio signal takes about 4.5 hours from sending to receipt.


Egypt sees sandstorm and earthquake on the same day

Egypt sees sandstorm and earthquake on the same day

Egypt faced treacherous weather conditions Saturday as a sandstorm blanketed the north of the country and a magnitude-5.2 earthquake centered in the Sinai peninsula shook buildings more than 200 miles away in the capital, Cairo.

The epicenter of the quake was 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) southeast of the beachside town of Nuweiba in the Sinai, and about 75 kilometers (46 miles) south of Egypt's border with Israel, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Airports near Alexandria and Marsa Matrouh, along the Mediterranean coast, closed and diverted flights to Cairo due to poor visibility from the day's sandstorm, Civil Aviation Minister Hossam Kamel said in a statement. Visibility reached as low as 500 meters at the Burg al-Arab airport near Alexandria, he said.
Fierce winds whipped through the capital as many residents took cover from the sand by staying indoors. Others were seen braving the storm wearing surgical masks or covering their faces with clothing, as the wind sent rubbish and dust swirling.
At its peak, the sandstorm covered the capital in a thick orange cloud, dramatically reducing visibility.

In the Red Sea town of Dahab, 68 kilometers (42 miles) south of the epicenter of the quake in the Sinai peninsula, the tremor shook loose clouds of dust that enveloped nearby mountains, according to a witness. The quake appeared to startle local residents and tourists. It also shook the nearby Gaza strip. No serious damage was immediately reported from the earthquake in Egypt or in Gaza.
The Egyptian Ministry of Health said in a statement that there were no reports of deaths or injuries anywhere in Egypt due to the quake.
Israeli media reported that very mild aftershocks of the earthquake were felt in some places in the south of the country, but that no damage or injuries were caused.
The extreme weather conditions provided fodder for social media humor. Some wondered which of the 10 Biblical plagues would come next, while the popular Zamalek football club tweeted that it wasn't actually an earthquake--just preparation for their match tonight.



#Ramadan Kareem 2015

how to have good Ramadan ISA

For every important event in our life it is useful to plan ahead and make needed preparations so that this occasion becomes an unforgettable event.
Days are passing quickly as we are fast approaching the month of Ramadan.
If you ask most Muslims about last Ramadan, they would tell you it feels very close, like only a few weeks or months ago.
Are you waiting for Ramadan and looking forward to its start?
Are you happy that Ramadan is nearly here, or are you worried about fasting in the summer?
Have you prepared yet your plan and program for the best month of the year?
A Gift From Allah

The month of Ramadan is one of those important occasions that we witness once a year. It is a gift from God. It is a golden opportunity for Muslims to get closer to God by increasing good deeds.
Ramadan is the month in which Muslims observe the obligatory fast which has been prescribed by God on those who believe in Him as it was prescribed on previous nations.
{O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, even as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain piety.} (Al-Baqarah 2: 183)
The above verse explains the main purpose of fasting. It is to attain taqwa (God-consciousness) which means that every Muslim must be watchful of everything. He must watch out every word he utters and every action he does.

The literal manifestation of fasting is to abstain from food, drink and intimate relations from dawn to sunset. But the real meaning of fasting goes far beyond that. It is about avoiding gossip, backbiting, evil and idle talks, arrogance, lying, breaking promises, dishonesty, severing social ties, etc. 

Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said:
"Whoever fails to leave off ruinous speech, and acting on it [during Ramadan], God does not need him to leave off eating and drinking." (Al-Bukhari)

Fasting is an excellent training opportunity on self-restraint as the fast teaches patience and perseverance. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said:

The Prophet describes the month of fasting as the month of patience because fasting teaches how to control one's inner self and its desires.
Every Muslim should do his best to make the coming month of Ramadan a landmark event this year. Put a target for yourself, like for example having all your sins forgiven by Allah and that you will be saved from Hellfire.
Ask yourself are you pleased with what you did last Ramadan? 

Will this Ramadan be the same as last year? 

Let this Ramadan be the beginning of real change. 

Make this Ramadan different from previous ones. 

Start to practice an act of worship that you never did before, or increase the acts of worship that you used to do before.

If you used to read the Quran once during the month of Ramadan, this year read it twice.

 If you used to do Tarawih (Night prayers) alone, this year perform it in congregation. 

If you did not give charity, this year make it a daily habit to give to the needy what you can afford, even if it is a small amount.

If you did not observe any voluntary fasting since last Ramadan, train yourself to observe fasting during the month of Sha`ban as the Prophet used to do.

I would like to also warn of negative preparations for Ramadan which some people do by storing too much food and drink, as if Ramadan is the month for eating not a month for abstaining from food and drink from dawn to sunset.

Fasting was prescribed two months before the obligation to fight to gain the rights of the oppressed. 
Those who are able to control their inner selves and their desires become stronger in the face of those who wrong them until they get back their rights.

Early Muslims used to read the Quran a lot in Sha`ban in preparation for Ramadan. 
They also used to give out in charity in Sha`ban to help the poor and the needy observe fasting during Ramadan. They also used to pray to God to bless the months of Rajab, Sha`ban, and Ramadan.
This means that every Muslim should make du`a a strong tool in making the best of Ramadan. Du`a should be recited before Ramadan that you witness this month, during Ramadan that God will accept your du`a for yourself and for others, and after Ramadan that God will accept your fasting and reward you abundantly for it.

Suggestions and Useful Tips For Ramadan

It is said that: “Rajab is the month of planting seeds, Sha`ban is the month of watering the seeds, and Ramadan is the harvest season”. Therefore, think of what you want to harvest in Ramadan and start planting it and taking care of it in Rajab and Sha`ban.
A famous du`a of Prophet Muhammad:

"Oh Allah give us the blessings of the month of Rajab and Sha`ban and allow us to reach Ramadan." (Ahmad)
During Sha`ban remind yourself and your family of the virtues of fasting.
 Have at least a weekly session with your wife/husband and kids to talk about the significance of fasting. 

Get a booklet on fasting and read it with your children to make them love fasting. 

Focus on the virtues of Ramadan, that it is the month during which the Quran was revealed and that this month has the Night of Power which is better than a thousand months.

Always remember that in Ramadan rewards are multiplied, the gates of heaven are opened, the gates of hell are shut, and sins are forgiven.

 Be sure of God’s mercy on Muslims who observe fasting faithfully and avoid committing sins completely.

To make Ramadan the best month of the year, remember the following:

Strengthen your faith during this month by confirming your belief in the unity of Allah.

Have the intention of pleasing Allah with all your acts of worship.

Keep away from the things that nullify your faith.

Follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad.

Feed the poor and the needy. Feel the gift of giving in Ramadan.

Before going out for `Eid prayer, make sure to pay Zakat al-Fitr.

Perform the daily prayers at their fixed times and in congregation as much as you can.

Attend theTarawih prayers constantly and perform extra prayers. 

Rediscover the power of prayer in Ramadan and concentrate much while praying.

 Leave this worldly life behind your back once you raise your hands and sayAllahu Akbar (God is the greatest).

Visit your family members and relatives.

Observe i`tikaf (retreat in the mosque) during the last ten days of Ramadan, if you can.

Make the Quran your companion in Ramadan and have the intention to finish reading it at least once.

Have the intention to offer sincere repentance to Allah.

Have the intention to refine your manners and the way you treat others.

Make any dawah effort during Ramadan if you can, like distributing Ramadan-related dawah materials (CDs, booklets, videos, PDF files, etc.).

If you have the financial means, make iftar for new Muslims in your community to help them integrate with their fellow Muslims. You can also invite non-Muslims to such events to get to know them and introduce Islam to them through fasting.

Make iftar meals and gifts for orphans and marginalized children to make Ramadan a happy occasion for them.

Prepare your du`a (supplication) list. Write down the du`a (supplication) that you want to recite throughout the month. 
You can ask Allah for anything and everything.

 Choose the proper times and occasions of offering the du`a. 
The best supplication is during prostration, while offering the late night prayer, in the last days of Ramadan, and during Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Power).

Prioritize your list of supplications. Observe the etiquette of making supplication. 

Start your supplication with praising Allah and sending peace and blessings to the Prophet Muhammad. Face the qiblah (direction) and raise your hands.

 Be sure that Allah will never let your hands empty when you pray to Him. Do not forget the oppressed people, the people of Syria, and Muslims in Burma (Myanmar).

We pray to Allah to allow us to live till next Ramadan, and make it the best Ramadan ever.

10 great goals to set for this Ramadan


#رمضان 2015 و لماذا لا يحترم الإعلام العربي رمضان؟

رمضان 2015 مش هتقدر تبطل قرف من القنوات غير انة بقى مستفز كل سنة اكتر عن الى قبلة مليارات تتصرف علشان تلهى الناس و دة هدفة الظاهرى هو الترفية .
لكن شهر رمضان الكريم بقى هو هدفهم من السنة الى السنة الى بعدة استفزاز اكبر و اكبر لية رمضان بالذات !!

غير شرب الخمر و الحشيش و العلاقات الجنسية الشاذة فى المسلسلات رمضان فا طبعا احسن شد الفيشة التلفزيون خالص دامغك من غسيل المخ الى بيحصل دلوقتى و من اربع سنين فاتو لكل العرب من وقت الربيع العربى 
عموما اسيبكم مع الارقام الى ترعب بجد ان ممثل ياخد مليارات و العالم و الدكتور مش معة مليون حتى واحد!!

لماذا لا يحترم الإعلام العربي رمضان؟؟؟
دكتور مصطفى محمود 
لماذا يتحول رمضان إلى شهر ترفيهى بدلا من شهر روحاني؟ .. لست شيخا ولا داعية … ولكني أفهم الآن لماذا كانت والدتى تدير التلفاز ليواجه الحائط طوال شهر رمضان … كنت طفلا صغيرا ناقما على أمي التى منعتني واخوتى من مشاهدة فوازير بينما يتابعها كل أصدقائي .. ولم يشف غليلى إجابة والدتي المقتضبة “رمضان شهر عبادة مش فوازير”. لم أكن أفهم منطق أمى الذي كنت كطفل أعتبره تشددا فى الدين لا فائدة منه .. فكيف سيؤثر مشاهدة طفل صغير لفوازير على شهر رمضان؟ من منكم سيدير جهاز التلفاز ليواجه
الحائط في رمضان
مرت السنوات وأخذتني دوامة
الحياة وغطى ضجيج معارك الدراسة والعمل على همسة سؤالي الطفولى حتى أراد الله أن تأتيني الإجابة على هذا السؤال من رجل مسن غير متعلم فى الركن الآخر من الكرة الأرضية … كان ذلك الرجل هو عامل أمريكي فى محطة بنزين اعتدت دخولها لشراء قهوة أثناء ملء السيارة بالوقود فى طريق عملى … و فى اليوم الذي يسبق يوم الكريسماس دخلت لشراء القهوة كعادتى فإذا بى أجد ذلك الرجل منهمكا فى وضع أقفال على ثلاجة الخمور… وعندما عاد للـ (كاشير) لمحاسبتي على القهوة سألته وكنت حديث عهد بقوانين أمريكا :
“لماذا تضع أقفالا على هذه الثلاجة؟؟” .. فأجابنى :”هذه ثلاجة الخمور وقوانين الولاية تمنع بيع الخمور فى ليلة ويوم الكريسماس يوم ميلاد المسيح”…
نظرت إليه مندهشا قائلا : أليست أمريكا دولة علمانية .. لماذا تتدخل الدولة فى شئ مثل ذلك؟ ..
فقال الرجل :”الإحترام.. يجب على الجميع احترام ميلاد المسيح وعدم شرب الخمر فى ذلك اليوم حتى وإن لم تكن متدينا .. إذا فقد المجتمع الاحترام فقدنا كل شئ”.
الاحترام … (الاحترام) ظلت هذه الكلمة تدور فى عقلى لايام وأيام بعد هذه الليلة … فالخمر غير محرم عند كثير من المذاهب المسيحية فى أمريكا .. ولكن المسألة ليست مسألة حلال أو حرام .. انها مسألة احترام … فهم ينظرون للكريسماس كضيف يزورهم كل سنة ليذكرهم بميلاد المسيح عليه السلام .. وليس من الاحترام السكر فى معية ذلك الضيف … فلتسكر ولتعربد فى يوم آخر إذا كان ذلك أسلوب حياتك … أنت حر … ولكن فى هذا اليوم سيحترم الجميع هذا الضيف وستضع الدولة قانونا

 55 مسلسلاً سيتم عرضها في رمضان يدعو إلى الوقوف عند هذه الظاهرة التي أصبحت تؤرق الكثيرين، متسائلين في الوقت نفسه من الهدف وراء هذه المسلسلات في رمضان بالذات. وقالوا إن 31 مسلسل مصري، و13 شامي، و11 خليجي صرف عليها مليار و375 مليون، وهي مبالغ كان ينبغي أن تستغل في بناء المستشفيات والمجمعات السكنية، وفيما ينفع الناس.


Jews in Yemen ?

 Jews in Yemen ?

The above couple are a Jewish couple from Yemen, a place where most people wouldn’t think there would exist a historic Jewish population because well, Yemen is considered an ‘Arab country’ and most of the world always identifies the term ‘Arab’ and the religion of Islam. These Jews call themselves ‘Yehudei teiman’, and many of them aren’t even in Yemen anymore. Between 1949 and 1950, the greater majority of the Yemeni Jews were airlifted to Israel in Operation Magic Carpet, which is one of the many airlifts used by Israel to bring back Jewish populations to Israel. According to tradition, there is 2 ways they could’ve gotten to Yemen:

They are simply followers of the Judaism brought back by the Queen of Sheba, Bilqis, upon her return from Jerusalem.
That with the prophet Jeremiah some 75,000 Jews came to Yemen, 42 years before the destruction of the Temple of Solomon by the Babylonians. (Basically around 545 BC)

While they may just be a mix of both scenarios, it is well known that they are in fact a population with an ancestral tie to the ancient Israelite people, and they are carriers of the Kohanim Marker distinctive of Jewish populations. The Yemeni Jews have a very distinct identity from other Jewish populations for a number of reasons. For one, their form of Hebrew, Yemeni Hebrew, is considered the most accurate modern day form of Biblical Hebrew. Second, they do have their own unique traditions including the marriage traditions as pictured above. The Yemeni Jews aren’t simply some recent phenomenon, it is known that at one point they had power in Yemen. During the 5th and 6th century, they had power over the kingdom of Himyar. In fact the Himyarite King deposed by Negus Kaleb of Aksum was in fact a Jewish man named Yusuf As'ar Yath'ar, who’s Jewish mother was possibly of Mesopotamian origin. The Yemeni Jews of our day in Yemen face an uncertain future, they’re mainly centered around the capital Sana'a, which is currently in Houthi control. The Yemeni Jews have no real say in Yemen, and are as vulnerable as the very structures holding together Yemen as a country


Saudi coalition using cluster bombs #yemen

Saudi coalition using cluster bombs

Dubai (AFP) - The Saudi-led coalition bombing rebels in Yemen has been using US-supplied cluster munitions in its air campaign, Human Rights Watch said Sunday, warning of the long-term dangers to civilians.

The widely banned bombs contain dozens of submunitions, which sometimes do not explode, becoming de facto landmines that can kill or maim long after they were dropped.
Washington defended its transfers of cluster munitions, saying they were subjected to stringent requirements.
"Recipients of such transfers must commit that cluster munitions will only be used against clearly defined military targets and will not be used where civilians are known to be present or in areas normally inhabited by civilians," a US Defense Department official told AFP.
"This is obviously a critical element of the policy."
HRW said it had gathered photographs, video and other evidence indicating that cluster munitions had been used in coalition air strikes against the Huthi rebel stronghold of Saada province in Yemen's northern mountains in recent weeks.

It said that analysis of satellite imagery suggested that the weapons had landed on a cultivated plateau, within 600 metres (yards) of populated areas.


التاريخ المشبوه للملك السعودي الجديد King Salman’s suspect History

King Salman’s suspect History

oseph Westphal, hailed the new Saudi ruler on Friday, proclaiming that ties “will only be strengthened by the wisdom and courage that is the essence of King Salman.” This was not just standard boilerplate from serving U.S. officials: Former U.S. envoy to Saudi Arabia Robert Jordan described Salman as “a reformer … well prepared for the task at hand,” and the Washington Post is reporting that analysts consider Salman “a moderate in the mold of Abdullah,” the late king.

Yet Salman has an ongoing track record of patronizing hateful extremists that is now getting downplayed for political convenience. As former CIA official Bruce Riedel astutely pointed out, Salman was the regime’s lead fundraiser for mujahideen, or Islamic holy warriors, in Afghanistan in the 1980s, as well as for Bosnian Muslims during the Balkan struggles of the 1990s. In essence, he served as Saudi Arabia’s financial point man for bolstering fundamentalist proxies in war zones abroad.

As longtime governor of Riyadh, Salman was often charged with maintaining order and consensus among members of his family. Salman’s half brother King Khalid (who ruled from 1975 to 1982) therefore looked to him early on in the Afghan conflict to use these family contacts for international objectives, appointing Salman to run the fundraising committee that gathered support from the royal family and other Saudis to support the mujahideen against the Soviets.

Riedel writes that in this capacity, Salman “work[ed] very closely with the kingdom’s Wahhabi clerical establishment.” Another CIA officer who was stationed in Pakistan in the late 1980s estimates that private Saudi donations during that period reached between $20 million and $25 million every month. And as Rachel Bronson details in her book, Thicker Than Oil: America’s Uneasy Partnership With Saudi Arabia, Salman also helped recruit fighters for Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, an Afghan Salafist fighter who served as a mentor to both Osama bin Laden and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

Reprising this role in Bosnia, Salman was appointed by his full brother and close political ally King Fahd to direct the Saudi High Commission for Relief of Bosnia and Herzegovina (SHC) upon its founding in 1992. Through the SHC, Salman gathered donations from the royal family for Balkan relief, supervising the commission until its until its recent closure in 2011. By 2001, the organization had collected around $600 million — nominally for relief and religious purposes, but money that allegedly also went to facilitating arms shipments, despite a U.N. arms embargo on Bosnia and other Yugoslav successor states from 1991 to 1996.

And what kind of supervision did Salman exercise over this international commission? In 2001, NATO forces raided the SHC’s Sarajevo offices, discovering a treasure trove of terrorist materials: before-and-after photographs of al Qaeda attacks, instructions on how to fake U.S. State Department badges, and maps marked to highlight government buildings across Washington.

The Sarajevo raid was not the first piece of evidence that the SHC’s work went far beyond humanitarian aid. Between 1992 and 1995, European officials tracked roughly $120 million in donations from Salman’s personal bank accounts and from the SHC to a Vienna-based Bosnian aid organization named the Third World Relief Agency (TWRA). Although the organization claimed to be focused on providing humanitarian relief, Western intelligence agencies estimated that the TWRA actually spent a majority of its funds arming fighters aligned with the Bosnian government.

A defector from al Qaeda called to testify before the United Nations, and who gave a deposition for lawyers representing the families of 9/11 victims, alleged that both Salman’s SHC and the TWRA provided essential support to al Qaeda in Bosnia, including to his 107-man combat unit. In a deposition related to the 9/11 case, he stated that the SHC “participated extensively in supporting al Qaida operations in Bosnia” and that the TWRA “financed, and otherwise supported” the terrorist group’s fighters.

The SHC’s connection to terrorist groups has long been scrutinized by U.S. intelligence officials as well. The U.S. government’s Joint Task Force Guantanamo once included the Saudi High Commission on its list of suspected “terrorist and terrorist support entities.” The Defense Intelligence Agency also once accused the Saudi High Commission of shipping both aid and weapons to Mohamed Farrah Aidid, the al Qaeda-linked Somali warlord depicted as a villain in the movie Black Hawk Down. Somalia was subject to a United Nations arms embargo starting in January 1992.

Saudi Arabia’s support for Islamist fighters in Afghanistan and the Balkans ultimately backfired when veterans of the jihad returned home, forming the backbone of a resurgent al Qaeda threat to Saudi Arabia in 2003. Salman fell back on a tried-and-true Islamist trope to explain the attacks targeting the kingdom, declaring that they were “supported by extreme Zionism whose aim is to limit the Islamic call.”

The jihadi threat to Saudi Arabia, however, does not appear to have ended Salman’s willingness to associate with alleged jihadi funders and fundamentalist clerics. In November 2002, Prince Salman patronized a fundraising gala for three Saudi charities under investigation by Washington: the International Islamic Relief Organization, al-Haramain Foundation, and the World Assembly of Muslim Youth. Since 9/11, all three organizations have had branches shuttered or sanctioned over allegations of financially supporting terrorism. That same month, Salman cited his experience on the boards of charitable societies, asserting that “it is not the responsibility of the kingdom” if others exploit Saudi donations for terrorism.

As President Obama encourages Saudi Arabia to build “a society that is going to be able to sustain itself in this age,” he would do well to consider Salman’s role helping to run the Abdulaziz bin Baz Foundation, named after a Saudi grand mufti who passed away in 1999. The foundation’s website states that it has been “blessed with direct and continuous support” from Salman since its creation in 2001.

In part thanks to this foundation, the late bin Baz still ranks among the most influential Saudi clerics on the web, even from beyond the grave. Islamic historian Reuven Paz notes that the cleric was renowned for his “persistent attempts to move Saudi Arabia in the direction of strict and severe fundamentalism.” For example, bin Baz memorably ruled that women who study with men are equivalent to prostitutes.

Aqeel al-Aqil, a Saudi national placed under U.S. sanctions in 2004 for leading an organization alleged to have aided al Qaeda in more than 13 countries, was one member of the Baz Foundation’s board under Salman. Aqil retained his spot on the foundation’s board for several years following the imposition of the sanctions. When he did eventually leave the board, the foundation added another Saudi preacher, named Aidh Abdullah al-Qarni, who, in a speech on the Arab-Israeli conflict, declared that “throats must be slit and skulls must be shattered. This is the path to victory.”

Qarni is far from the only extremist cleric with whom Salman has worked. The new king has also embraced Saudi cleric Saleh al-Maghamsi, an Islamic supremacist who declared in 2012 that Osama bin Laden had more “sanctity and honor in the eyes of Allah,” simply for being a Muslim, than “Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, apostates, and atheists,” whom he described by nature as “infidels.” That didn’t put an end to Salman’s ties to Maghamsi, however. The new Saudi king recently served as head of the supervisory board for a Medina research center directed by Maghamsi. A year after Maghamsi’s offensive comments, Salman sponsored and attended a large cultural festival organized by the preacher. Maghamsi also advises two of Salman’s sons, one of whom took an adoring “selfie” with the preacher last year.

U.S. officials have explained that the purpose of President Obama’s visit is to forge a “close relationship” with the new Saudi king and to take his measure of the man. As Western officials consider how to engage with the new Saudi regime, Salman’s record of bolstering and embracing extremists needs to be part of the conversation. The worst-case scenario is that the new king shares the hard-liners’ views; the best case is that he is simply an opportunist, willing to accept intolerance in order to get ahead.

Many in the West wish for a Saudi king who will pass meaningful reforms and push back against incitement by local extremists. Sadly, Salman does not look to be that man.

By:David Andrew Weinberg


ترجمة: سامى قائد العليبى 

التاريخ المشبوه للملك السعودي الجديد

أشاد السفير الأمريكي في الرياض، جوزيف يستفال، يوم الجمعة بالملك السعودي الجديد، قائلا أن صفتي الحكمة والشجاعة المتأصلتين في الملك سلمان ستؤديان إلي تقوية العلاقات السعودية الأمريكية. لكن ذلك لم يكن تصريحا نمطيا معتادا من مسؤول أمريكي، فقد وصف المبعوث الأمريكي السابق في السعودية روبيرت جوردان سلمان بأنه "مصلح، ومستعد تماما لتحمل المسؤولية،" بينما ذكرت صحيفة "واشنطن بوست" الأمريكية أن المحللين يعتبرون سلمان "رجلا معتدلا، علي نهج سابقه عبد الله."

لكن الملك سلمان لديه سجل حافل برعايته للمتطرفين البغيضين وهو ما يتم التقليل من شأنه الآن لتحقيق بعض الملاءمات السياسية. فقد أشار بروس ريديل بذكاء، بصفته مسؤول سابق بالاستخبارات المركزية الأمريكية، إلي أن سلمان كان جامع التبرعات الرئيسي للمجاهدين الإسلاميين في أفغانستان في الثمانينيات، وكذلك للبوسنة المسلمين أثناء صراعات البلقان في التسعينيات. أي أنه عمل كركيزة للدعم المالي للمتشددين في الحروب التي خاضتها السعودية بالوكالة خارج أراضيها.

بصفته حاكما للرياض لفترة طويلة، كان سلمان مسؤولا عادة عن الحفاظ علي النظام والتوافق بين أعضاء العائلة المالكة. ونتيجة لذلك اختاره أخوه غير الشقيق الملك خالد (الذي حكم السعودية من العام 1975 حتي العام 1982) أثناء فترة الصراع الأفغاني ليستغل معارفه العائلية من أجل أهداف دولية، فنصبه مديرا للجنة جمع التبرعات من العائلة المالكة والسعوديين لدعم المجاهدين ضد السوفيت.

ويذكر ريديل أن سلمان "عمل بشكل وثيق مع المؤسسة الدينية الوهابية في السعودية." ويقدر مسؤول آخر بالاستخبارات المركزية الأمريكية عمل في باكستان في أواخر الثمانينيات أن التبرعات السعودية السرية خلال تلك الفترة تراوحت بين 20 مليون دولار و25 مليون دولار شهريا. وتوضح راشيل برونسون في كتابها "أثخن من النفط: شراكة أمريكا المضطربة مع السعودية"، أن سلمان قد ساعد في تجنيد المقاتلين لصالح عبد الرسول سياف، وهو مقاتل أفغاني سلفي عمل كمرشد لكلٍ من أسامة بن لادن والعقل المدبر لأحداث 11 سبتمبر خالد شيخ محمد.

أعاد سلمان أداء ذلك الدور مع البوسنة، حيث عينه أخوه الشقيق وحليفه السياسي الوثيق الملك فهد لإدارة اللجنة السعودية العليا لإغاثة البوسنة والهرسك بعد تأسيسها عام 1992. وعبر تلك اللجنة، جمع سلمان تبرعات من العائلة المالكة السعودية لإغاثة البلقان، واستمر في الإشراف علي اللجنة حتي إنتهاء دورها مؤخرا عام 2011. بحلول العام 2011، كانت المنظمة قد جمعت حوالي 600 مليون دولار، شكليا لأغراض الإغاثة ولأهداف دينية، لكن هناك مزاعم حول استغلال تلك الأموال في تقديم السلاح للمحاربين المسلمين، رغم قرار حظر التسليح الذي فرضته الأمم المتحدة علي البوسنة والدول الأخري التي خلفت يوغوسلافيا بين عامي 1991 و1996.

ما نوع الإشراف الذي مارسه سلمان علي تلك اللجنة الدولية؟ داهمت قوات الناتو عام 2001 مكاتب اللجنة في سراييفو، لتجد كنزا ثمينا من مواد دعم الإرهاب؛ حيث تضمنت صور لأهداف هجمات تنظيم القاعدة قبل وبعد تنفيذها، وإرشادات حول كيفية تزييف شارات وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية، وخرائط حددت عليها المباني الحكومية في واشنطن.

لكن مداهمة سراييفو لم تكن أول دليل علي تجاوز عمل اللجنة للإغاثة الإنسانية. فقد تعقب مسؤولون أوروبيون بين العامين 1992 و1995 تبرعات بقيمة حوالي 120 مليون دولار من الحسابات البنكية الشخصية لسلمان ومن اللجنة إلي المنظمة العاملة بإغاثة البوسنة "وكالة إغاثة العالم الثالث" ومقرها بفيينا. ورغم مزاعم المنظمة بتركيزها علي تقديم الإغاثة الإنسانية، إلا أن وكالات استخبارات غربية قدرت أن المنظمة قد أنفقت أغلب تمويلها علي تسليح المقاتلين المتحالفين مع الحكومة البوسنية.

استدعي أحد المنشقين عن تنظيم القاعدة ليدلي بشهادته أمام الولايات المتحدة، وقدم إقرارا للمحامين الممثلين لعائلات ضحايا أحداث 11 سبتمبر زاعما أن لجنة سلمان والمنظمة قد قدمتا دعما أساسيا لتنظيم القاعدة في البوسنة، والذي شمل وحدته القتالية. وفي إقرار متعلق بقضية 11 سبتمبر، أفاد بأن اللجنة "شاركت بشكل مكثف في دعم عمليات القاعدة في البوسنة" وأن المنظمة "مولت، ودعمت بطرق مختلفة" مقاتلي الجماعة الإرهابية.

خضعت الصلات بين اللجنة والجماعات الإرهابية لفحص دقيق ولمدة طويلة من قبل مسؤولي الاستخبارات الأمريكية. ضمت فرقة العمل المشتركة في جوانتانامو التابعة للحكومة الأمريكية اللجنة السعودية العليا إلى قائمتها للكيانات المشتبه بها كداعمة أو منفذة للإرهاب. كذلك اتهمت وكالة استخبارات الدفاع الأمريكية اللجنة السعودية العليا بتوصيل مساعدات وأسلحة إلي محمد فرح عيديد، وهو زعيم الحرب ذي الصلة بالقاعدة والمشار إليه في فيلم "سقوط الطائرة بلاك هوك." فقد خضعت الصومال لقرار حظر تسليح أصدرته الأمم المتحدة دخل حيز التنفيذ في يناير 1992.

لكن دعم السعودية للمقاتلين الإسلاميين في أفغانستان والبلقان أدي في النهاية إلي نتائج عكسية عندما عاد قدامي المجاهدين إلي ديارهم، حيث وضعوا حجر الأساس لتهديد القاعدة المتنامي في السعودية عام 2003. عند ذلك اعتمد سلمان علي حجة إسلامية مكررة لتفسير الهجمات التي تستهدف المملكة، حيث أعلن أن تلك الهجمات "مدعومة من قبل الصهيونية المتطرفة التي تهدف لصد الدعوة الإسلامية."

إلا أنه لا يبدو أن التهديد الجهادي الموجه صوب السعودية قد كبح رغبة سلمان في العمل المشترك مع ممولي الجهاد الإسلامي والشيوخ المتطرفين. حيث تتضمن "لجنة الموثوق بهم" الخاصة بمركز الأمير سلمان للشباب، والذي يرأسه سلمان نفسه، صالح عبد الله كامل، وهو ملياردير سعودي ظهر اسمه سابقا في القائمة المزعومة للداعمين المبكرين للقاعدة، والمعروفة باسم "السلسلة الذهبية." إلا أن صحيفة "وال ستريت جورنال" الأمريكية أوردت إنكار كامل دعمه للإرهاب. وبينما سعت الولايات المتحدة لإغلاق المنظمات الخيرية السعودية ذات الصلة بالإرهاب في أعقاب أحداث 11 سبتمبر، أدان كامل وسلمان تلك الجهود ووصفوها بأنها معادية للإسلام.

تبني الأمير سلمان عام 2002 احتفالية جمع تبرعات لثلاث جمعيات خيرية سعودية تحقق واشنطن بشأنها؛ وهي منظمة الإغاثة الإسلامية الدولية، ومؤسسة الحرمين، والندوة العالمية للشباب الإسلامي. ويجدر بالذكر أنه منذ أحداث 11 سبتمبر تم إغلاق بعض فروع المؤسسات الثلاثة أو فرضت عليها عقوبات إثر مزاعم حول تمويل الإرهاب ماليا. وعلق سليمان في نفس الشهر بأنها ليست مسؤولية المملكة إن استغل آخرون التبرعات السعودية في تمويل الإرهاب.

مع تشجيع أوباما للسعودية علي بناء "مجتمع قادر علي التجاوب مع متطلبات العصر الحالي،" يجب أن يضع في اعتباره دور سلمان في المساعدة علي تشغيل مؤسسة "عبد العزيز بن باز،" والتي سميت باسم المفتي السعودي الأكبر والذي توفي عام 1999. ويذكر موقع المؤسسة أنها "مباركة بالدعم المباشر والمستمر" من سلمان منذ إنشائها عام 2001.

يصنف بن باز الأخير كواحد من أكثر الشيوخ السعوديين تأثيرا علي شبكة الإنترنت، ويعود الفضل في ذلك جزئيا إلي هذه المؤسسة، حتي بعد موته. ويشير المؤرخ الإسلامي روفين باز إلي أنه عرف عن الشيخ "محاولاته المستمرة لتوجيه السعودية نحو التطرف المتشدد والخطير." فمن أحد فتاويه التي لا تنسي أن المرأة التي تدرس مع الرجال تعتبر في حكم العاهرة.

عقيل العقيل، هو مواطن سعودي فرضت عليه عقوبات أمريكية عام 2004 لقيادته لمنظمة زعم أنها قد ساعدت القاعدة في أكثر من 13 دولة، وكان أحد أعضاء مجلس إدارة مؤسسة "الباز." احتفظ العقيل بمنصبه في المؤسسة لعدة سنوات بعد فرض العقوبات. وعندما ترك المجلس أضافت المؤسسة داعية سعودي آخر، هو عائض عبد الله القرني، والذي أعلن في حديث عن الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي أنه "يجب قطع الرقاب وتحطيم الجماحم، وهذا هو طريق النصر."

ولكن القرني ليس أكثر الشيوخ الذين عمل معهم سلمان تشددا. فالملك الجديد تبني أيضا الداعية السعودي صالح المغامسي، والذي أعلن عام 2012 أن أسامة بن لادن "له قدسية وشرف أمام الله أكثر مما لليهود والمسيحيين والزراديشتيين والمرتدين والملحدين،" ببساطة لأنه مسلم، بينما وصف الآخرين بأنهم "كفار." إلا أن ذلك ليس نهاية علاقة سلمان بالمغامسي، فقد عمل سلمان مؤخرا كرئيس للجنة المشرفة علي مركز أبحاث المدينة والذي يديره المغامسي. وبعد عام من تعليقات المغامسي العدائية، رعي سلمان وحضر احتفالية ثقافية كبيرة نظمها الداعية. كذلك يعمل المغامسي كمستشار لاثنين من أبناء سلمان، حيث التقط أحدهما صورة شخصية له مع الداعية العام الماضي معبرا فيها عن إعجابه بالداعية.

أوضح مسؤولون أمريكيون أن الهدف من زيارة الرئيس أوباما هو صياغة "علاقة وثيقة" مع الملك السعودي الجديد وأتخاذ التدابير الملائمة مع الملك الجديد. وبينما يدرس مسؤولون غربيون كيفية التواصل بنجاح مع النظام السعودي الجديد، يجب وضع سجل سلمان من دعم وتبني المتطرفين في الحسبان. أسوء التصورات هو أن الملك الجديد يتشارك وجهات النظر مع المتشددين، وأفضلها هو أنه ببساطة انتهازي، قد يقبل بالتعصب حتي يمضي قدما نحو أهدافه.

يطمح الكثيرون في الغرب إلي ملك سعودي يمرر إصلاحات فعالة ويوقف التحريض الذي يمارسه المتشددون المحليون. ولكن مع الأسف، لا يبدو أن سلمان هو هذا الرجل.