‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات blog. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات blog. إظهار كافة الرسائل


Jon Stewart defends Bassem Youssef (Egypt's Jon Stewart); Destroys Pres. Morsi

أنا لا أفهم هذا الرجل .. أنت رئيس مصر.. أعظم أرض وأعظم شعب في التاريخ المدون، شعبك -سيدي الرئيس- اخترع الحضارة، حتى أن اليونانيين القدماء حين ذهبوا إلى مصر ذهلوا وقالوا: ماذا عندكم هنا؟ علم الهندسة والأساطير؟ عندما تفرغون منهما يمكننا استخدامهما، سيدي الرئيس لقد اخترع المصريون اللغة المكتوبة والورق ومعجون الأسنان، حتى إنهم دفنوا مع قططهم الأليفة، كذلك أصبح الكثيرون يقلدون الطريقة المصرية في الرقص، المصريون هم من بنوا الأهرامات.. ربما يجب عليك أن تأتي بأحد هؤلاء كي يجعل جلدك أكثر سمكاً (جلد إخوانجي تخين).. كل مافعله باسم يوسف هو السخرية من قبعتك وعدم قدرتك على الأداء الديمقراطي، ما الذي يقلقك؟ أنت رئيس مصر، ولديك جيش وأسلحة ودبابات وطائرات، ونحن نعلم ذلك لأن مازال لدينا الفواتير، انصت لي جيدا، محاولة إسكات كوميديان لن تؤهلك كي تصبح رئيس مصر، دعني أقول لك شيئا: مالذي يقلقك سيدي الرئيس؟ خوفك من قوة النقد الساخر على هيبتك؟ انظر إلى.. هذا ما أفعله في الـ 15 عام الماضيين، أنا أعرف باسم شخصيا، وهو صديقي وأخي، وإن كان هناك شيئان يحبهما باسم جدا فهما مصر والإسلام


who want cut the internet in #egypt

who want cut the internet in #egypt



Today is another slow day for internet in Egypt. Telecom Egypt announced that once again the Alexandria internet sea cable "SEA-ME-WE-Wa" in the Mediternean was damaged and it will be fixed with no hours. This is the second time it happens in less than one week. The first time was last Friday if you remember.
Now we got Col. Ahmed Ali announcing on his official FB page that the Egyptian Navy forces arrested 3 divers while they were cutting the internet sea cable near El Shataby beach !!!
Col. Ali did not say who those divers suspected "The correct term" of damaging the cable were and why they were doing this.
It is worth to mention that this announcement comes after some telecommunication officials announced that they believed there was something criminal behind the damage in the internet cable. I think they got a hint
Of course you see this post after long time in browsing and attempting to collect links and so on..
Hopefully we will know soon who those three are and know their true story.

Update :

East Alexandria prosecution with those standing behind the damage of internet cables in Alexandria and it turned out to be 3 fishermen who dive to search for old ships Junk


#yemen Smaller absolute In The world

Smaller absolute in the world facing her father to recover her money and save her sister

seems to be still a long way to go before the Yemeni girl, Nujood Ahdal , before they turn her dreams and reality to it.

After having gained fame after extracted the right of divorce from a husband associated with him against her will in the eight-year-old, Nujood finds itself again facing difficult circumstances with her ​​father, who put his hand on the money, and began planning to marry her baby sister.
Between her dream of becoming a lawyer defending the oppressed, press or pursue their rights, became Highlands - which has gained the title of the world's smallest absolute after they received the dislocation at the age of nine - in the heart of the new suffering, restore her father entered it.
The girl, who won the "Woman of the Year" in 2008 to become a symbol of all Yemeni in addressing early marriage, spoke to Mendoah site in Sanaa, she suffers today from beating her father to her and her sisters and her mother, after laying his hand on the full monthly amount which was received from the proceeds of selling novel written about Amabadtha caused by forcing them to marry.
Highlands lost money in the hands of her father
Nujood says, French publishing house that issued the novel translated into 19 languages ​​for their suffering, had been allocated a $ thousand dollars per month, in addition to providing a two-story house, securing education expenses.
But her father put his hand on the funds allocated to it, making it a material of living is very difficult.
She explains Nujood story, saying: "The father rented an apartment and shop on the first floor of the house, and combines it rents and puts it on his wives, and when I took Rent months to pay electricity and water bills so as not to separate us, shouted Ali and almost hit me .. was give me five thousand riyals ( about $ 25) then declined, and now my mother and my brothers live in difficult circumstances, because he spent on his wives, but I Voaich in my brother's house. "
She added: "I left home in search of safety from the screams and beatings that usually renewed when visiting my parents for the house, because he wants to output my mother and brothers of the house and soothe his wives."
She noted that the proceeds of the book up to her father's account, and spend it as he pleases, and said: "I have divorced one of his wives and marry another last year, and is now spent on his second and third wife .. But we have God."
Highlands: I no longer suffer only to my mother and my sister
And stresses the Highlands, which at the age of now 14 years, they are no longer hurting itself but "feared for her mother," and the fate of her sister small, Haifa, which at the age of now 13 years old, and wants her father to marry the brother of his wife last, which rejects Highlands .
Nujood says: "I support my sister not to marry, because I realized the existence of a legal age for marriage, and I do not like that tormented my sister like me."
And reveal Highlands, which preoccupied her story of millions around the world, all over the threat, saying: "miss my father when his wives for weeks and when it comes to home starts beating and problems, on one occasion Okhava Boukngerh .. my sister Haifa was forced to flee and resort to a uncles for two months, but returned home beyond because of increasing problems with my father and beat him for my mother. "
And conditions left to the school says Nujood, depriving her father of allocations for education, along with tense security situation during the recent demonstrations, and particularly measles region near the house, prevented the continuation of the study.
Also reported that it had received threats from a particular phone number, and had been prosecuted on one occasion when she returned from school, "which scared me in the absence of support me to achieve my ambition to return to school," according to the Highlands.
But Nujood still sticking to achieve the dream of educational attainment, she says: "I wish to travel out of Yemen, and go make me strong testimony to my father and in front of everyone."
Nujood lacks efforts lawyer
In the absence of a lawyer Shaza Nasser, which helped the art of legal battle and shared her award "Woman of the Year" "study abroad", did not find the boys Yemeni choice but to human rights activist Abdel-Alim Hamidi, who helped her to get ownership documents her home, as well as to extract passport.
Says Hamidi, who attended the meeting between CNN Arabic and Highlands, the latter facing many social problems, especially in light of the case of "ignorance and intolerance", which controls the case and their relationship with her family.
Nujood's father: boy and owned the right of the father
For his part, denied the father Nujood accusations by the daughter over placing his hand on the money and use it to link to the wives are new, and the attempt to coerce her younger sister for marriage.
Ali al-Ahdal for CNN Arabic: "I married my own money, I also borrowed from the people, and did not stretch out my hand to my daughter's money."
Ahdal reported that actually receive $ 900 out of thousand dollars Publishing House had pledged a month, and denied that he had acquired the full amount.
He said that amount is subject to the sharing, you get Nujood $ 500 of it, and the return of apartment and rental shop on the ground floor of the house back to them and to her mother.
Ahdal already acknowledged his desire to marry off his daughter Haifa, Nujood's younger sister, stressing that it already received her dowry, the amount of 500 thousand riyals (more than $ 2,300) from a man who Bouktabtha, "and was the disbursement of the whole family," he said.
He said: "I have the consent of the girl Haifa, her mother and her big brother Mohammad, a condition of this pony," he said, adding that if the family refused Haifa marriage, they should re-dowry that Qdoh.
Ahdal said he still pays 25 thousand riyals (116 dollars) rent the great house of his son Mohammed.
He argued: "The boy and have a king to his father .. or are they want Mkasemta in my children?"
By Nujood is still a long
And it seems, is still a long way to go Nujood to overcome the difficulties and achieve her dream, as it became clear that the access to freedom of divorce of man Ivegaha was various types of physical and psychological torment, what is the beginning of a journey of a thousand miles.


#egypt #Giza Pyramids celebrate #St.Patrick’s Day

#Giza Pyramids celebrate #St.Patrick’s Day

The Embassy of Ireland in Cairo celebrated the St. Patrick's Day , the National Day of Ireland last Thursday in a very creative way. The pyramids and Sphinx turned green that night :)
Of course our tourism board and our media were busy in something else as usual.


أول تسونامي في العالم وقع في #مصر قبل 35 قرناً

أول تسونامي في العالم وقع في مصر قبل 35 قرناً

اكتشاف أثري هام في شبه جزيرة سيناء المصرية يلقي الضوء على ضخامة الجيش المصري القديم وشراسة المعارك التي دارت بين الدولة الفرعونية والهكسوس. كما يشير الاكتشاف إلى وقوع أول تسونامي في العالم قبل 3500 عاماً.
كشفت بعثة لوزارة الآثار المصرية عن مبان إدارية ضخمة محصنة تعود إلى عصر الهكسوس، تتكون من طابقين وعدة صالات وحجرات مبنية من الطوب اللبن بموقع تل حبوة، على بعد ثلاثة كيلومترات شرق قناة السويس بمنطقة القنطرة في محافظة شمال سيناء، حسبما صرح محمد إبراهيم وزير الآثار المصري.
وكشفت البعثة أيضاً عن بقايا مخلفات بركانية لقطع من بركان سان تورينى في البحر المتوسط، الذي أحدث أول تسونامى في العالم القديم منذ ما يقرب من حوالي 3500 عام وتسبب في غرق جزء كبير من سواحل سيناء والدلتا وعدد من المدن الأثرية، منها منطقة تل حبوة المعروفة قديما بقلعة ثارو.
وأشار الوزير، في بيان تلقت وكالة الأنباء الألمانية نسخة منه السبت (16 مارس/ آذار 2013)، إلى أنه تم اكتشاف هياكل آدمية وحيوانية من عصر الهكسوس داخل تلك المبان، وأن العديد من الهياكل الآدمية وجدت مطعونه برؤوس السهام والحراب، في دليل على المعارك الحربية التي دارت في الموقع بين الجيش الفرعوني بقيادة الملك أحمس الأول والغزاة الهكسوس حتى تم طردهم من مصر.
كما أضاف الوزير في البيان أن البعثة كشفت أيضاً "عن عدد من مخازن الجيش المصري وصوامع للغلال، بعضها دائري يبلغ قطره أربعة أمتار وأخرى مستطيلة أبعادها 30 متراً، وقدرت كمية الغلال التي تحتويها بأكثر من 280 طناً، مما يشير إلى ضخامة أعداد الجيش في عصر الدولة الفرعونية الحديثة.
The remnants of an ancient theatre at the archaeological site of Pelusium, 30 km from Elkantara, northwestern Sinai, Egypt, Monday 02 April 2007. Pelusium was an important fortress along the Horus military road. This archaeological region is almost four miles long and consists of a number of sites, mostly dating back to the late Roman period. The site includes thermal baths with a water tower, the theatre and a large roman fortress in the centre. EPA/KHALID ELFIQI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ تنوي السلطات المصرية تحويل موقع تل حبوة إلى متحف عسكري مفتوح لتشجيع السياحة في محور قناة السويس
تأكيد لما ورد في البرديات
ولفت البيان إلى أن الموقع سيتم إعداده كمتحف مفتوح للتاريخ العسكري على مساحة ألف فدان، ضمن مشروعات تطوير محور قناة السويس سياحياً.
من جانبه، قال الدكتور محمد عبد المقصود، نائب رئيس قطاع الآثار المصرية ورئيس بعثة الحفائر بشمال سيناء، إنه كشف عن بقايا حريق ضخم للعديد من المباني التي أحرقت بالمدينة أثناء المعركة، مما يؤكد ما جاء في بردية "رايند" المحفوظة بالمتحف البريطاني، بأن ملك مصر أحمس الأول قام بالهجوم على قلعة ثارو بتل حبوة ودخل المدينة وحاصر بعد ذلك عاصمة الهكسوس أفاريس في منطقة تل الضبعة بمحافظة الشرقية، على بعد 50 كيلومتراً من تل حبوة.
وكانت قلعة ثارو مركز قيادة الجيش في عصر الدولة الفرعونية الحديثة ومقراً ملكياً لفراعنة مصر ومركزاً للقيادة العسكرية وتجميع الجيوش التى خرجت من مصر لتأمين الحدود، ولذلك أقيم بها أربع قلاع ضخمة وأسوار من الطوب اللبن وخنادق وموانع مائية ومنحدرات حول الأسوار لمنع تسلقها، وكذلك أسوار مزدوجة. وبلغت مساحة أكبر القلاع المكتشفة 300 متر في 600 متر، مدعمة بعدد كبير من الأبراج. ويتراوح سمك الأسوار ما بين ثمانية و14 متراً.

#ksa Saudi Arabia: poverty, tyranny and congestion .. and "vices under the veil"

Women participating in the Counter-Terrorism International Conference pass an armored vehicle outside the conference center in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia Sunday 06 February 2005. Over 50 countries and international organizations including the United States, Syria and Iraq are participating in the 4-day international conference which will look at ways to battle terrorism around the world. EPA / MIKE NELSON + + + (c) dpa - Bildfunk + + +

Social issues

Saudi Arabia: poverty, tyranny and congestion .. and "vices under the veil"

The Saudi cleric denounced the close of the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood to confiscate rights in Saudi Arabia and demanded reform, Saudi writer warned that Saudi Arabia is witnessing a time of reform and loose at the same time, and stressed the need to take advantage of the experiences of neighboring countries.
Condemned a prominent Saudi cleric of the stream near the thought of awakening the Muslim Brotherhood in the "open letter" Friday (March 15 / March 2013) confiscation of rights, calling for reform. And at the same time warned of congestion in the kingdom, which follow a conservative approach politically and religiously.
Salman wrote back in its website modeled on extracts that "people here have longings and demands and rights, and will not remain silent forever forfeited in whole or in part ... when man loses hope, you have to expect him anything."
The return to "negative feelings accumulated since the time for quite some ... if still feeling scared of people surmised them all, and if increased frequency of anger will not unhappy thing, with the rising anger lose symbols of legitimacy and political value, and become leadership, however the street."
He attributed the reasons Saudi cleric congestion to "financial and administrative corruption, unemployment, housing, poverty, poor health and education and the absence of political reform horizon", noting that "the continuation of the existing situation is impossible., But the question to track where it's heading?".
Salman returns considered that it was "necessary to release the detainees and decisiveness Jeddah إصلاحيي", in reference to the provisions, which were issued last Saturday sentenced prominent human rights activists about ten years each solve Jmeithma to lack of access to a license to carry out the business.
Authorities also arrested in 2007 a number of university professors and lawyers, in what has become known as the "cell Break Jeddah", some of the Awakening Movement. And sentenced to one of them, one of the symbols of the Umma Party of the Muslim Brotherhood to 30 years imprisonment.
Era of openness and loose
For his part, said Saudi writer Ali bin Mohammed quartet in his new book that while the era of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, King of Saudi Arabia, is the era of reform and opening up, but there are currents in Saudi Arabia grappling in the name of religion and disparate religious glances.
Eine schwarz gekleidete Bettlerin mit einem Krückstock neben sich, kauert am Rande einer Straße in Riad, der Hauptstadt des Königreiches Saudi-Arabien, aufgenommen am 15.11.2006. Foto: Peer Grimm + + + (c) dpa - Report + + + Extreme poverty and obscene wealth and the main controversy revolves around the veil
This came in a four-book, titled "Clash of currents in Saudi Arabia." According to the book quartet that "the reality of the situation in Saudi Arabia turns the equation, with leaves Halim Hiran, scene current ... suggests that we did not consider what happened around us coups and Anfelataat, what Ajdhir For more tyranny and authoritarianism in the absence of the rule of law and institutions."
Under the title "Corruption and Reform", the author believes that experienced by the country now "make money the state between the rich and the society referred to two main layers: the rich getting richer and poor belch poorest and debt troubles, with the decline of the middle class gradually."
"Vices under the veil"
With regard to issues controversial "It extrapolation of the reality of offering cultural popular ideological in Saudi Arabia since unification early thirties of the twentieth century, as most of our issues that we are preparing substantial centered on whether the woman's face rougher or not and whether separate from women or contact them and the rule of leadership Women of the car and who are the Islamists and what are their specifications through the prerogative of liberals and who are infidels and atheists who want to show corruption in the country and among people? what we must to stand in the face of conspirators against religion. "
"These issues formal list under a veil accumulate beneath sometimes vices various manifestations of pleading by some Alshahuanyen to achieve exactly the mundane name of God and His laws. These problems overtaken by many Islamic countries economy is based mostly on the Saudi funding for failed country that feeds arteries world resources of petroleum that feeds people and awareness beyond the sterile debate and did not succeed the dominant culture in the cities transition to a society tools product in his thoughts and ideas and industry. "
J. A / p. (AFP, Reuters)


#UN Vote for the changes that would make the most difference to your world

The United Nations wants to hear from you. I have just told them my priorities for creating a better world. Join me and vote!

Vote for the changes that would make
the most difference to your world
The United Nations and partners want to hear from YOU! MY World is a global survey asking you to choose your priorities for a better world. Results will be shared with world leaders in setting the next global development agenda. Tell us about the world you want, because your voice matters.

Bob Marley Reggae music is the King’s music. And it can be religious

"Reggae music is reggae music. Reggae music is the King’s music. And it can be religious."

"Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?"

 We've got to face the day,
Come what may
Listen to Bob Marley: http://amzn.to/T404rs

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds."

Don't let them change ya!

"Love to see when ya move in the rhythm; I love to see, when you're dancin' from within!"
"Don't worry about a thing,
Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
 "I'm gonna be Iron, like a Lion in Zion"
 "Life is one big road with lots of signs,
So when you riding through the ruts, don't you complicate your mind"
"Wake up and live."

"We should really love each other in peace and harmony"

"Don't worry about a thing,
Cause every little thing gonna be all right."

"Football is a part of I. When I play the world wakes up around me."

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."

What one line would you use to describe the Bob Marley Movie?

August 7th was officially declared Bob Marley day in Los Angeles.

How would you celebrate Bob Marley Day?

"Come on and smile, in Jamaica ..."

August 6th / Today Jamaica celebrates 50 years of independence.

One week from today, Bob Marley Movie Blu-ray & DVD comes out, rolled with new footage.

Pre-order now: http://tinyurl.com/ordermarleydvd

Big thanks to Ingrid Black for sharing her Bob Marley artwork!
For details to submit your own artwork, please visit:


Now Saleh is gone, will North and South #Yemen separate?

Now Saleh is gone, will North and South Yemen separate?

Baraa Shiban
The risks that threaten the Yemeni Unity as it enters its twenty-three years seems to be huge, while some forces in the South are seeking to secede and the army is seeking to drive out Al-Qaeda militias from the areas they control in the South, Al-Houthi rebels have Sa’ada province under control and some other areas in the North.
The celebration of the Unity anniversary last Tuesday came after a violent attack that killed one hundred soldiers and wounded more than 220, who were participating in a military parade on the occasion of the Unity anniversary.
The exception in the celebrations of this year is that the two presidents who signed the Unity agreement are no longer in power. The ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, was forced to leave according to a political initiative sponsored by the Gulf Countries and the UN Security Council after the break out of a popular revolution, and his former deputy Ali Salem Al-Beedh who had to leave the country after the war of 1994.
Calls for Secession:
The most important challenge facing the Yemeni unity, is the high tone of secession raised by some Southern parts, especially that some of these forces are trending to violent methods instead of the peaceful methods.
In addition to that, some components of the Southern Movement, believe that they should take advantage of the success of the youth revolution in overthrowing Saleh’s regime, to push toward secession as the only alternative for solving the Southern issue.
Mr. Ahmed Abdul-Gani – the Head of Al-Jazeera Center for Strategic Studies – said that the negative role played by the former regime gave the opportunity for many projects to appear like Al-Qaeda, the Houthis, and the Southern Movement who are calling for separation.
He also said that there is a hope for the failure of such projects, if the Yemeni president Abdo Rabbo Mansoor Hadi and the reconciliation government speed up in facing the economical challenges, reduce the people’s suffering and provide the basic services such as electricity, and water.
Security Challenges:
Mr. Abdul-Gani also pointed out that “the security challenge of fighting Al-Qaeda militias and ending their control in some areas Southern the country is an important issue, as well as the start of restructuring the army under the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, and restructuring the security forces under the leadership of the Ministry of Interior, emphasizing that it will help to overcome the political challenges in the country.”
The success of the coming National Dialogue will be the main guarantee for maintaining the unity, because the most important outputs of the dialogue will be agreeing on the constitution and the shape of the regime.
The International and Regional Community seems to be supporting the unity and stability of Yemen, but the details of this unity will be a matter of huge argument during the National Dialogue.
Furthermore, the Minister of State – Ezzy Shaif – said that “what we see and hear of projects of secession is a political game that only serves the interests of some outside forces, and take advantage of some mistakes occurred by some policy makers.”
He added that “Al-Qaeda in Yemen, is an international issue not just a local issue, and perhaps they found in Yemen the atmosphere to spread because of the economic situation and the spread of poverty and unemployment.”
He also said that what Al-Houthi group and most of the Southern Movement are demanding for the National Dialogue is in total within the national unity of Yemen, and stressed that most of the Yemeni people are supportive to the Yemeni unity, even if they disagreed on the shape of the political system of the country.

A practical guide to protecting your identity and security when using mobile phones

A practical guide to protecting your identity and security when using mobile phones

Many activists have been tracked via their mobile phones, and some countries conduct surveillance more extensively than others. You need to assess the risk for your own activities given the practices used in your country, how high-profile your work is, and what others in your community have experienced.
Phone companies have the capability to track and collect information about your use of mobile phones, including your location, and may share that information with the government if so requested. There is also the possibility of installing surveillance software on a phone that runs in the background without the user noticing. There is a risk of this, if your handset has been physically out of your hands for a period of time.

When your phone is on, it is constantly communicating the following information with towers nearby:

  • The IMEI number – a number that uniquely identifies your phone’s hardware
  • The IMSI number – a number that uniquely identifies the SIM card - this is what your phone number is tied to.
  • The TMSI number, a temporary number that is re-assigned regularly according to location or coverage changes but can be tracked by commercially available eavesdropping systems.
  • The network cell in which the phone is currently located. Cells can cover any area from a few meters to several kilometers, with much smaller cells in urban areas and even small cells in buildings that use a repeater aerial to improve signal indoors.
  • The location of the subscriber within that cell, determined by triangulating the signal from nearby masts. Again, location accuracy depends on the size of the cell - the more masts in the area, the more accurate the positioning.

Because of this, when your phone is on and communicating with the network towers, it can be used as a surveillance device for those with access to the information that telecoms collect, including:

  • Your phone calls received and sent
  • Your SMS received and sent, including the information of senders and recipients
  • Any data services you use (e.g., web browsing activities if not using HTTPS, unsecured instant messaging) as well as the volume of data transferred e.g., “did you upload to YouTube”)
  • Your approximate location (from within a few meters to a few km depending upon density of towers)
It is important to note that if you think you are being tracked, it is not always enough to switch SIM cards, as you can be tracked by the ID (IMEI) of your mobile device/handset alone. There is also a lot of information on your phone that may be used against you if the phone is confiscated or taken from you. All mobile phones have a small amount of storage space on the SIM card, as well as internal phone memory. (In addition, some phones have a SD (or microSD) storage card for multimedia files.) In general, storing data on the SIM card and SD card (if available) is better than storing internally on the phone, because you can more easily remove and destroy

Data stored on your SIM, internal phone memory, and SD storage card (if present) include:

  • Your phone book - contact names and telephone number
  • Your call history - who you called, who called you, and what time the call was placed
  • SMS you have sent or received
  • Data from any applications you use, such as a calendar or to-do list
  • Photos or video that you have taken using the phone camera, if your phones has one. Most phones store the time the photo was taken, and may also include location information.
For phones that allow web browsing, you should also consider how much of your browsing history is stored on the phone. If possible, do not keep a browsing history. Emails are a further potential danger should an attacker obtain access to the SIM card or phone memory.
Like the hard drive in a computer, the SIM memory of your mobile phone keeps any data ever saved on it until it is full, when old data gets written over. This means that even deleted SMS, call records and contacts can potentially be recovered from the SIM. (There is a free application to do this using a smartcard reader). The same applies to phones that have additional memory, either built into the phone or using a memory card. As a rule, the more storage a phone has, the longer deleted items will be retrievable.

So what does this mean for you?

Mobile phones can be powerful tools for activists, but they can also be incredible liabilities if the government or security forces are actively working with telecoms to track you. If you are in a country that uses mobiles extensively for surveillance, especially if you think you are being closely watched for high-profile activities, it’s recommended that you don’t use mobile phones to communicate. Conduct meetings face-to-face.
Ultimately, the risks you take are up to you: if you don’t think you’re being targeted as a high- profile activist or as part of a larger surveillance campaign and want to use your phone to communicate with fellow activists, record photos and video, or pass on information, you can use the following tactics:
  • Create and use a code word system to communicate with fellow activists. Use “beeping” as a system for communication with fellow activists (calling once or twice and hanging up in order to let someone know you’ve arrived at a location, are safe, etc.)
  • Don’t use the real names for fellow activists in your address book; give them numbers or pseudonyms. This way if your phone or SIM card is taken by security forces, they don’t have your entire network of fellow activists in hand.
  • Bring back-up SIM cards with you to protests if you know they are being confiscated and it’s important that you have a working cell phone with you at an event. If you have to get rid of a SIM card, try to physically destroy it.
  • If your phone can be locked with a password, use it. This can also be your SIM card’s PIN number: SIM cards comes with a default PIN number; if you can, change the default PIN number and enable PIN locking on your SIM. You’ll then be required to enter a password (your PIN number) each time you use your phone.
  • If you think a protest is going to meet with an increased crackdown by security forces, you may want to put it in airplane mode while at an event; you won’t be able to send or receive calls, but you can still capture video and photographs and upload them to online sites later. This tactic is also useful if you think security forces are cracking down on everyone with a cell phone at an event. Later on the government can request call/SMS or data records for all individuals who were in a particular location at a particular time in order to perform mass arrests.
  • Turn off location tracking and geotagging for various applications unless you are using this feature as part of a targeted project to geotag certain media at an event as part of an action. If you are using your cell phone to stream video live, turn off the GPS/geotagging option (Directions for Bambuser.)
  • If you have a phone that runs on the Android Operating System, you can use a number of tools to encrypt web browsing, instant messaging, SMS, and voice calls via the tools created by the Guardian Project and Whispersys. When using your mobile device to browse the web, use HTTPS whenever possible.

Note for BlackBerry users:

BlackBerry-maker Research in Motion (RIM) provides two types of accounts with corresponding levels of encryption. For ordinary individual consumers, there has never been true end-to-end encryption on your BlackBerry communications – RIM or your mobile provider can always intercept your calls, emails, SMS, web browsing, etc. By way of contrast, enterprise users whose company uses a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) will have end-to- end encryption on their email, messenger (BBM), and web browsing. However, if you’re an Enterprise user, keep in mind that whoever runs your company’s server, typically your IT admin, has the means to decrypt all of your communications, and there are a variety of legal (and not so legal) processes which a government can use to get your decrypted communications. Recently the UAE tried to force Research in Motion to give them the mechanism to decrypt all BlackBerry communications, but RIM has refused to do so. BlackBerry users should keep up to date on any news of negotiations between their government and RIM on these issues. They should also be aware of other attempts to intercept encrypted BlackBerry communications. In 2009, UAE’s Etisalat sent BlackBerry users an unofficial “update” that allowed the telecom to receive copies of all users’ messages. RIM soon sent users an update that removed the fraudulent software, but BlackBerry users should be aware of any suspicious software updates that do not come directly from RIM.
This article is an extract of Access Now handbook, A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO PROTECTING YOUR IDENTITY AND SECURITY ONLINE AND WHEN USING MOBILE PHONES. It was written for citizens in the Middle East and North Africa who want to use technology safely to communicate, organize, and share data (news reports, information, media, etc.) – but it can be used by anyone online anywhere who wants to protect their privacy and security. Download the complete handbook English, Russian, Vietnamese, Korean, Polski, Indonesian.

More resources



#yemen On Location Video: Yemeni cyclists fight for a chance to race

Yemen's national cycling team battles prejudice and conflict in the hope of competing abroad.



#مصر كلنا ليلى : أول الليلات الجامعيات

كلنا ليلى : أول الليلات الجامعيات

هذه الصورة النادرة التى وجدت فى مجلة الاثنين و العالم الصادرة فى يوم 13 مارس 1945 هى صورة لخمس طلابات من اول 17 طالبة تتحلق بالجامعة فؤاد فى1929
اول طالبات فى الجامعة المصرية
اول طالبات فى الجامعة المصرية
و هنا مقالة لدكتورة نعيمة الايوبى فى نفس العدد تحت عنوان “كنت أول فتاة تدخل الجامعة
كنت اول فتاة تدخل الجامعة
كنت اول فتاة تدخل الجامعة

من المؤسف ان لا نتذكر دور تلك النساء و لا نتذكر اسمائهن ما عدا الدكتورة سهير القلماوى
عالفكرة قبل ان تلتحق تلك الفتيات بالجامعة كانت هناك محاضرات باللغة الفرنسية مخصصة لنساء الطبقة الثرية فى اطار ضيق فى مصر فى ذلك الوقت و كانتا الرائدتان لبيبة هاشم و ملك حفنى ناصف تترجمان تلك المحاضرات الى العربية لنشرها فى الصحف المصرية فى ذلك الوقت

#مصر عتاب الاحباب

عتاب الاحباب


«تساءلوا: كيف تقول:
هذى بلاد لم تعد كبلادى؟!
هذا عتاب الحب للأحباب»
لا تغْضَبـِى من ثـَوْرَتِى.. وعتــابـــى
مازالَ حُّبــــكِ محنتى وعــــــــذابى
مازالتِ فى العين الحزينــــةِ قبلـــــة ً
للعاشقين بسحْـــركِ الخَـــــــــــلاَّبِ
أحببتُ فيكِ العمرَ طفــــلا ً باسمــــًا
جاءَ الحيــاة َ بأطهـر الأثـــــــــوابِ
أحببتُ فيكِ الليلَ حيــــن يضمنـــــــا
دفءُ القلــوبِ.. ورفـْقــَة ُ الأصحابِ
أحببتُ فيـكِ الأم تـَسْكـــُنُ طفلهَــــــا
مهما نأى.. تلقــاهُ بالتــَّـــرْحَـــــابِ
أحببتُ فيكِ الشمسَ تغسلُ شَعْــــرها
عنـدَ الغروبِ بدمعها المُنـْسَــــــابِ
أحببتُ فيكِ النيلَ يجــرى صَاخبــــًا
فـَيَهيمُ رَوْضٌ..فى عنــــَـاق ِ رَوَابِ
أحببتُ فيكِ شموخَ نهــر جامـــــــح ٍ
كم كان يُسكرنــى بــغيـر شَــــرَابِ
أحببتُ فيكِ النيلَ يسْجُــد خاشعِــــــا
لله ربــــًّــــا دون أى حســــــــابِ
أحببتُ فيكِ صلاة َ شعــبٍ مُؤْمــــن
رسمَ الوجـودَ على هُدَى مِحْـــرَابِ
أحببتُ فيكِ زمانَ مجـــدٍ غَابـــــــــر ٍ
ضيَّـعتــِـهِ سفهـــــًا على الأذنـــَـابِ
أحببتُ فِى الشرفـــاء عهدًا باقيــــــًا
وكرهـتُ كلَّ مُقـــــامر ٍ كـــــــذابِ
إِنى أحبــــكِ رغــــــم أَنى عاشــــقٌ
سَئِم الطوافَ.. وضـاق بالأعْـتـابِ
كم طاف قلبى فى رحابـــِـكِ خاشعًا
لم تعرفى الأنـْقـى.. من النـصـــَّابِ
أسرفتُ فى حبــــى.. وأنت بخيلـــــة ٌ
ضيعتِ عمرى.. واسْتـَبَحْتِ شَبَابى
شاخت على عينيكِ أحلامُ الصبـــــا
وتناثرت دمعـــا على الأهــــــــدابِ
من كان أولـَى بالوفاء ؟!.. عصابة َُ
نهبتكِ بالتدليـــــس.. والإرهـــــابِ ؟
أم قلبُ طفـل ذاب فيــــك صبابـــــة ً
ورميتهِ لحمًـــا على الأبــــــــوابِ ؟!
عمر من الأحزان يمـرح بيننــــــــا..
شبحُ يطوف بوجهـــهِ المُرْتــــــــَابِ
لا النيلُ نيلـُكِ.. لا الضفافُ ضفافهُ
حتى نخيلـُك تاهَ فى الأعشـــــــابِ !
باعُوكِ فى صخبِ المزادِ.. ولم أجد
فى صدركِ المهجور غيرَ عـــذابى
قد روَّضُوا النهرَ المكابـِرَ فانحنــــــَى
للغاصبيـــــــن.. وَلاذ بالأغْــــرَابِ
كم جئتُ يحملنى حَنِينٌ جــــــــــارفٌ
فأراكِ.. والجلادُ خلـفَ البَــــــــابِ
تـَتـَرَاقـَصين علـَى الموائـــــد فرحة ً
ودَمِى المراقُ يسيل فى الأنخــــابِ
وأراكِ فى صخب المزاد وليمــــــة ً
يلهو بها الأفـَّاقُ.. والمُتصـــــــابى
قد كنتُ أولى بالحنان ِ.. ولم أجـــــدْ
فى ليلِ صدرك غيرَ ضـوءٍ خــابِ
فى قِمة الهَرَم ِ الحزين ِ عصابـــــة ٌ
ما بين سيفٍ عاجز ٍ.. ومُـــــــرَابِ
يتعَبَّدُون لكــــل نجــــــــم ٍ سَاطِــــع ٍ
فإذا هَوَى صاحُوا: «نذيرَ خَرَابِ»
هرمُ بلون ِالموت ِ.. نيلٌ ساكــــــنٌ
أسْدٌ محنطـــــــــــة ٌبلا أنـْيَــــــــابِ
سافرتُ عنكِ وفى الجوانح وحشــــة ٌ
فالحزنُ كأسِى.. والحَنِينُ شَــرَابى
صوتُ البلابـِل ِغابَ عن أوكــــــاره
لم تعبئى بتشــــــردى.. وغيــــابى
كلُّ الرفاق رأيتـُهـــم فى غربتـــــــى
أطلالَ حُلم.. فى تـِلال ِ تـــــُرَابِ
قد هاجروا حُزْنـًا.. وماتوا لوعـــــة ً
بين الحنين ِ.. وفـُرقةِ الأصحــابِ
بينى وبينك ألفُ ميــــــل ٍ.. بينمـــــــا
أحضانـُك الخضراءُ للأغْــــرَابِ!
تبنين للسفهــــــــاء عشـًّـــــا هادئـــــا
وأنا أموتُ على صقيع شبابــــى !
فى عتمةِ الليل ِ الطويـــل ِ يشــــــدنى
قلبى إليكِ.. أحِنُّ رغم عــــــذابى
أهفو إليك.. وفى عُيُونِكِ أحتمـــــــى
من سجن طاغيةٍ وقصفِ رقــابِ
* * *
هل كان عدلا ً أن حبَّـكِ قاتـــلـــــــى
كيف استبحتِ القتلَ للأحبــــــابِ؟!
ما بين جلادٍ.. وذئــــــــــب حاقــــــدٍ
وعصابةٍ نهبتْ بغير ِ حســــــــابِ
وقوافلٍ للبُؤس ِ ترتـــــــــعُ حولنــــــا
وأنين ِ طفلٍ غاص فى أعصــابى
وحكايةٍ عن قلبِ شيــخ عاجــــــــــٍز
قد مات مصلوبًا على المحـــــرابِ
قد كان يصرخ: «لى إلـــــهٌ واحــدٌ
هو خالق الدنيـا.. وأعلـــمُ ما بى»
ياربِّ سطـَّرت الخلائـــقَ كلهَّـــــــا
وبكل سطـر ٍ أمــــــة ٌ بكتــــــــابِ
الجالسونَ على العروش توحَّشُــوا
ولكل طاغيـةٍ قطيــــــــعُ ذئـــــابِ
قــد قلـــــــتُ:إن الله ربٌّ واحـــــدٌ
صاحوا:»ونحن» كفرتَ بالأرْبَابِ؟
قد مزَّقوا جسدى.. وداسُوا أعظـُمى
ورأيتُ أشلائى على الأبــــــــوابِ
* * *
ماعدتُ أعرفُ أيْنَ تهدأ رحلـتـــى
وبأى أرض ٍ تستريـــح ركـــــَابى
غابت وجوهٌ.. كيفَ أخفتْ سرَّها ؟
هرَبَ السؤالُ.. وعز فيه جوابى
لو أن طيفـَا عاد بعـــد غيــــابــــه
لأرى حقيقة رحلتــــــى ومآبـــــى
لكنه طيفٌ بعيــــــدٌ.. غامـــــضٌ
يأتى إلينــــــا من وراء حجـــــــابِ
رحل الربيعُ.. وسافرت أطيــــارُه
ما عاد يُجدى فى الخريفِ عتــابى
فى آخر المشوار تبدُو صورتـــى
وسْط َ الذئاب بمحنتى وعــــــذابى
ويطل وجهُك خلفَ أمواج ِ الأسى
شمسًا تـُلـَوِّحُ فى وداع ِ سحــــــابِ
هذا زمانٌ خاننى فى غفـــــلــــــةٍ
منى.. وأدْمى بالجحــودِ شبـــــابى
شيَّعتُ أوهامـــى.. وقلتُ لـَعَلـَّنـى
يوما أعودُ لحكمــتـى وصـــــــوابى
كيف ارْتضـــيتُ ضلالَ عَهْدٍ فاجر
وفسادَ طاغيةٍ.. وغـــــــدرَ كِلابِ؟!
ما بين أحـــــلام ٍ تـَوارى سحْــرُها
وبريق ِ عُمر صارَ طيـــفَ سَرَابِ
شاختْ ليالى العُمر منـــى فجـــــأة ً
فى زيف حلم ٍ خــادع كـــــــــذابِ
لم يبق غيرُ الفقر يسْتـُر عَوْرَتـــــى
والفقرُ ملعونٌ بكـــل كِتــــــــــــــابِ
سِربُ النخيل ِعلى الشواطئ ينـْحَنى
وتسيلُ فى فــزع ٍ دِمـــــــاءُ رقاب ِ
ما كان ظنى أن تكونَ نهايتــــــــــى
فى آخر المشـــوار ِ دَمْعَ عتــــــابِ!
ويضيعُ عمرى فى دروبَ مدينتـــى
ما بين نار القهر ِ.. والإرْهـــــابِ
ويكون آخرَ ما يُطلُّ على المــــدى
شعبٌ يُهــــرْولُ فى سوادِ نقـــــابِ
وطنٌ بعَرض ِالكون ِيبـــــدو لعبـــة ً
للوارثين العرشَ بالأنســـــــــــابِ
قـَتـْــــــلاكِ يـــا أمَّ البلادِ تفرقـُــــــوا
وتشردُوا شِيَعًا على الأبْــــــــــوَابِ
رَسَمُوكِ حُلما..ثم ماتـوا وَحشـــــة ً
ما بين ظـُلـْم ِ الأهل ِ.. والأصْحَابِ
لا تخجلى ِ إن جئتُ بابَكِ عاريـــــًا
ورأيتِنى شَبَحــــًا بغيــــــر ثيــــــابِ
يَخْبُو ضياءُ الشمس ِ.. يَصغُر بيننا
ويصيرُ فى عَيْنى.. كعُودِ ثقـــــــــابِ
والريحُ تزأرُ.. والنجومُ شحيحـــــة ٌ
وأنا وراءَ الأفق ِ ضوءُ شهــــــــابِ
غضبٌ بلون العشق ِ.. سخـط ٌ يائسٌ
ونزيفُ عمر ٍ.. فى سُطـُور كتـابِ
رغْمَ انطفاءِ الحُلِم بين عيـــــــــــوننا
سيعودُ فجرُكِ بعدَ طول غيـــــــابِ
فـَلـْترحمى ضعْفِى .. وقلـَّة َ حِيلتــى
هذا عِتابُ الحُبِّ.. للأَحْبـــــــــــابِ