‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات 25jan. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات 25jan. إظهار كافة الرسائل


#Egypt #Ikhwan #MB killed his own protesters to incite civil war

Video Egypt- Ikhwan( Brotherhood) killed his own protesters to incite civil war

So- called Islamic- faced Morsi’s brotherhood trying to incite civil war and this video prove everything




UNEDITED aerial footage of #Egypt's #June30 #protests #tahrir

UNEDITED aerial footage of Egypt's June 30 protests
[UNEDITED VERSION] Egypt's Armed Forces has released footage from protests that it has captured using Military helicopters. The video raises tensions between President Morsi and the Armed Forces, and shows the extent of the June 30 protests. Check out the completely UNEDITED footage below:


#28June : A rehearsal For #30June #egypt

#28June : A rehearsal For #30June 


And people went to protest today. Egyptians vs. Egyptians , civilians Vs. Civilians or Non Islamists Vs. Islamists to be accurate.
Hundreds of thousands protests against Muslim brotherhood and Mohamed Morsi in rehearsal today across the country for the big day on the 30th. Also hundreds of thousands were there in Cairo protesting in solidarity with Muslim brotherhood and Mohamed Morsi.
The scene of Islamists was repetitive but the scene of angry citizens including first time protesters and NDPians in the protests along with the revolutionaries was rare.
Of course it was not that peaceful because clashes happened and we got over 500 injured. Ministry of health says that 3 have been killed including a US citizen who was stabbed in Alexandria unfortunately.  The death toll of the Muslim brotherhood is 5 up till now while 2 for the protesters as well 1 US citizen.
Today several MB headquarters and branches have been torched and vandalized by angry protesters in Alexandria and Mansoura.
Here is a quick Storify report from photos and videos about the day. I am still updating it after the break.
Now leaks I knew earlier this week that things will be bloody in North Delta and the old NDPian leading figures will make it bloody in all possible ways so the army would intervene. I think I said it before. If you speak about peacefulness than you are either weak coward who lives in lala land or secret MB agent Online.
I do not underestimate the anger of the people nor the fact that everybody is denying that we are fully armed society now.
Tahrir square is full again but …
I can not be so happy that Tahrir square is full now , it has been full before by revolutionaries alone without MB or Mubarak loyalists or military loyalists. I can not be so happy because I see too much hate and anger blinding everybody.
Today I found a tweep comparing the Muslim brotherhood as the Jews in Germany before WWII reaching to the conclusion that a holocaust would be great for the Muslim brotherhood.
I can not be so happy when I see that bearded men are being attacked in the streets and there are threats to butcher the Muslim brotherhood and their families like sheep.
I can not be so happy that Tahrir square is full when I see faces from those who called the martyrs of Tahrir and Mohamed Mahmoud street every possible name and accusing revolution of being a foreign plot bragging on how they are protesting in the square. Yes the square is for everybody but emotionally speaking I remember what everybody said in the past two years , it is curse. For God those people are still attacking the January 25 Revolution calling it a defeat , a setback and a foreign conspiracy.
Politically and realistically speaking I believe that we can not win the battle when we have different goals. This is the dilemma , the revolutionaries want their revolution back on track once again for democracy and freedom while the Mubarak loyalists want the military back and to end democracy.They got higher voice in the media now despite they need the revolutionary cover in front of the world.
Of course if anyone dares to speak about this matter online in Arabic he or she will be accused of being a secret MB cell spreading lies who is trying to split the unity of the great people’s revolution. I have had my share already for being called all sort of insults for saying this.
Anyhow to be realistic you do not need to be an expert to know that sooner or later the army will do something considering how the armed forces troops are deployed throughout the country. Whether it is going to be a full scale coup or soft coup I do not know.
Nevertheless I have to admit that greed and stupidity of the Muslim brotherhood will be studied and that the deep state in Egypt knew how to use that greed in order to return back to the scene just like knowing the weakness points of the 25 January revolutionaries. Unfortunately the revolutionaries and the people do not want to understand or learn from their mistakes like others.


'You Can't Eat Sharia' #EGYPT #Islamist #Ikhwan #salafi

Egypt is on the brink -- not of something better than the old Mubarak dictatorship, but of something even worse. 


Two years after the revolution that toppled a dictator, Egypt is already a failed state. According to the Failed States Index, in the year before the uprising we ranked No. 45. After Hosni Mubarak fell, we worsened to 31st. I haven't checked recently -- I don't want to get more depressed. But the evidence is all around us.



Today you see an erosion of state authority in Egypt. The state is supposed to provide security and justice; that's the most basic form of statehood. But law and order is disintegrating. In 2012, murders were up 130 percent, robberies 350 percent, and kidnappings 145 percent, according to the Interior Ministry. You see people being lynched in public, while others take pictures of the scene. Mind you, this is the 21st century -- not the French Revolution!
The feeling right now is that there is no state authority to enforce law and order, and therefore everybody thinks that everything is permissible. And that, of course, creates a lot of fear and anxiety.
You can't expect Egypt to have a normal economic life under such circumstances. People are very worried. People who have money are not investing -- neither Egyptians nor foreigners. In a situation where law and order is spotty and you don't see institutions performing their duties, when you don't know what will happen tomorrow, obviously you hold back. As a result, Egypt's foreign reserves have been depleted, the budget deficit will be 12 percent this year, and the pound is being devalued. Roughly a quarter of our youth wake up in the morning and have no jobs to go to. In every area, the economic fundamentals are not there.
Egypt could risk a default on its foreign debt over the next few months, and the government is desperately trying to get a credit line from here and there -- but that's not how to get the economy back to work. You need foreign investment, you need sound economic policies, you need functioning institutions, and you need skilled labor.
So far, however, the Egyptian government has only offered a patchwork vision and ad hoc economic policies, with no steady hand at the helm of the state. The government adopted some austerity measures in December to satisfy certain IMF requirements, only to repeal them by morning. Meanwhile, prices are soaring and the situation is becoming untenable, particularly for the nearly half of Egyptians who live on less than $2 a day.
The executive branch has no clue how to run Egypt. It's not a question of whether they are Muslim Brothers or liberals -- it's a question of people who have no vision or experience. They do not know how to diagnose the problem and then provide the solution. They are simply not qualified to govern.


#حازمون بعد مليونة مجزرة حازئون فى #الاسكندارية #وهابيين

#حازمون بعد مليونة الفشخ فى #الاسكندارية #وهابيين 



 بما إن النهارده يوم مميز في التاريخ، حيث أنه الذكرى الأولى لنهاية العالم -اللي كانت المفروض تحصل النهارده، وكان لابد ألا يمر هذا اليوم علينا مرور الكرام.. لذا كان من الواجب أن يحمل هذا اليوم هدية معينة لفئة من نخبة نخب البشر ألا وهم “الحازئون”.

 الهدية اللي خدها الحازمون بالشفا ويا للعجب كانت من صنع أيديهم؛ حيث أنهم قرروا اليوم الخروج في مليونية حماية المساجد -اللي ربنا حاميها، وأي حد من الشعب مسيحى قبل مسلم بيحترمها.. قال يعنى المساجد محتاجاهم علشان يحموها، وقرروا أن تكون هذه اللمة الحلوة في محافظة الإسكندرية.. ناسين زي الهبل إن الإسكندرانية في الشتا بتبقى أعصابهم مشدودة شوية، ده غير إنهم ناس ماعندهمش صبر زي بتوع القاهرة، دول ما بيتفاهموش.
المهم، الشيخ المحلاوي صلى بالناس الجمعة، وكالمعتاد قال الدين والصناديق.. ولأ كفار ونعم جنة.. وشوية الشغل الضيق اللي بقى قديم ومكرر وممل.. الناس قالت الراجل ده شكله مش عايز يجيبها لبر، بس نخليها علينا احنا وربنا يهديه.. المهم الشيخ خلص صلاة والأوتوبيسات وصلت ونزل الحازمون والإخوان ومعاهم أكلهم وشربهم وسلاحهم الأبيض والآلي.. وللأسف الشديد كانوا غلطانين، ولكنه واحد من تلك الاخطاء التي قد تكلفك حياتك؛ حيث كانوا فاكرين إن إسكندرية زي مدينة الإنتاج الإعلامي كده، وحيقفوا ويبلطجوا ويدبحوا عجول وياكلوا لحمة براحتهم..
لكن الإسكندرانية الكلام ده ما يمشيش معاهم–اللحمة أساساً غالية والشعب كله بيتنشق عليها”.. قلبوها حريقة يا عم الحاج.. كر وفر وخطف وشغل حلو من بتاع الاتحادية، بس مش كل مرة تسلم الجرة؛ أهالي إسكندرية شكلهم كانوا على آخرهم من بعد تزوير نتيجة الاستفتاء عندهم.. وشكلهم كانوا مستحلفين للجماعة دول..
 المهم بدأت الغلبة تتضح لأهل إسكندرية على المحتل الغاشم، وكانت القشة التى قصمت ظهر الخروف، حينما بدأ الأهالي في إحراق أتوبيسات الحازمون هم والإخوان.. حرام يا عيني.. أهالي إسكندرية دول وحشين.. هما عارفين إن الحازمون والمرشدون لا يقدرون على الحركة بدون الأتوبيس.
المهم..إنه_ وعملا بمبدأ رجلهم حازم_ قام الإخوان بالهرب من المعركة مستغلين قصر لحاهم، ليتركوا أخوتهم السلفيين بين شقى الرحى.. ومبدأ حازم هذا يقول “الثائر الحق هو الذى يظيط في الظيطة.. ثم يفلسع ليلبس اللي معاه في الحيطة”.. ولبس السلفيون في الحيطة.. وعندما أدركوا أنه لا مفر من الغرق في بحر إسكندرية الهائج بدأوا بالهتاف: “سلمية سلمية يا أهالي إسكندرية”..
بس الأمانة لله يعني وشهادة حق أبو إسماعيل طلع وقال إنه كان هايلم رجالته بس الشاحن بتاعه اتسرق وتليفونه فصل وماعرفش يبعت لهم إس إم إس.


  في نفس الوقت الذى كان شيخهم عبدالله بدر يتبجح بأنهم سوف يدوسون جثث أهالي إسكندرية بالأحذية..
وفي هذه الأثناء كانت الشرطة تكتفي بدور المتفرج بأوامر عليا.. على أساس إن الغلبة هتكون لولاد ابو اسماعيل، ولكن تأتي الرياح بما لا يشتهى ابو اسماعيل نفسه، وينقلب السحر على الساحر..
 الحازئون استنجدوا بالشرطة “نفس الشرطة اللي كانوا رايحين يحاصروا مقرها في عابدين من يومين” لتنجدهم من الإسكندرانية اللي كانوا خلاص حيمسحوهم من على وش الأسفلت.. وفعلا الشرطة عملت كوردون حوالين الحازمون علشان تحميهم من الأهالي.. راح قام الأهالي محاصرين الشرطة والحازمون مع بعض.. وهاتوا كبيركم يطلعكوا من هنا.


What #morsi relay do to #Egypt!

What #morsi relay do to #Egypt!


#Cartoon @Operamundi – Morsi’s new hairstyle – #Egypt @MuhammadMorsi

 Morsi’s new hairstyle