
#Turkey protests: Unrest rages in #Istanbul and #Ankara

Turkey has entered a second day of violent protests, with fresh clashes between police and demonstrators in Istanbul
--> and the capital, Ankara. The unrest began as a sit-in over plans to redevelop Gezi Park in Istanbul's Taksim Square, but escalated after police used tear gas.

Tear gas was again fired on Saturday at protesters in Istanbul and Ankara.
In a defiant speech, PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan insisted that the park project would go ahead.
He also said that police would remain in Taksim Square to preserve order.
Correspondents say that what began as a local issue has spiralled into more widespread anger at the government and ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party.
Transport lockdown Hundreds of demonstrators marched over the bridge connecting the Asian and European shores of Istanbul on Saturday morning to try to reach the main square.
Police fired tear gas to try to disperse them and some protesters threw rocks.

Watch live streaming video from revoltistanbul at livestream.com







#Egypt Death on the Nile

The River Nile has been a source of life for millions over the centuries. Now Ethiopia is diverting water to build a giant dam pushing those downstream who depend on the river, to wonder when and whether this issue can be resolved peacefully. To discuss this, presenter David Foster, is joined by guests: Bereket Simon, Ethiopian minister of information; Lama El Hatow, co-founder of water institute of the Nile and specialist in water governance and climate change; and Cleo Paskal from Chatham House, specialist in water and food security and writer of 'Global warring.'

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Arabs Live in UK and say ''UK Go to HELL''

Can you believe this? They are living in United Kingdom and hate it and say "UK go to Hell!

the question is that why they are still living there?

If possible please comment in English to other people see what is the difference between Iranians and MUSLIMS opinion!!! ("Iranians" means normal people NOT government


Chinese Tourist Damages 3000-Year-Old Temple in Luxor #egypt

A Chinese tourist damaged a 3,000-year-old site in Luxor and publicly shared the image on Chinese social media, which has since gone viral.
The tourist carved “Ding Jinhao was here,” while visiting Luxor in Egypt. Chinese social media and newspapers were quick to condemn and identify the offender, and the incident has attracted widespread criticism in China with headlines such as “China’s Tourist Shame.”
It is not yet clear whether the markings can be removed in order to safely return the wall to its original state.
Despite this, the incident remains unreported on Egyptian media and the man responsible was never identified or charged with any criminal offence by Egyptian authorities. The Ministry of Antiquities has not commented on the damage yet. According to a source contacted by Egyptian Streets, the Ministry of Antiquities is currently investigating the incident.
The incident highlights the lack of security and enforcement of rules that are meant to protect and preserve Egypt’s historic sites.

The Karnak and Luxor Temples as well as the Valley of the Kings are very popular with tourists, but concerns over safety have led to a sharp decline in tourists in recent months.

كيف أصبح آل سعود عرباً ؟


كيف أصبح آل سعود عرباً ؟

يتشدق آل سعود بالصلة النبوية و أنهم من قبيلة عنزة العربيّة وذلك لتغطية مؤامرتهم على الأمّة و على أصلهم اليهودي المنحدر من بنى قينقاع ، الذين ساهموا بدهائهم وأموالهم ورجالهم الأجراء في هزيمة الرّسول وإصابته بجروح في معركة أحد ، هذا إلى جانب حصار الماء الشّهير حيث كانت الرأسمالية اليهودية تسيطر على كل آبار المدينة عندما منعوا النبي و قومه من الشّرب مما جعله ...صلى الله عليه و سلّم يطلب من عثمان بن عفان أن يشتري منهم نصف البئر لتشرب العرب و لينهي حصارهم .

و ما طرق اليهود الخبيثة الأولى و الحالية إلا نفس الطرق الخبيثة التي يسلكها سليلي بني قينقاع عائلة آل سعود ...
--> في عام 1473 م بدأ تاريخ إنتساب بنى قينقاع للعرب حين سافر ركب من عشيرة المساليخ من قبيلة عنزة العربيّة النّجديّة لجلب الحبوب من العراق وفي البصرة ذهب أفراد الركب لشراء حاجاتهم من تاجر حبوب يهودي أسمه مردخاى بن إبراهيم بن موشى و أثناء مفاوضات البيع سألهم اليهودي عن أصلهم فأبلغوه بأنهم من قبيلة عنزة وما كاد يسمع بهذا الإسم حتى أخذ يعانق كل واحد منهم بحرارة و يضمه إلى صدره مدّعياً بإنه من نفس القبيلة و أنّه جاء إلى العراق منذ مدة بسبب خصام وقع بين والده و أفراد من القبيلة و قد إستقرّ به المطاف في البصرة ، وما أن خلص من سرد روايته التي إختلقها حتى أمر خدمه بتحميل إبل أبناء عمومته بالقمح و التمر و الأرز فطارت عقول شيوخ العشيرة لهذا الكرم و قد صدقوا بأنه إبن عم لهم .

--> وما أن عزم ركب قبيلة عنزة على الرحيل حتى طلب منهم اليهودي مردخاى أن يرافقهم إلى بلاده المزعومة فرحب به الركب أحسن ترحيب ، و هكذا وصل اليهودي إلى نجد حيث عمل لنفسه الكثير من الدعاية عن طريقهم على أساس أنه أبن عم لهم و لكنّه وجد مضايقة من عدد كبير من أبناء نجد لمعرفتهم بتاريخ قبائلهم و شكّهم في صدق روايته مما إضطرّه إلى مغادرة القصيم إلى الإحساء و هناك حرف إسمه إلى مرخان بن إبراهيم .

وكانت ميزته و أهله أنهم على عادة يهود الدّونمة يعتمرون الطرابيش الحمراء ويُطلقون لحاهم ويحلقون رؤسهم (لذلك كان البدو يُطلقون على آل سعود أحفاد حُمر الطرابيش)..

ثم انتقل اليهودي مردخاي بن إبراهيم بن موشي إلى مكان قرب القطيف فأطلق عليه إسم الدرعية تيمناً بدرع علي بن أبي طالب التي سقطت منه في خروجه لحرب معاوية فتحوّزها يهودياً و قضى له فيها القضاء و بعد ذلك عمل مردخاى على الإتصال بالبادية لتدعيم مركزه إلى حد إنه نصّب نفسه عليها ملكاً ، لكن بعض القبائل عرفوا بوادر الجريمة اليهودية وحاولوا قتله لكنه نجا منهم و عاد إلى نجد مرة أخرى حتى و صل إلى أرض المليبد قرب الرياض فطلب الجيرة من صاحب الأرض فأواه و أجاره لكن هذا اليهودي مردخاى لم ينتظر أكثر من شهر حتى قتله و استولى عليها و أطلق عليها إسم الدرعية مرة أخرى و تظاهر بإعتناق الإسلام و دفع لتجّار الدّين و روّات الأنساب بالذّهب و الفضّة ليدعون له و ليزيّفوا التّاريخ و يزوروا في الأنساب و يختلقون له نسباً يصله ببكر بن وائل من بني أسد بن ربيعه و يزعمون أنّه من أصل النّبي العربي محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد المطّلب صلى الله عليه و سلّم.

و قد عمّر مردخاي بن إبراهيم بن موشي، الذي أصبح إسمه مرخان بن إبراهيم بن موسى بن ربيعه بن مانع بن ربيعه المريدي وينتهي نسبه إلى بكر بن وائل من بني أسد بن ربيعه، عمّر الدرعية وأخذ يتزوج بكثرة من النساء و الجواري و أنجب عدداً من الأولاد و أخذ يسميهم بالأسماء العربية المحلية ، وقد أنجب إبنه "المقرن" الذي جاء معه من البصرة ولداً أسماه "محمد" ، وأنجب بدوره "سعود" الذي أنجب بدوره ولداً أسماه "محمّد" ، والذي صار فيما بعد إماماً للمسلمين ، وهو الإسم الذي عرفت به عائلة آل سعود ، وقد إلتقى الأمام محمد بن سعود بن محمد بن مقرن بن مرخان ( 1744 - 1765 م ) بإمام آخر أسمه محمد بن عبد الوهاب بن سليمان بن علي بن شلومان قرقوزي ( 1703 - 1792) صاحب الدعوة الوهابية و الذي ينحدر هو الآخر من أسرة يهودية من يهود الدّونمة الذين فروا مع المسلمين من إسبانيا إلى تركيا و إندسوا بأمر من زعيمهم سباتاي زيفي على الإسلام بقصد الإساءة إليه و لتخريب الخلافة العثمانيّة و تفكيكها و التّغلغل في المجتمع العربي و التّنفّذ في دولة عندما تنشأ من تفكك دولة الخلافة ..

المصدر : موقع البعث برس الإخباري التونسي


An Egyptian and Indian shop called 'Hitler'

An Egyptian and Indian shop called 'Hitler'it just Coincidence ;)


#Egypt withdraws annual financial support for Jewish community

Egypt has revoked annual grants of LE100,000 (US$14,000) allocated by former President Hosni Mubarak to the Jewish community in the country, an Egyptian cabinet official said Wednesday.

Mubarak supported the Jewish community through a confidential measure in the budget, head of the central department for financial and administrative affairs Soad Mekky said during a meeting for the Shura Council's Human Rights committee on the state budget, as reported by Anadolu Turkish news agency.  Mubarak secretly allotted the sum to the Jewish community starting in 1988, she added.
The annual grant was apportioned to the Jewish community from 1988 to 2012, Mekki said. The grant was suspended in 2003 under former Minister of Social Affairs Amina al-Gendy, but was later reinstated upon her request 
Egypt had a flourishing Jewish community of more than 50,000 in the first half of the 20th century. Some say that there are now less than 200 Egyptian Jews still living in the country.


#Woolwich attack

Man tries to justify the killing and appologises for what people had to witness!!! PSYCHO!!
ITV News has obtained footage of a man with bloodied hands addressing a camera on a south London street.

He makes a series of political statements before walking towards a man, believed to be a soldier, lying prone on the street.

He then talks calmly to another man stood nearby.

A man believed to be a serving British soldier was brutally murdered Wednesday near a London barracks in what Prime Minister David Cameron said appeared to be a terrorist attack.
Cameron called the attack "appalling" and said: "There are strong indications that it is a terrorist incident."
Armed police shot and wounded the two suspected attackers.
One broadcaster showed footage of one of the men at the scene carrying a blood-covered knife and meat cleaver saying to the camera: "We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you."
The black man, dressed in a grey hooded jacket and black woolly hat, made a number of political statements to bystanders.
"We must fight them as they fight us. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," he says in a London accent in the video.
He adds: "I apologise that women have had to witness this today, but in our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don't care about you."
The government's emergency response committee was immediately convened.
The attack took place in broad daylight around 200 metres (218 yards) from the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, southeast London.
Cameron, who was to return early from talks with French President Francois Hollande in Paris to deal with the aftermath, called the attack "truly shocking".
Hollande said at a press conference that the victim was a soldier, but Cameron gave no confirmation.
A local member of parliament said he believed the dead man was a soldier.
Cameron said: "We've had this sort of attack before in our country and we never buckle in the face of them."
Home Secretary Theresa May chaired a meeting of COBRA, the government's emergency civil contingencies committee.
"It has been confirmed to me that a man has been brutally murdered this afternoon in southeast London," she said.
"Two other men were shot by armed police and they are currently receiving treatment for their injuries. This is a sickening and barbaric attack."
Police were called at 2:20 pm (1320 GMT) to reports of one man being assaulted by two others.
"A number of weapons were reportedly being used in the attack, and this included reports of a firearm," said police commander Simon Letchford.
Local police officers, then firearms officers arrived on the scene where they found a man who was later pronounced dead.
"Two men, who we believe from early reports to have been carrying weapons, were shot by police. They were taken to separate London hospitals, they are receiving treatment for their injuries," Letchford said.
He said there would be a heightened police presence in the area and urged locals to remain calm.
A white and blue police evidence tent was visible in the street and police tape sealed off the scene. People in forensic suits were also seen.
Eyewitness pictures showed an air ambulance landing in the road and three bodies lying on the ground with dozens of onlookers observing the scene after the police arrived.
Nick Raynsford, the member of parliament for Woolwich and Greenwich, said his understanding after speaking to police and army officers was that dead man was a soldier.
"We think a serving soldier was the victim," he said.
"A number of weapons have been seized. They include a gun, various knives, and a machete, apparently.
"The police clearly had to take action in order to try and arrest these individuals."
A Buckingham Palace spokesman said Queen Elizabeth II -- who is due to visit the barracks later this month -- was being kept updated.
"The queen is of course concerned by the report of an attack in Woolwich," he said.
"Her Majesty is being kept informed."
The spokesman confirmed the monarch would carry out a planned visit to the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery at the barracks on May 31.

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A Signature Rebellion

I got in a taxi on Thursday and within a few minutes of conversation the driver asked my nationality. This has been a sensitive question recently; last week an American near the embassy answered in the positive and was stabbed in the neck for his troubles. ‘I hate America,’ the assailant confessed afterwards.
For the taxi driver, however, it was an opportunity of a different sort. After I owned up to my nationality he leaned over to his glove compartment and…
Rebellion Flyer
… pulled out a sheet of paper.
In fact it was one of many, some signed, most not yet. The driver was preaching the merits of a new campaign to oust President Morsi, and wanted me to convey the message to America. they aim to collect fifteen million signatures to their petition, vaulting over the total number of votes cast for Morsi in the presidential elections. They claim two million to date.
Their grand finale is planned for June 30, at the presidential palace, one year to the day in which Morsi took office.
Here is the translation of their flyer:
To withdraw confidence from the Brotherhood regime
The Rebellion Campaign
(to withdraw confidence from Mohamed Morsi ….)
Because security has not yet returned to the street … we don’t want you
Because the poor still do not have a place … we don’t want you
Because we are still begging from abroad … we don’t want you
Because the rights of the martyrs still have not been fulfilled … we don’t want you
Because there is still no dignity for myself or my country … we don’t want you
Because the economy has collapsed and is built upon begging … we don’t want you
Because you follow the Americans … we don’t want you
Since Mohamed Morsi the … came to power, the simple citizen has felt that not one goal of the revolution has been achieved – for bread, freedom, social justice, and national independence. Morsi has failed to realize them all. No security, no social justice – he is a demonstrated failure in the complete sense of the word. It is not fitting for him to administrate a nation of Egypt’s weight.
I, the undersigned, from my free and complete will, as a member of the general assembly of the Egyptian people, withdraw confidence from the president of the republic, the dictator Mohamed Morsi, and call for early presidential elections. I pledge to hold firmly to the goals of the revolution and to work on their behalf, spreading the Rebellion Campaign among the masses until we are able to achieve social dignity, justice, and freedom.
National Number:
Would you sign?

Saudi Arabia executes 5 Yemenis in Jizan, displays bodies in public

Saudi Arabia executes 5 Yemenis in Jizan, displays bodies in public


Saudi Arabia executed five Yemenis  on Tuesday and displayed their bodies in public for killing a Saudi national and forming a gang that committed robberies across several towns in the kingdom, the interior ministry said.
The five were executed in the south western town of Jizan, bringing the number of people executed in the kingdom this year to 46, according to  AFP stats. The five men in the above picture are seen hanging from a rope tied to their waists on a horizontal bar between two cranes. It is uncertain whether  they were beheaded or shot.
The ministry said that Khaled, Adel ,Qasim Saraa , Saif Ali Al Sahari and Khaled Showie Al Sahari had formed a gang which committed “several crimes in various regions in the kingdom and robbed stores.”
The Ministry added that the five had killed Ahmad Haroubi, a Saudi, by beating him up and strangling him.
Under Saudi Arabia’s strict version of Sharia law, rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking are all punishable by death.

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The number of people executed in Saudi Arabia this year reached 46, according to news agency AFP.
Saudi Arabia’s interior ministry said that Khaled, Adel and Qassem Saraa, Saif Ali al-Sahari and Khaled Showie al-Sahari had formed a gang which committed “several crimes in various regions in the kingdom and robbed stores”.
The gang had killed Ahmed Haroubi, a Saudi, by beating him up and strangling him, the ministry said.
Murder, apostasy, armed robbery, rape as well as drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Saudi Arabia’s strict version of sharia, or Islamic law.
The death penalty in the world. Map by euronews


#Saudi Arabia Religious Police Say Twitter Is the Path to Hell

Hell is other Twitter users — according to the head of Saudi Arabia's religious police force, anyway.
Sheikh Abdul Latif Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh said Wednesday that Muslims who use Twitter or other social media have "lost this world and his afterlife," as quoted by BBC News.

Saudi Arabia has a complicated relationship with social media as its usage skyrockets in the country. However, the Saudi government is worried social media could help the political opposition in the country organize in spread, similar to the ways it has been used throughout the Middle East and elsewhere.
"The Kingdom is particularly concerned with how Twitter has been used to keep people informed of human rights activists who have been tried for the crime of free speech," writes Jonathan Turley, professor of law at The George Washington University Law School. "Leaders on the web have been detained while others have been charged with apostasy and other crimes for statements made on these sites."
Software engineer Moxie Marlinspike recently alleged in a blog post that Saudi Arabia wants the ability to spy on Twitter and such popular messaging services as Viber and WhatsApp.
Several years ago, Saudi Arabia threatened to ban BlackBerry devices unless the company made it easier for the government to read users' messages. The company reportedly decided to comply with those demands.
Other religious figures, including the Dalai Lama and the Pope, have embraced social media to varying degrees as a way to spread their message or connect with those inside and outside their faith. Can religion and social media mix? Share your thoughts in the comments.