‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات world. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات world. إظهار كافة الرسائل


#Muslim woman attacked on Vienna train

A 37-year-old Muslim woman from Vienna has complained to police after being attacked by a woman whilst travelling on Vienna’s metro.

She believes that the woman, who hit her in the face, did so because she was wearing a headscarf. Police said they believed the attacker was “disturbed”.

Zeliha Cicek is the third Muslim to have been assaulted in Vienna in the last month.

Cicek, a school teacher and mother of three children, is ethnically Turkish. She said she was talking to her sister on an U3 underground train on her mobile phone when the woman started shouting at her in English. “I calmly told her she could speak to me in German and suddenly she stood up and slapped me in the face. I dropped my phone and it broke, I was so shocked,” she said.

An English man came to Cicek’s aid but the angry woman scratched his face. She got out of the train at Stephansplatz – and despite Cicek screaming that she had attacked her the woman was able to flee without being stopped.

Cicek told the Kurier newspaper that she didn’t believe that the woman was drunk or mad. “The English man also thought that she had a problem with me wearing the headscarf,” she said.

In August two elderly Muslim ladies wearing headscarves were attacked in Favoritenstraße. Police were reportedly slow to respond to this incident, and only began questioning suspects days after.

Austria’s Islamic Religious Community Association said that Muslims often experience discrimination in Austria but that “it is not well documented”. Spokeswoman Carla Amina Baghajati said that the association plans to start collecting data on all religiously motivated incidents. However, she said she did not believe that the police lacked sensitivity to the issue.

Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner again warned against the “spread of hatred and incitement by populists. They become complicit when it comes to attacks on innocent people.”


Father demands 'one million likes' dowry for daughter Yemen Facebook

Father demands 'one million likes' dowry for daughter

A Yemeni young man who sought to marry his sweetheart was shocked when her father demanded “one million likes” on Facebook as a dowry for her.

The father, Salim Ayyash, asked the would-be husband he must write the word “like” one million times over a period of one month in all his tweets and contacts with friends on Facebook. But the father quickly assured the daunted young man, identified as Osama, that he might consider cutting that number before the end of the deadline.


Ayyash, a well-known Facebook personality in the western Yemeni province of Taizz, also told the suitor that he would be watching his Facebook and Twitter activity to check whether he was making progress.
“Ayyash said he was watching Osama’s online activities as he set off to accomplish that dowry task

…he also told him that before the end of the month, he would evaluate his achievement and could reduce the dowry if he is satisfied with his achievement,” the Saud Arabic language daily Sada said in a report from Yemen.

It said the rare request by Ayyash came amidst soaring wedding expenses and dowries (money paid by grooms to their brides under Islamic law) in Yemen.


#Saudi Arabia Religious Police Say Twitter Is the Path to Hell

Hell is other Twitter users — according to the head of Saudi Arabia's religious police force, anyway.
Sheikh Abdul Latif Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh said Wednesday that Muslims who use Twitter or other social media have "lost this world and his afterlife," as quoted by BBC News.

Saudi Arabia has a complicated relationship with social media as its usage skyrockets in the country. However, the Saudi government is worried social media could help the political opposition in the country organize in spread, similar to the ways it has been used throughout the Middle East and elsewhere.
"The Kingdom is particularly concerned with how Twitter has been used to keep people informed of human rights activists who have been tried for the crime of free speech," writes Jonathan Turley, professor of law at The George Washington University Law School. "Leaders on the web have been detained while others have been charged with apostasy and other crimes for statements made on these sites."
Software engineer Moxie Marlinspike recently alleged in a blog post that Saudi Arabia wants the ability to spy on Twitter and such popular messaging services as Viber and WhatsApp.
Several years ago, Saudi Arabia threatened to ban BlackBerry devices unless the company made it easier for the government to read users' messages. The company reportedly decided to comply with those demands.
Other religious figures, including the Dalai Lama and the Pope, have embraced social media to varying degrees as a way to spread their message or connect with those inside and outside their faith. Can religion and social media mix? Share your thoughts in the comments.


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فصل الخريف اصبح غريب كما كل شئ من حولنا هكذا فصل الخريف بعد التغيرات الجوية فى العالم 

وهو نوع من الفطر الذي يمكن أكله ويعرف ايضا بعش الغراب ذو الساق الزرقاء. ويجب التعرف على نوع الفطر قبل أكلة لأن بعضه سام. 

صورة تظهر أول زخات الثلج على وادي نانت فرانكون
 أيل احمر يسترخي تحت شجرة بحديقة مرجام. تفرعات قرن الأيل تزداد مع تقدمه في الس

 اشجار الزان تظهر غاشية بهضبة قلعة تروسكود في منطقة سيريديجيون في ويلز

 يقف طائر ابو الحناء أمام عدسة كاميرا عصفور القرقف الازرق بمرعاهم

عصفور الدوري، والذي يشبه عصفور الصغنج في الشكل والحجم، يصل في الخريف وعادة يكون اسرابا يصل عددها إلى الالاف. 

يقضي صغار كلب البحر ذي اللون الرمادي أول ثلاثة لخمسة أسابيع من حياته على شواطئ ويلز من شهر سبتمبر إلى شهر ديسمبر.

ويعتبر طائر الباز أصغر طائر مفترس بالمملكة البريطانية. ترتفع أعداده عندما تصل الطيور المهاجرة من إيسلندا للتزاوج في المناخ الأكثر دفئا

 قطعة من الاخشاب الطافية ترسو على شاطئ وارن بمنطقة ابرسوتش

في الصورة: طائر الرفراف يتناول طعامه في محمية "فورست فارم" الطبيعية بالقرب من مدينة " كارديف". يمكن رؤية هذه الطيور الرائعة خلال العام.

سرب طيور "واكسوينج" يصل إلى منطقة "للاندودنو" قادما من مدينة " إسكندينافيا" بحثا عن نوع من أنواع التوت يسمى "الروان"