‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Anti_ikhwan. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Anti_ikhwan. إظهار كافة الرسائل


#30June Get ready for A revolution against the Muslim Brotherhood #Tamarod

 Tamarod ,the rebellious mother movement of the upcoming 30 June protests launched today the 30 June Front. That front is an attempt to have a political cover for the protests despite the founders of that front made it clear in a press conference that they do not represent all revolutionaries or political powers.
Now the 30 June Front presented a roadmap for Egypt after Mohamed Morsi as Tamarod believes that it is going to oust him on 30 June through petitions. The 6 months transitional period roadmap is as follows after getting rid from MB and Morsi :

  • To appoint an independent Prime minister that represents 25 Revolution.
  • To assign this prime minister with all the executive powers of the president and he will head a technocrat government whose main mission is to fix economy and adopt social justice policies.
  • To assign the head of supreme constitutional court with the President’s protocol missions.
  • To dissolve the Shura council and to suspend the current constitution.
  • To form a new constituent assembly in order to draft a new constitution.
  • To have presidential elections by the end of the 6 months followed by parliamentary elections monitored by judges and surpervised internationally. 
  • The National defense council is responsible for national security.
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    It is worth to mention that the boys and girls of Tamarod have met with Heikal, the old fox twice in the past two weeks. Politically speaking this roadmap is perfect or rather was perfect for Egypt on 12 February 2011 if people were honest in having true democracy. There is one missing detail is how to reach this roadmap already.
    Now there are too many players with other roadmaps and agendas.
    The 30 June Front is founded by a number of revolutionary and political activists like Israa Abdel Fatah, Amr Salah, Mohamed Abdel Aziz, Ahmed Harara , Khaled El Belshy and other others.
    The press conference was attended by many of the famous faces from activists like Ahmed Harara, Karima El Khafny, Hossam Eissa , Khaled Dawood , Hossam Mounis, Mazhar Shahin and Nour El Huda Zaki.
    Here are couple of photos I took from the press conference.


    Terrorism has no religion only in #Egypt government

    الارهاب لا دين لة فقط فى مصر لة حكومة
    Terrorism has no religion only in Egypt government


    #Tamarud : Rebels With A Cause

    No more Morsi: Ghada Adel wants him ousted

    The Egyptian actress that has had her lips sealed about her country’s politics is now letting it all hang out in a movement that calls for ousting President Mohammad Morsi and his party formed by members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Ghada Adel has signed a petition for the “Tamarud” campaign passed around to all the citizens wanting him brought down.
    Looks like the leading lady has gained even more supporters for the campaign by Facebooking a pic with the entire cast of her upcoming television drama "Makan Fi Al Qasr" (A Place in the Palace).

    The troupe are holding posters for the “Tamarud” in hopes of attracting additional peeps to sign the petition, according to the Middle East news portal Elaph.
    Other celebs that have signed the petition include Khalid Al Sawi, Khalid Saleh, Khalid Abu Al Naja, Athar Al Hakim and famous Egyptian journalist Mahmoud Saed.

    Will you join the celebs and sign for the “Tamarud”? Please share with us your thoughts on Ghada’s recent political openness.

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    A Signature Rebellion

    I got in a taxi on Thursday and within a few minutes of conversation the driver asked my nationality. This has been a sensitive question recently; last week an American near the embassy answered in the positive and was stabbed in the neck for his troubles. ‘I hate America,’ the assailant confessed afterwards.
    For the taxi driver, however, it was an opportunity of a different sort. After I owned up to my nationality he leaned over to his glove compartment and…
    Rebellion Flyer
    … pulled out a sheet of paper.
    In fact it was one of many, some signed, most not yet. The driver was preaching the merits of a new campaign to oust President Morsi, and wanted me to convey the message to America. they aim to collect fifteen million signatures to their petition, vaulting over the total number of votes cast for Morsi in the presidential elections. They claim two million to date.
    Their grand finale is planned for June 30, at the presidential palace, one year to the day in which Morsi took office.
    Here is the translation of their flyer:
    To withdraw confidence from the Brotherhood regime
    The Rebellion Campaign
    (to withdraw confidence from Mohamed Morsi ….)
    Because security has not yet returned to the street … we don’t want you
    Because the poor still do not have a place … we don’t want you
    Because we are still begging from abroad … we don’t want you
    Because the rights of the martyrs still have not been fulfilled … we don’t want you
    Because there is still no dignity for myself or my country … we don’t want you
    Because the economy has collapsed and is built upon begging … we don’t want you
    Because you follow the Americans … we don’t want you
    Since Mohamed Morsi the … came to power, the simple citizen has felt that not one goal of the revolution has been achieved – for bread, freedom, social justice, and national independence. Morsi has failed to realize them all. No security, no social justice – he is a demonstrated failure in the complete sense of the word. It is not fitting for him to administrate a nation of Egypt’s weight.
    I, the undersigned, from my free and complete will, as a member of the general assembly of the Egyptian people, withdraw confidence from the president of the republic, the dictator Mohamed Morsi, and call for early presidential elections. I pledge to hold firmly to the goals of the revolution and to work on their behalf, spreading the Rebellion Campaign among the masses until we are able to achieve social dignity, justice, and freedom.
    National Number:
    Would you sign?


    How the #Muslim_Brotherhood Hijacked #Syria Revolution

    No one in Syria expected the anti-regime uprising to last this long or be this deadly, but after around 70,000 dead, 1 million refugees, and two years of unrest, there is still no end in sight. While President Bashar al-Assad's brutal response is mostly to blame, the opposition's chronic failure to form a viable front against the regime has also allowed the conflict to drag on. And there's one anti-Assad group that is largely responsible for this dismal state of affairs: Syria's Muslim Brotherhood.

    Throughout the Syrian uprising, I have had discussions with opposition figures, activists, and foreign diplomats about how the Brotherhood has built influence within the emerging opposition forces. It has been a dizzying rise for the Islamist movement. It was massacred out of existence in the 1980s after the Baathist regime put down a Brotherhood-led uprising in Hama. Since then, membership in the Brotherhood has been an offense punishable by death in Syria, and the group saw its presence on the ground wither to almost nothing. But since the uprising erupted on March 15, 2011, the Brotherhood has moved adroitly to seize the reins of power of the opposition's political and military factions.
    According to a figure present at the first conference to organize Syria's political opposition, held in Antalya, Turkey, in May 2011, the Brotherhood was initially hesitant to join an anti-Assad political body. The group had officially suspended its opposition to the Baathist regime in the wake of the Israeli onslaught on Gaza in 2009, and it pulled out of an alliance with Abdul Halim Khaddam, a former Syrian vice president who defected in 2005.
    The Brotherhood nonetheless sent members to participate in the conference, including Molhem Droubi, who became a member of the conference's executive bureau. Meanwhile, it took steps to form fighting groups inside Syria, recruiting potential fighters and calling on its relatively meager contacts on the ground in Homs, Hama, Idlib, and Aleppo.
    As the idea of a unified opposition group to lead the popular revolt gained momentum, the Brotherhood became more involved. A month after the meeting in Antalya, it organized a conference in Brussels, attended by 200 people, mostly Islamists -- one of the first obvious fractures in the unity of the opposition. The Brotherhood subsequently organized several conferences that formed opposition groups to serve as fronts for the movement, allowing it to beef up its presence in political bodies.
    After the conference in Brussels, at least three groups were formed "to support the Syrian revolution." The organizations continued to hatch, and a few months after the first conference they were present in opposition bodies that later formed the core of the Syrian National Council (SNC), an umbrella group that ostensibly represented all anti-Assad forces. The council set aside seats for both the Brotherhood and members of the Damascus Declaration, a group of Syrian reformists established in 2005 -- but the Brotherhood already had a significant presence within the Damascus Declaration group.


    الإيحاءات الجنسية لنظام #الأخوان

    الإيحاءات الجنسية لنظام الأخوان 





    Change in Egypt #egypt #Morsi #Ikhwan #cartoon

    Mubarak and Marsa same dirty face