Posts filed under Ikhwankazeboon
إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Ikhwankazeboon. إظهار كافة الرسائل
إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Ikhwankazeboon. إظهار كافة الرسائل
Citizen Journalism
Muslim Brotherhood
National Security
#Muslim_Brotherhood - Underground History #Egypt #MB
The Muslim Brotherhood began organizing in
America in the 1956s. They formed a variety of Islamic
institutions and organizations as front groups for their
activities. These included Muslim charities, businesses and
cultural centers. The geographic center of their activity is
Fairfax County,
Virginia, near Washington, DC. Various groups have interlocking
boards of directors. Many of the groups “were laundering
terrorist-bound funds through a maze of shell companies and
fronts” (p. 228). This was an entire network of criminal
Secret documents of the Brotherhood
The investigation of Ismail Elbarasse uncovered secret documents that
revealed the depth of this conspiracy. Elbarasse was a founding
member of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in
Falls Church, Virginia. One of the imams of this mosque
declared that Muslims could blow up bridges as long as civilian
casualties were minimized. Elbarasse was arrested while
videotaping the supports of the
Chesapeake Bay
Bridge. These seized documents were the archives of the
branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.
the Muslim Brotherhood has set up front groups to funnel money
to Hamas suicide bombers while their front groups project an
image of peace. The Muslim Brotherhood aims to Islamize
America. It does this by building an Islamic ‘infrastructure’
that will eventually rule America. It has become deeply
entrenched in America as it seeks to undermine the country from
Documents seized in Elbarasses’ home showed the goals of the Muslim
Brotherhood. It seeks to replace the United States Constitution
with Islamic, Shariah law. Leader Mohammed Akram Adlouni wrote,
America is
a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western
civilization from within, and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by the
hands of the believers, so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion
is made victorious over all other religions” (p. 230).
The documents listed thirty major Muslim organizations connected with the
Muslim Brotherhood and operated as front groups. These groups
included the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and others, all of which
use deceit to hide their real intentions.
These documents were entered as evidence in the Holy Land Foundation
terror trial. The supporting names in the documents were listed
as unindicted conspirators. FBI agent John Guandolo says “every
major Muslim group in the
United States is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood…It is a
genuine conspiracy to overthrow the government, and they have
organizations to do it, and they have written doctrines
outlining their plan” (p. 231).
Indictments and criminal activity
In 2009, Brotherhood leaders were sentenced to prison on charges of
conspiracy in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism case. Shukir
Abu Baker, Mohammad El-Mezain, and CAIR founding director
Ghassan Elashi were convicted of funneling millions of dollars
to the terrorist group Hamas (p. 233). The authors comment,
“With each new indictment, the Muslim establishment in
looks more and more like a religious crime syndicate” (p. 234).
“Ihawan Mafia” is a term investigators use to describe the Muslim
Brotherhood because they operate in an “underworld of illegal
activities conducted under the cover of fronts with
legitimate-sounding names” (p. 236). The heads of Muslim
Brotherhood are divided into various wings;
Hamas, Saudi Arabia, Pakistani, and the founding ‘nucleus’, the
Islamic Society of North America. The authors identify the five
fundamental goals of the Muslim Brotherhood:
“1. Supporting Palestinian
terrorists and seeking Israel’s destruction.
2. Gutting
anti-terrorism laws.
3. Loosening Muslim
4. Converting
Americans to Islam, with a special focus on Hispanic
immigrants and black inmates and soldiers (attractive white
Christian women are another prize conversion).
immigrants and black inmates and soldiers (attractive white
Christian women are another prize conversion).
5. Infiltrating the
government and institutionalizing Shariah law in America”
(p. 238)
(p. 238)
The Muslim Brotherhood conducts its secret business behind the façade of
religion. Mosques serve as recruiting centers for the Grand
Jihad. Brotherhood documents reveal that the mosques will
“prepare us and supply our battalions in addition to being the
‘niche’ of our prayers” (p. 244). The United States
Constitution gives religious liberty to all its citizens and
this provides cover for the Brotherhood. Brotherhood internal
documents reveal they consider the
United States “our Dar al-Arqam’ – our safehouse (p. 245).
This hiding behind a major religion is calculated. The authors observe,
“Fearing accusations of religious bigotry,
is still reluctant to aggressively prosecute it” (p. 245).
Notice how criticism of Islam is treated by the liberal-leftist
media. Anyone who raises questions about the peaceful image of
Islam or criticizes Islam is labeled a bigot, hate-monger or
Islamophobe. This too is part of Sharia law where no criticism
of Mohammad or Islam is allowed. Non-Muslims must learn not to
challenge Islam. They must lower their eyes and bow to Islam.
This is a helpful website to keep up on what Islamists are doing to undermine our democratic government.
This is a helpful website to keep up on what Islamists are doing to undermine our democratic government.
Citizen Journalism
Muslim Brotherhood
حملة إلكترونية لإدراج «الإخوان» ضمن قائمة «المنظمات الإرهابية» بالعالم #Egypt
تم تدشين الحملة العالمية لجمع التوقيعات لكى يتم ارداج منظمة الاخوان المسلمين ضمن منظمات الارهاب الدولية ولمطالبة منظمات المجتمع الدولي، ومناشدة بأصحاب الضمير الشرفاء فى كل مكان، بحظر نشاط الجماعة بكل ما هو متاح من الوسائل، واعتبارها تنظيمًا إرهابيًا، ومصادرة مقراتها وأملاكها وأموالها،
للتوقيع من هنا
للتوقيع من هنا
لمطالبة منظمات المجتمع الدولي، ومناشدة ما وصفهم بأصحاب الضمير الشرفاء
فى كل مكان، بحظر نشاط الجماعة بكل ما هو متاح من الوسائل، واعتبارها
تنظيمًا إرهابيًا، ومصادرة مقراتها وأملاكها وأموالها، حسب الصفحة الرسمية
للموقع. - See more at:
Citizen Journalism
Human Rights
Muslim Brotherhood
#Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood militias hit Christian churches
After torching a Franciscan school, Islamists paraded three nuns on
the streets like "prisoners of war" before a Muslim woman offered them
refuge. Two other women working at the school were sexually harassed and
abused as they fought their way through a mob.
In the four days
since security forces cleared two sit-in camps by supporters of Egypt's
ousted president, Islamists have attacked dozens of Coptic churches
along with homes and businesses owned by the Christian minority. The
campaign of intimidation appears to be a warning to Christians outside
Cairo to stand down from political activism.
Christians have long
suffered from discrimination and violence in Muslim majority Egypt,
where they make up 10 percent of the population of 90 million. Attacks
increased after the Islamists rose to power in the wake of the 2011 Arab
Spring uprising that drove Hosni Mubarak from power, emboldening
extremists. But Christians have come further under fire since President
Mohammed Morsi was ousted on July 3, sparking a wave of Islamist anger
led by Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood.
Nearly 40 churches have been
looted and torched, while 23 others have been attacked and heavily
damaged since Wednesday, when chaos erupted after Egypt's
military-backed interim administration moved in to clear two camps
packed with protesters calling for Morsi's reinstatement, killing scores
of protesters and sparking deadly clashes nationwide.
One of the
world's oldest Christian communities has generally kept a low-profile,
but has become more politically active since Mubarak was ousted and
Christians sought to ensure fair treatment in the aftermath.
Morsi supporters say Christians played a disproportionately large role
in the days of mass rallies, with millions demanding that he step down
ahead of the coup.
Despite the violence, Egypt's Coptic Christian
church renewed its commitment to the new political order Friday, saying
in a statement that it stood by the army and the police in their fight
against "the armed violent groups and black terrorism."
While the
Christians of Egypt have endured attacks by extremists, they have drawn
closer to moderate Muslims in some places, in a rare show of solidarity.
from both communities thronged two monasteries in the province of Bani
Suef south of Cairo to thwart what they had expected to be imminent
attacks on Saturday, local activist Girgis Waheeb said. Activists
reported similar examples elsewhere in regions south of Cairo, but not
enough to provide effective protection of churches and monasteries.
other activists and victims of the latest wave of attacks blame the
police as much as hard-line Islamists for what happened. The attacks,
they said, coincided with assaults on police stations in provinces like
Bani Suef and Minya, leaving most police pinned down to defend their
stations or reinforcing others rather than rushing to the rescue of
Christians under attack.
Christian activist, Ezzat Ibrahim of Minya, a province also south of
Cairo where Christians make up around 35 percent of the population, said
police have melted away from seven of the region's nine districts,
leaving the extremists to act with near impunity.
Two Christians
have been killed since Wednesday, including a taxi driver who strayed
into a protest by Morsi supporters in Alexandria and another man who was
shot to death by Islamists in the southern province of Sohag, according
to security officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they
weren't authorized to release the information.
The attacks served
as a reminder that Islamists, while on the defensive in Cairo, maintain
influence and the ability to stage violence in provincial strongholds
with a large minority of Christians.
Gamaa Islamiya, the hard-line
Islamist group that wields considerable influence in provinces south of
Cairo, denied any link to the attacks. The Muslim Brotherhood, which
has led the defiant protest against Morsi's ouster, has condemned the
attacks, spokesman Mourad Ali said.
Sister Manal is the principal
of the Franciscan school in Bani Suef. She was having breakfast with two
visiting nuns when news broke of the clearance of the two sit-in camps
by police, killing hundreds. In an ordeal that lasted about six hours,
she, sisters Abeer and Demiana and a handful of school employees saw a
mob break into the school through the wall and windows, loot its
contents, knock off the cross on the street gate and replace it with a
black banner resembling the flag of al-Qaida.
the time the Islamists ordered them out, fire was raging at every
corner of the 115-year-old main building and two recent additions. Money
saved for a new school was gone, said Manal, and every computer,
projector, desk and chair was hauled away. Frantic SOS calls to the
police, including senior officers with children at the school, produced
promises of quick response but no one came.
The Islamists gave her just enough time to grab some clothes.
an hourlong telephone interview with The Associated Press, Manal, 47,
recounted her ordeal while trapped at the school with others as the fire
raged in the ground floor and a battle between police and Islamists
went on out on the street. At times she was overwhelmed by the toxic
fumes from the fire in the library or the whiffs of tears gas used by
the police outside.
Sister Manal recalled being told a week
earlier by the policeman father of one pupil that her school was
targeted by hard-line Islamists convinced that it was giving an
inappropriate education to Muslim children. She paid no attention,
comfortable in the belief that a school that had an equal number of
Muslim and Christian pupils could not be targeted by Muslim extremists.
She was wrong.
The school has a high-profile location. It is
across the road from the main railway station and adjacent to a busy bus
terminal that in recent weeks attracted a large number of Islamists
headed to Cairo to join the larger of two sit-in camps by Morsi's
supporters. The area of the school is also in one of Bani Suef's main
bastions of Islamists from Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood and
ultraconservative Salafis.
are nuns. We rely on God and the angels to protect us," she said. "At
the end, they paraded us like prisoners of war and hurled abuse at us as
they led us from one alley to another without telling us where they
were taking us," she said. A Muslim woman who once taught at the school
spotted Manal and the two other nuns as they walked past her home,
attracting a crowd of curious onlookers.
"I remembered her, her
name is Saadiyah. She offered to take us in and said she can protect us
since her son-in-law was a policeman. We accepted her offer," she said.
Two Christian women employed by the school, siblings Wardah and Bedour,
had to fight their way out of the mob, while groped, hit and insulted by
the extremists. "I looked at that and it was very nasty," said Manal.
incident at the Franciscan school was repeated at Minya where a
Catholic school was razed to the ground by an arson attack and a
Christian orphanage was also torched.
"I am terrified and unable
to focus," said Boulos Fahmy, the pastor of a Catholic church a short
distance away from Manal's school. "I am expecting an attack on my
church any time now," he said Saturday.
Bishoy Alfons Naguib, a 33-year-old businessman from Minya, has a similarly harrowing story.
home supplies store on a main commercial street in the provincial
capital, also called Minya, was torched this week and the flames
consumed everything inside.
"A neighbor called me and said the
store was on fire. When I arrived, three extremists with knifes
approached me menacingly when they realized I was the owner," recounted
Naguib. His father and brother pleaded with the men to spare him.
Luckily, he said, someone shouted that a Christian boy was filming the
proceedings using his cell phone, so the crowd rushed toward the boy
shouting "Nusrani, Nusrani," the Quranic word for Christians which has
become a derogatory way of referring to them in today's Egypt.
ran up a nearby building where he has an apartment and locked himself
in. After waiting there for a while, he left the apartment, ran up to
the roof and jumped to the next door building, then exited at a safe
distance from the crowd.
"On our Mustafa Fahmy street, the
Islamists had earlier painted a red X on Muslim stores and a black X on
Christian stores," he said. "You can be sure that the ones with a red X
are intact."
In Fayoum, an oasis province southwest of Cairo,
Islamists looted and torched five churches, according to Bishop Ibram,
the local head of the Coptic Orthodox church, by far the largest of
Egypt's Christian denominations. He said he had instructed Christians
and clerics alike not to try to resist the mobs of Islamists, fearing
any loss of life.
looters were so diligent that they came back to one of the five
churches they had ransacked to see if they can get more," he told the
AP. "They were loading our chairs and benches on trucks and when they
had no space for more, they destroyed them."
Carnage in Cairo #Egypt graphic
Photos of the most recent -- and the most violent -- clashes yet between Egyptian security forces and supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsy. Warning: some images are graphic.
Egyptian opponents of ousted president Mohamed Morsy gather in Tahrir Square in Cairo, on July 26.
Supporters of deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsy protest
outside a field hospital where the bodies of protesters -- who were
alledgedly killing in fighting between pro-Morsy demonstrators and
Egyptian security forces overnight -- were being brought in the
district of Nasr on July 27, in Cairo.
Supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsy walk past a trail of
blood near the tomb of former President Anwar al-Sadat in Cairo on July
The body of a Morsy supporter is carried on a stretcher at a
field hospital, after reportedly being killed in fighting between
pro-Morsy demonstrators and Egyptian security forces overnight, near
the Rabaa al Adweya Mosque in the district of Nasr on July 27, in Cairo.
A group of Egyptian Army soldiers cross the road during clashes
between police forces and Morsy supporters in Cairo on Saturday.
Bodies of Muslim Brotherhood supporters, shot dead in the Egyptian
capital after violence erupted the night before, lay inside a field
hospital in Cairo on July 27.
Egyptian supporters of the deposed Egyptian president Mohamed
Morsy (back) clash with riot police in Cairo early on July 27.
On July 26, Islamist protesters gathered in
the hundreds of thousands to demand, once again, the reinstatement of
ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy. Early Saturday morning,
security forces and Morsy supporters clashed in what's being called
Egypt's most violent episode of bloodshed since Morsy was ousted from
office on July 3. Egyptian authorities fired on crowds gathered in Cairo and the counts of those killed in the attack are as high as 65, according to Egypt's Health Ministry.
Citizen Journalism
Egyptian X-Files
#Egypt Cuts Diplomatic Ties to #Syria #Morsi
The Egyptian government has announced it’s severing all ties to
the Syrian government and backing the rebel fight seeking to oust
Bashar al-Assad. On Saturday, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi told
supporters he’s closing the Syrian embassy in Cairo and recalling his
government’s envoy from Damascus.
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi: "The Syrian people
are facing a campaign of extermination and planned ethnic cleansing,
fed by regional and international states who do not care for the Syrian
citizen. The people of Egypt support the struggle of the Syrian people,
materially and morally. And Egypt — its nation, leadership and army —
will not abandon the Syrian people until it achieves its rights and
In his comments, Morsi also
called on the international community to
enforce a no-fly zone over Syria and urged all Hezbollah members
fighting alongside Assad’s forces to return to Lebanon. In response, the
Syrian government said Morsi has joined the "conspiracy and incitement
led by the United States and Israel against Syria." The U.S. has denied
pressuring Egypt on Syria.
#Tamarud : Rebels With A Cause
No more Morsi: Ghada Adel wants him ousted
The Egyptian actress that has had her lips sealed about her country’s politics is now letting it all hang out in a movement that calls for ousting President Mohammad Morsi and his party formed by members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ghada Adel has signed a petition for the “Tamarud” campaign passed around to all the citizens wanting him brought down.
Looks like the leading lady has gained even more supporters for the campaign by Facebooking a pic with
the entire cast of her upcoming television drama "Makan Fi Al Qasr" (A
Place in the Palace).
The troupe are holding posters for the “Tamarud” in hopes of attracting additional peeps to sign the petition, according to the Middle East news portal Elaph.

The troupe are holding posters for the “Tamarud” in hopes of attracting additional peeps to sign the petition, according to the Middle East news portal Elaph.

Other celebs that have
signed the petition include Khalid Al Sawi, Khalid Saleh, Khalid Abu Al
Naja, Athar Al Hakim and famous Egyptian journalist Mahmoud Saed.

من الاقصر ابناء النيل يتمردون. #تمرد في النيل قبل مايبقي ذكرى .................#مصر #الاخوان #مصر twitter.com/samy_qaid/stat…
— ▲Samy قائد (@samy_qaid) June 5, 2013
تعلية سور قصر الاتحادية وزياده الحرس اليومزود حرسك علي جدارك .. لو نفعوك كانو نفعو مبارك #تمرد #مصر
— حملة تمرد(@7amlet_tamarod) June 5, 2013
سر نجاح حملة #تمرد هو أنها لا تطلب من الموقع على الإستمارة أكثر مما يحتمل ... لا يمكننا أن نطلب من شعب فقير منهك أن يترك عمله ويقوم بعصيان
— هبة صالح (@HebaSaaleh) June 5, 2013
#Tamarud : Rebels With A Cause حول #تمرد egyptianchronicles.blogspot.com/2013/06/tamaru…
— Zeinobia (@Zeinobia) June 5, 2013
Jon Stewart defends Bassem Youssef (Egypt's Jon Stewart); Destroys Pres. Morsi
أنا لا أفهم هذا الرجل .. أنت رئيس مصر.. أعظم أرض وأعظم شعب في التاريخ المدون، شعبك -سيدي الرئيس- اخترع الحضارة، حتى أن اليونانيين القدماء حين ذهبوا إلى مصر ذهلوا وقالوا: ماذا عندكم هنا؟ علم الهندسة والأساطير؟ عندما تفرغون منهما يمكننا استخدامهما، سيدي الرئيس لقد اخترع المصريون اللغة المكتوبة والورق ومعجون الأسنان، حتى إنهم دفنوا مع قططهم الأليفة، كذلك أصبح الكثيرون يقلدون الطريقة المصرية في الرقص، المصريون هم من بنوا الأهرامات.. ربما يجب عليك أن تأتي بأحد هؤلاء كي يجعل جلدك أكثر سمكاً (جلد إخوانجي تخين).. كل مافعله باسم يوسف هو السخرية من قبعتك وعدم قدرتك على الأداء الديمقراطي، ما الذي يقلقك؟ أنت رئيس مصر، ولديك جيش وأسلحة ودبابات وطائرات، ونحن نعلم ذلك لأن مازال لدينا الفواتير، انصت لي جيدا، محاولة إسكات كوميديان لن تؤهلك كي تصبح رئيس مصر، دعني أقول لك شيئا: مالذي يقلقك سيدي الرئيس؟ خوفك من قوة النقد الساخر على هيبتك؟ انظر إلى.. هذا ما أفعله في الـ 15 عام الماضيين، أنا أعرف باسم شخصيا، وهو صديقي وأخي، وإن كان هناك شيئان يحبهما باسم جدا فهما مصر والإسلام
black block
Egyptian X-Files
جمعه الكرامه امام المقطم #الاخوان #مرسى #مصر #Ikhwankazeboon
تبدأ الحكاية بعد أن إتهمت بعض القوى الثورية وبعض النشطاء
السياسيين جماعة الإخوان المسلمين وشبابها بالتعدى عليهم أمام مكتب الإرشاد
وتباينت القصص والروايات حول لماذا تم افعتداء فالبعض يقول أن الإخوان أرداوا الإنتقام من خسارة إنتخابات نقابة الصحافة مع أن الإخوان لم يكن لهم
مرشح مباشر فى هذه الإنتخابات ولم يعلن الإخوان المسلمين عن وجود مرشحين
لهم فى هذه الإنتخابات وبالرغم من ذلك قالوا أن الإخوان المسلمين خسروا
انتخابات نقابة الصحفيين كذلك قال البعض أن الصحفيين تواجدوا هناك لتغطية
تواجد خالد مشعل فى مكتب الإرشاد ولقاؤه بالمرشد بالرغم انه لم يتم الإعلان
عن ذلك ولم تصدر أى جهة تابعة للإخوان عن وجود خالد مشعل أو عن وجود لقاء
بينه وبين المرشد داخل المقر بينما رد الإخوان على هذه الإتهامات من
ناحيتهم عندما اكدوا أن النشطاء السياسيين تواجدوا امام المقر وقاموا بالسب
للإخوان والمرشد كما قاموا بكتابة عبارات مسيئة ومهينة للإخوان والمرشد
وحاولوا رسم بعض الرسومات او الجرافيتى كما يُطلق عليها فما كان من شباب
الإخوان إلا انهم خرجوا لهم وإعتدوا عليهم وبين تلك الروايات وتلك وبين
ضياع الحقيقة بين كلام هؤلاء وأولئك يبقى سؤال إستخدمه معارضى الإخوان فيما
سبق ردا على أحداث قصر الإتحادية رددها كل المعارضين وكل القنوات الفضائية
والصحف المعروفة بمهاجمة الإخوان وكان السؤال هو ..لماذ ذهب الإخوان أمام
قصر الإتحادية ؟؟؟ ..فهل يمكن توجيه هذا السؤال الآن للنشطاء السياسيين وهل
يمكن القول لماذا ذهب المعارضين والنشطاء أمام مقر الإخوان بالمقطم ؟؟
ولكن سوف نجد من يقول انهم تواجدوا فى مكان عام فى الشارع ولا يمكن أحد
منعهم ولكن الرد سوف يكون بنفس الطريقة الإخوان هم أيضا عندما ذهبوا لقصر الإتحادية توجدوا أمام مكان عام من حقهم التواجد فيه سوف يقول البعض الآخر
الإخوان ذهبوا أمام قصر الإتحادية وهم يعرفون أن المعارضة متواجدة هناك
فسوف يكون الرد أيضا وهل عندما ذهب النشطاء أمام مقر الإخوان كانوا يتوقعون
أن الإخوان لن يتواجدوا فى مقرهم ومن من الممكن التواجد داخل مقر الإخوان
أو أمامه هل يمكن أن يتواجد المعارضين ؟؟
وبعد الأحداث السابق ذكرها دعت بعض القوى الثورية والعديد من النشطاء السياسيين للتظاهر امام مكتب الإرشاد بالمقطم ردا على ماحدث لهم من شباب الإخوان وبالفعل حدث ذلك أمام المكتب أمس ولكن شهد التواجد الذى دائما مايصفه الإعلام بالسلمى بالرغم ما يخلفه من حرائق وحالات تخريب وإصابات نفس ما يشهده دائما تواجد المعارضة فى أى مكان إعتداءات ومولوتوف وحرائق وإصابات بالجملة وأحداث أمس طرحت العديد من الأسئلة كانت تحتاج إلى إجابات ورددها العديد من الإعلاميين وهى
(1) هل بعد إحتراق مقرات الإخوان والإعتداء على مقر الإرشاد بالمقطم وسحل وحرق بعض أفرادهم أمس هل بعد كل ذلك مازال البعض يعتقد انهم يمتلكون ميلشيات مسلحة؟؟
(2) هل من كانوا يرددون ان الإخوان هم من قاموا بموقعة الجمل وهم من قاموا بأحداث بورسعيد وهم من يغتصبون ويتحرشون وكل ماسبق من أفعال إجرامية مازالوا يعتقدون ذلك ؟ وهل لو كان الإخوان يستأجرون بلطجية ليفعلوا ذلك لماذا لم يستأجروا نفس البلطجية للدفاع عنهم امس ؟؟
ونحن هنا نقدم لكم مجموعة من الفيديوهات التى توثق وتوضح كل ماتم من احداث أمس امام مكتب الإرشاد بالمقطم
وبعد الأحداث السابق ذكرها دعت بعض القوى الثورية والعديد من النشطاء السياسيين للتظاهر امام مكتب الإرشاد بالمقطم ردا على ماحدث لهم من شباب الإخوان وبالفعل حدث ذلك أمام المكتب أمس ولكن شهد التواجد الذى دائما مايصفه الإعلام بالسلمى بالرغم ما يخلفه من حرائق وحالات تخريب وإصابات نفس ما يشهده دائما تواجد المعارضة فى أى مكان إعتداءات ومولوتوف وحرائق وإصابات بالجملة وأحداث أمس طرحت العديد من الأسئلة كانت تحتاج إلى إجابات ورددها العديد من الإعلاميين وهى
(1) هل بعد إحتراق مقرات الإخوان والإعتداء على مقر الإرشاد بالمقطم وسحل وحرق بعض أفرادهم أمس هل بعد كل ذلك مازال البعض يعتقد انهم يمتلكون ميلشيات مسلحة؟؟
(2) هل من كانوا يرددون ان الإخوان هم من قاموا بموقعة الجمل وهم من قاموا بأحداث بورسعيد وهم من يغتصبون ويتحرشون وكل ماسبق من أفعال إجرامية مازالوا يعتقدون ذلك ؟ وهل لو كان الإخوان يستأجرون بلطجية ليفعلوا ذلك لماذا لم يستأجروا نفس البلطجية للدفاع عنهم امس ؟؟
ونحن هنا نقدم لكم مجموعة من الفيديوهات التى توثق وتوضح كل ماتم من احداث أمس امام مكتب الإرشاد بالمقطم
234 مصاباً في جمعة رد الكرامة والنيابة تحقق في دعوات التظاهر أمام مقر "الإخوان"
حبس 6 شباب فى جمعة «رد الكرامة» أمام مكتب الإرشاد بالمقطم.. والمتهمون يتهمون الشرطة بسحلهم http://ow.ly/2vHYRw
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تابع تغطية خاصة بالفيديو.. لاشتباكات المتظاهرين والإخوان أمام مقر الإرشاد بالمقطم
بالصور.. النيران تشتعل في أحد شباب «الإخوان» خلال اشتباكات «مكتب الإرشاد» http://ow.ly/jkqQo
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