‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Islam. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Islam. إظهار كافة الرسائل


Messiah the Dajjal Antichrist

المسيخ الدجال براعية  الموساد الإسرائيلي، مسخ من كل النصوص الدينية ،استغلال حاجة الشعوب البائسة فى العالم ..

عندما تكون البشرية مستعدة لتصديق اى شئ يظهر مسلسل المسيح المخلص فى بداية عام ٢٠٢٠ ......

تشوية المسلمين اكثر و العرب (كل الممثلين ليسوا عرب)

الهدف من المسلسل خلط الأمر على المسلمين والتشويش على معتقداتهم والتشكيك فيها، حيث يظهر المسيح الدجال على أنه المخلص والمنقذ للاجئين من الحروب بالدول الإسلامية إلى بر الأمان في إسرائيل، في حين يكون "تنظيم الدولة" هو عدو المسيح الذي يحارب رسالته، على حد وصفهم

كما أن الأردن الذي صورت على أراضيه أجزاء كثيرة من المسلسل قد طالب بوقف عرضه أو حتى عدم عرضه جزئيا على منصة الشبكة بالمملكة اعتراضا على أحداثه، وطبقا لجريدة مترو الإنجليزية فإن الأردن وافق على التصوير في البداية لأن السيناريو والخطوط العريضة لم تكن تخالف القوانين، وهو الأمر الذي اتضح أنه غير صحيح لاحقا.

تبدأ الحلقة الأولى من المسلسل من سوريا في الوقت الحالي بمشهد أم مع ابنها "جبريل" يسألها ما إذا كان الرب يحبه، واذا كان يحبه لماذا أخذ والده، لتقول له أن الله يخبأ له خطة أخرى، ثم تقفز الأحداث لمستقبل الطفل - الذي ستكون لديه قصة اخرى لن نخوض فيها في هذه المراجعة - حيث قتلت والدته ايضا اثناء حصار على مدينة دمشق بسوريا من قبل تنظيم داعش على الأهالي، وهنا يظهر شخص يتلو آيات قرآنية بخطاب يحشد فيه الناس ويقول أنهم اكثر الشعوب التي عانت على الأرض وتحتاج أن تعود إلى كلام الله، وأثناء ذلك تهب عاصفة رملية على المدينة تستمر ثلاثين يوما، ويبقى هذا الشخص واقفا في مكانه دون أكل وشرب مستمر بدعوة الناس في وسط العاصفة،  فتنتهي العاصفة بعدما تتسبب في فك الحصار وتراجع قوات داعش.

ثم يبدأ الفتى "جبريل" والأهالي باتباع هذا الرجل الذي يقودهم عبر الصحراء إلى فلسطين، لتقبض عليه القوات الإسرائيلية على الحدود تنخضعه للتحقيق، وتمنع دخول أتباعه، ومن هنا تبدأ قصة المسيح أو "المخلص".

وفي الجانب الأخر، تبدا شكوك لدى الإستخبارات الامريكية حول هذا الشخص ويتساءلون عن جنسيته وطائفته وكذا غايته، واذا كان شيعيا إيرانيا كما توحي لهجته، و كيف له ان يقود مجموعة من السنة عبر الصحراء، فيتم تجنيد محققة شابة اسمها "إيفا" للتحقيق في القضية، وهنا يتجلى أول رد فعل متوقع في وقتنا الحاضر، في حال ظهر رجل مماثل.

بعد إخضاع المسيح للتحقيق واحتجازه من طرف إسرائيل، تحدث المفاجاة حيث يختفي من الغرفة حيث كان محتجزا بشكل غامض وسط ذهول الشرطة الإسرائيلية، لكنه سرعان ما سيظهر في مدينة القدس وتحديدا أمام مسجد قبة الصخر، حيث تحدث معجزة أخرى حينما يصاب طفل برصاص القواة الإسرائيلية فيقوم المسيح بشفائه واخراج الرصاصة من بطنه بلمسة يد فقط، وسط ذهول الناس، في مشهد يحيل مباشرة إلى شخصية "يسوع المسيح"، قبل أن يختفي عن الأنظار، ثم يظهر فجاة في بلدة بولاية تكساس بأمريكا وقت حدوث إعصار دمر البلدة كاملة عدا الكنيسة التي يديرها قس من البلدة سيكون أول من يتبع هذا المسيح بعد مشاهدته للمخلص وسط الاعصار  في وقت كان هو ينجو بنفسه وأهالي البلدة من الاعصار. و شخصية القس لم تظهر هنا عبثا بل كان الغرض منها تمرير رسالة اخرى من رسائل المسلسل الكثيرة حول قضية "تجار الدين" الذين يحاولون التحدث باسم الرب و يقومون باستغلال إيمان الناس لتحقيق مصالحهم الشخصية، ولو ان هذا الطرح لم يظهر بشكل ملموس، لكن يمكن فهمه من خلال الكثير من المشاهد.

بعد هذه الحادثة يتم احجتاز المسيح من قبل الشرطة الامريكية بتهمة دخول الاراضي الامريكية بدون جواز سفر، وهنا يعين القس محامية للدفاع عن المخلص باعتباره لاجئا من سوريا يحق له الحصول على الاقامة في امريكا. فتبدأ هنا معركة قانونية وقضائية وكذا سياسية بين مؤيد ومعارض لقانون الهجرة واللاجئين، لكن في النهاية تنتصر العدالة القضائية فيتم منح المخلص حق اللجوء، وهنا ايضا تتجلى احدى رسائل المسلسل حول العدالة الأمريكية والنظام القضائي المستقل عن كل تأثير، وهناك مشاهد تحيل إلى هذا الطرح، كمشهد اتصال مستشار الرئيس الامريكي بقاضي ولاية تيكساس لمحاولة التاثير عليه.


Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (Arabic: المسيح الدجّال‎ Al-Masīḥ ad-Dajjāl, "the false messiah", or "the deceiver") is an evil figure in Islamic eschatology. He is to appear, pretending to be al-Masih (i.e. the Messiah), before Yawm al-Qiyamah (the Day of Resurrection).

 the Messiah Netflix original series follows CIA officer Eva Geller as she uncovers information about a man who’s gaining attention all over the world because some believe him to be the Messiah. As Eva digs deeper into the origins of Al-Masih and her sole focus becomes determining whether he’s really a divine entity or a con man, his followers claim him to be a miracle worker......

The scandal of “Messiah”—the 10-part Netflix series about a reputed Savior of Mankind arising out of the Middle East—isn’t that its Iranian-born prophet resembles a Western-traditional Jesus. Or that he incites international outrage by leading 2,000 Syrian Palestinians to the border of the West Bank. Or that his pan-religious message of love and godliness is embraced by the spiritually famished. Or even that the principal Israeli in the series is a torturer. No, the outrage is that the show can be so alive for so long and then drop so very dead, apparently of the same self-doubt and cynicism that infect so many of the people it portrays.

When the 2,000 Muslims leave Damascus chanting “al-Masih! “al-Masih!” it is the first of a seemingly miraculous number of fish (as in red herrings) cast in our path by a program that is absolutely enthralling for at least half its lifespan. Al-Masih, after all, means “the anointed” in Arabic. In Islamic eschatology, though, “Al-Masih ad-Dajjal” is analogous to the Antichrist. Figuring out which is which is what obsesses most of the characters, and the viewer, all of whom are cast from the start into a very near, very troubled future.

In a newscast heard over aerial footage of a bombed-out Damascus, we are told that 2019 U.S. foreign policy has resulted in a revitalized Islamic caliphate and chaos throughout the region. Forces of Islamic State are massing on the outskirts of the city; a single figure (Mehdi Dehbi) rallies the beleaguered populace: Trust in God, he tells them. Although he’s denounced by some, and doubted by most, a sandstorm worthy of Cecil B. DeMille rolls across the landscape, forcing the invaders away and saving the city. And throughout the ensuing 30 days of wind and sand—or so the rumor goes—al-Masih doesn’t eat, drink or stop preaching at the Gate of St. Thomas (the Doubter, it should be noted).

Rather than to Damascus, it is toward Israel that al-Masih leads his disciples. They include the urchin Jibril (the heartbreaking Sayyid El Alami), who will follow a path intriguingly parallel to the soon-to-be celebrity al-Masih: The latter may walk on water, but Jibril will walk naked through a phalanx of angry border guards, leading his encamped Syrians into Israel. Which act is more miraculous?

Meanwhile, al-Masih himself has disappeared from the West Bank and materialized in Texas, during a tornado that all but destroys the town of Dilley—the real-life site, no coincidence, of the infamous South Texas Family Residential Center, an immigrant detention facility. The locals are suddenly reduced to the status of weather refugees, but the small whitewashed Baptist church run by Felix Iguero (John Ortiz) is spared. So is Felix’s troubled teenage daughter, Rebecca (Stefania LaVie Owen). Both become acolytes of al-Masih. Mom (Melinda Page Hamilton) prefers to drink heavily.

“Messiah” follows, more or less, the traditional narrative about prophets, false or true, while keeping its audience off balance and considerably mesmerized. Al-Masih, who is ostensibly Muslim but speaks of himself in very opaque, Jesus-quoting terms, never makes any claims about his identity, or who his father is. The claims are imposed upon him by the faithful. He answers questions with questions. (He’s a therapist, basically). He generates love among many.

The opposition to him, and the threats, and the undermining of his cause, if that’s what it is, are the work of people with suspicion in their DNA. They include Eva Geller (Michelle Monaghan), a CIA field officer who sees in al-Masih and his growing following an incipient terrorist threat. Her Israeli counterpart, Aviram Dahan (Tomer Sisley), is an Israeli agent who fears and loathes al-Masih for several reasons—chief among them al-Masih’s uncanny knowledge of war crimes that Aviram has committed during operations in northern Israel.

So much is so right about “Messiah” that it makes the eventual collapse into paranoid politics and alt-right clichés all the more painful. There are few stereotypes among the Texas Christians or the Syrian Muslims; Mr. Ortiz and Ms. Hamilton are particularly fine, and thoroughly convincing, as is Jane Adams as Miriam Keneally, an Amy Goodman-esque journalist who scurries around the rim of the al-Masih story. The remarkable Philip Baker Hall, now 88, has a small but significant role as Eva’s father, which shows once again what a great actor he is, and what a terrible character Eva is.

Ms. Monaghan, left to internalize a lot of Eva’s problems—she’s a widow, doing IVF with her dead husband’s sperm while nurturing a disbelief in anything good—does a lot of acting. Likewise, Mr. Sisley. But “Messiah,” created by Michael Petroni with episodes directed by Kate Woods and James McTeigue, is notably thorough in its research. There are a couple of dramatic accommodations—a district court judge, for instance, wouldn’t decide an asylum case like the one that provides one of the series’ more explosive sequences. But, mostly, it’s a show of high intelligence and dramatic momentum.

The show’s executive producers include “Apprentice” creator Mark Burnett and his wife, Roma Downey, whose work together (such as “The Bible”) has involved conventionally Christian content, a category into which “Messiah” decidedly does not fit. Most of the time, “Messiah” doesn’t fit anywhere—it challenges doubters and believers alike, instills a certain amount of naïve hope in where it’s going, and raises that eternal question, What would the world do if Jesus Christ appeared today? Ultimately, though, the whole show seems to be governed by an Oprah Winfrey quote, scribbled on the wall of the late-night diner where Eva takes her laptop and her misery: “You become what you believe.” By the end of episode 10, you’re not sure that “Messiah” believes in much.




Ben Tzion who posted pictures From HOLY Medin in NEW Saudi Arabia


Ben Tzion blogger who posted pictures from Medina.

saying it's proof of normalization between Israel and Saudi

blogger who posted pictures from Medina, saying it's proof of normalization between Israel and Saudi





UPDATE 11/29/1017


A post shared by Ben Tzion (@ben.tzion) on



UK judge bans mother from taking daughter to Egypt ... because FGM

UK judge bans mother from taking daughter to Egypt ... because FGM

The father viewed FGM as part of "Egyptian culture and tradition."

Source: YouTube

A British-Muslim mother was recently banned from traveling to Egypt with her baby daughter, over fears that her one-year-old child might be subjected to female genital mutilation.

The mother converted to Islam after meeting her husband, an Egyptian national, in his native country. She planned to take her newborn baby to the North African country to see her father and his family.
However, UK Judge Justice Allison Russell issued a Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order, effectively banning the mother from traveling outside the UK with her daughter until 2032. She ordered that the child's passport be retained by the court till then.
Russell said the father viewed FGM as part of "Egyptian culture and tradition," according to The Daily Mail. Despite the fact that he also believes the procedure should be legalized, the father said that he does not intend to subject his daughter to the procedure.
"It is not intended that the girl should not be able to see her father or members of the paternal family and the court would encourage the father and his family to visit her in England," Russell added.

Egypt Female Genital Mutilation Worse Than Ever Despite Ban



FGM is a criminal offense in the UK, however it is a common practice in Egypt

FGM, which is defined as a "partial or total removal of external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons" by the World Health Organization (WHO), is extremely common in Egypt.
According to a 2014 survey, 92 percent of Egyptian women aged between 15 and 49 have been circumcised.
This can lead to worrisome side effects, including severe physical pain, bleeding, and the risk of wound infections.
The practice has also been revealed to cause a delay in women's sexual response cycle.
Earlier this year, the spokesperson of Egypt's primary Forensic Medicine Department, Dr. Hesham Abdel Hamid, revealed that 70 to 80 percent of all Egyptian women cannot orgasm due to the practice.


رمضان زمان و رمضان الان

همممم أبدا من فين مش عارف بس عموما دلوقتي احنا فى

ىشهر رمضان 2016 و آخر 15 سنة فى حياتى مع رمضان 
بقيت احساس غريب كل علاقتي مع رمضان ذكريات الطفولة الجميلة (مش جميله ولا زفت)
بس رمضان كان ليه احساس مختلف من اول الأكلات و الحلويات و القرآن الكريم و الصلاة و محدش ش بيضيق 
حد. ديما العائله ملمومهفى بيت جدى
و طبعا رمضان من 15سنة كان بيجى فى وقت المدارس وكان مش مسموح السهر و لا متابعه التلفزيون إلا الفوازير و الف ليلة وليلة و شكرا طبعا كانت بزعل المهم و فى الصبح نروح المدرسه وكل واحد يطلع لسانه علشان متأكد انك صايم كس امكم مين سمح ليكم أنكم تفتشوا علينا💩
و كان ممكن نفطر فى نص اليوم وكان اكيد مفيش حد يشوفك حلو جدا لحد كده وكان ياما كان ان الإيمان بالله و الصلاة ما تظهرش غير فى رمضان بعد كده عرفت ان ده نفاق و كدب يعنى لم تعيش شهر كامل صيام و قرآن ودعاء و تيجى يوم الوقفة و أعربد بحجة أنه عيد سعيد و كده نفاق ده ولا مش نفاق😒
نرجع بقى دلوقتي رمضان بقى عادى جدا. وبقى اصعب انك تصوم فى المجتمع ده من اول ما تصحى لحد ما تنام و الناس بتاكل بعض و مسلسلات كله بنات تقريبا عريانة كأنهم.منتظرين طول السنة شهر رمضان علشان يتعرو ويفطرو الناس وبكده جو الإيمان انضرب
تيجى بقى إلى العائله ولمه الفطار بخ بخ ديه كمان الناس كله بقت مش مستحملين حتى الأطفال مش بيلعبوا بالفانوس زى زمان بسبب ارتفاع اسعارهم وكامان اختلاف التفكير يعنى من الاخر رمضان بقى مش رمضان لا فى إحساسه ولا فى اى حاجة يا ترى بتحسوا بكده انتم كمان! 


#Ramadan Kareem 2015

how to have good Ramadan ISA

For every important event in our life it is useful to plan ahead and make needed preparations so that this occasion becomes an unforgettable event.
Days are passing quickly as we are fast approaching the month of Ramadan.
If you ask most Muslims about last Ramadan, they would tell you it feels very close, like only a few weeks or months ago.
Are you waiting for Ramadan and looking forward to its start?
Are you happy that Ramadan is nearly here, or are you worried about fasting in the summer?
Have you prepared yet your plan and program for the best month of the year?
A Gift From Allah

The month of Ramadan is one of those important occasions that we witness once a year. It is a gift from God. It is a golden opportunity for Muslims to get closer to God by increasing good deeds.
Ramadan is the month in which Muslims observe the obligatory fast which has been prescribed by God on those who believe in Him as it was prescribed on previous nations.
{O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, even as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain piety.} (Al-Baqarah 2: 183)
The above verse explains the main purpose of fasting. It is to attain taqwa (God-consciousness) which means that every Muslim must be watchful of everything. He must watch out every word he utters and every action he does.

The literal manifestation of fasting is to abstain from food, drink and intimate relations from dawn to sunset. But the real meaning of fasting goes far beyond that. It is about avoiding gossip, backbiting, evil and idle talks, arrogance, lying, breaking promises, dishonesty, severing social ties, etc. 

Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said:
"Whoever fails to leave off ruinous speech, and acting on it [during Ramadan], God does not need him to leave off eating and drinking." (Al-Bukhari)

Fasting is an excellent training opportunity on self-restraint as the fast teaches patience and perseverance. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said:

The Prophet describes the month of fasting as the month of patience because fasting teaches how to control one's inner self and its desires.
Every Muslim should do his best to make the coming month of Ramadan a landmark event this year. Put a target for yourself, like for example having all your sins forgiven by Allah and that you will be saved from Hellfire.
Ask yourself are you pleased with what you did last Ramadan? 

Will this Ramadan be the same as last year? 

Let this Ramadan be the beginning of real change. 

Make this Ramadan different from previous ones. 

Start to practice an act of worship that you never did before, or increase the acts of worship that you used to do before.

If you used to read the Quran once during the month of Ramadan, this year read it twice.

 If you used to do Tarawih (Night prayers) alone, this year perform it in congregation. 

If you did not give charity, this year make it a daily habit to give to the needy what you can afford, even if it is a small amount.

If you did not observe any voluntary fasting since last Ramadan, train yourself to observe fasting during the month of Sha`ban as the Prophet used to do.

I would like to also warn of negative preparations for Ramadan which some people do by storing too much food and drink, as if Ramadan is the month for eating not a month for abstaining from food and drink from dawn to sunset.

Fasting was prescribed two months before the obligation to fight to gain the rights of the oppressed. 
Those who are able to control their inner selves and their desires become stronger in the face of those who wrong them until they get back their rights.

Early Muslims used to read the Quran a lot in Sha`ban in preparation for Ramadan. 
They also used to give out in charity in Sha`ban to help the poor and the needy observe fasting during Ramadan. They also used to pray to God to bless the months of Rajab, Sha`ban, and Ramadan.
This means that every Muslim should make du`a a strong tool in making the best of Ramadan. Du`a should be recited before Ramadan that you witness this month, during Ramadan that God will accept your du`a for yourself and for others, and after Ramadan that God will accept your fasting and reward you abundantly for it.

Suggestions and Useful Tips For Ramadan

It is said that: “Rajab is the month of planting seeds, Sha`ban is the month of watering the seeds, and Ramadan is the harvest season”. Therefore, think of what you want to harvest in Ramadan and start planting it and taking care of it in Rajab and Sha`ban.
A famous du`a of Prophet Muhammad:

"Oh Allah give us the blessings of the month of Rajab and Sha`ban and allow us to reach Ramadan." (Ahmad)
During Sha`ban remind yourself and your family of the virtues of fasting.
 Have at least a weekly session with your wife/husband and kids to talk about the significance of fasting. 

Get a booklet on fasting and read it with your children to make them love fasting. 

Focus on the virtues of Ramadan, that it is the month during which the Quran was revealed and that this month has the Night of Power which is better than a thousand months.

Always remember that in Ramadan rewards are multiplied, the gates of heaven are opened, the gates of hell are shut, and sins are forgiven.

 Be sure of God’s mercy on Muslims who observe fasting faithfully and avoid committing sins completely.

To make Ramadan the best month of the year, remember the following:

Strengthen your faith during this month by confirming your belief in the unity of Allah.

Have the intention of pleasing Allah with all your acts of worship.

Keep away from the things that nullify your faith.

Follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad.

Feed the poor and the needy. Feel the gift of giving in Ramadan.

Before going out for `Eid prayer, make sure to pay Zakat al-Fitr.

Perform the daily prayers at their fixed times and in congregation as much as you can.

Attend theTarawih prayers constantly and perform extra prayers. 

Rediscover the power of prayer in Ramadan and concentrate much while praying.

 Leave this worldly life behind your back once you raise your hands and sayAllahu Akbar (God is the greatest).

Visit your family members and relatives.

Observe i`tikaf (retreat in the mosque) during the last ten days of Ramadan, if you can.

Make the Quran your companion in Ramadan and have the intention to finish reading it at least once.

Have the intention to offer sincere repentance to Allah.

Have the intention to refine your manners and the way you treat others.

Make any dawah effort during Ramadan if you can, like distributing Ramadan-related dawah materials (CDs, booklets, videos, PDF files, etc.).

If you have the financial means, make iftar for new Muslims in your community to help them integrate with their fellow Muslims. You can also invite non-Muslims to such events to get to know them and introduce Islam to them through fasting.

Make iftar meals and gifts for orphans and marginalized children to make Ramadan a happy occasion for them.

Prepare your du`a (supplication) list. Write down the du`a (supplication) that you want to recite throughout the month. 
You can ask Allah for anything and everything.

 Choose the proper times and occasions of offering the du`a. 
The best supplication is during prostration, while offering the late night prayer, in the last days of Ramadan, and during Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Power).

Prioritize your list of supplications. Observe the etiquette of making supplication. 

Start your supplication with praising Allah and sending peace and blessings to the Prophet Muhammad. Face the qiblah (direction) and raise your hands.

 Be sure that Allah will never let your hands empty when you pray to Him. Do not forget the oppressed people, the people of Syria, and Muslims in Burma (Myanmar).

We pray to Allah to allow us to live till next Ramadan, and make it the best Ramadan ever.

10 great goals to set for this Ramadan


#رمضان 2015 و لماذا لا يحترم الإعلام العربي رمضان؟

رمضان 2015 مش هتقدر تبطل قرف من القنوات غير انة بقى مستفز كل سنة اكتر عن الى قبلة مليارات تتصرف علشان تلهى الناس و دة هدفة الظاهرى هو الترفية .
لكن شهر رمضان الكريم بقى هو هدفهم من السنة الى السنة الى بعدة استفزاز اكبر و اكبر لية رمضان بالذات !!

غير شرب الخمر و الحشيش و العلاقات الجنسية الشاذة فى المسلسلات رمضان فا طبعا احسن شد الفيشة التلفزيون خالص دامغك من غسيل المخ الى بيحصل دلوقتى و من اربع سنين فاتو لكل العرب من وقت الربيع العربى 
عموما اسيبكم مع الارقام الى ترعب بجد ان ممثل ياخد مليارات و العالم و الدكتور مش معة مليون حتى واحد!!

لماذا لا يحترم الإعلام العربي رمضان؟؟؟
دكتور مصطفى محمود 
لماذا يتحول رمضان إلى شهر ترفيهى بدلا من شهر روحاني؟ .. لست شيخا ولا داعية … ولكني أفهم الآن لماذا كانت والدتى تدير التلفاز ليواجه الحائط طوال شهر رمضان … كنت طفلا صغيرا ناقما على أمي التى منعتني واخوتى من مشاهدة فوازير بينما يتابعها كل أصدقائي .. ولم يشف غليلى إجابة والدتي المقتضبة “رمضان شهر عبادة مش فوازير”. لم أكن أفهم منطق أمى الذي كنت كطفل أعتبره تشددا فى الدين لا فائدة منه .. فكيف سيؤثر مشاهدة طفل صغير لفوازير على شهر رمضان؟ من منكم سيدير جهاز التلفاز ليواجه
الحائط في رمضان
مرت السنوات وأخذتني دوامة
الحياة وغطى ضجيج معارك الدراسة والعمل على همسة سؤالي الطفولى حتى أراد الله أن تأتيني الإجابة على هذا السؤال من رجل مسن غير متعلم فى الركن الآخر من الكرة الأرضية … كان ذلك الرجل هو عامل أمريكي فى محطة بنزين اعتدت دخولها لشراء قهوة أثناء ملء السيارة بالوقود فى طريق عملى … و فى اليوم الذي يسبق يوم الكريسماس دخلت لشراء القهوة كعادتى فإذا بى أجد ذلك الرجل منهمكا فى وضع أقفال على ثلاجة الخمور… وعندما عاد للـ (كاشير) لمحاسبتي على القهوة سألته وكنت حديث عهد بقوانين أمريكا :
“لماذا تضع أقفالا على هذه الثلاجة؟؟” .. فأجابنى :”هذه ثلاجة الخمور وقوانين الولاية تمنع بيع الخمور فى ليلة ويوم الكريسماس يوم ميلاد المسيح”…
نظرت إليه مندهشا قائلا : أليست أمريكا دولة علمانية .. لماذا تتدخل الدولة فى شئ مثل ذلك؟ ..
فقال الرجل :”الإحترام.. يجب على الجميع احترام ميلاد المسيح وعدم شرب الخمر فى ذلك اليوم حتى وإن لم تكن متدينا .. إذا فقد المجتمع الاحترام فقدنا كل شئ”.
الاحترام … (الاحترام) ظلت هذه الكلمة تدور فى عقلى لايام وأيام بعد هذه الليلة … فالخمر غير محرم عند كثير من المذاهب المسيحية فى أمريكا .. ولكن المسألة ليست مسألة حلال أو حرام .. انها مسألة احترام … فهم ينظرون للكريسماس كضيف يزورهم كل سنة ليذكرهم بميلاد المسيح عليه السلام .. وليس من الاحترام السكر فى معية ذلك الضيف … فلتسكر ولتعربد فى يوم آخر إذا كان ذلك أسلوب حياتك … أنت حر … ولكن فى هذا اليوم سيحترم الجميع هذا الضيف وستضع الدولة قانونا

 55 مسلسلاً سيتم عرضها في رمضان يدعو إلى الوقوف عند هذه الظاهرة التي أصبحت تؤرق الكثيرين، متسائلين في الوقت نفسه من الهدف وراء هذه المسلسلات في رمضان بالذات. وقالوا إن 31 مسلسل مصري، و13 شامي، و11 خليجي صرف عليها مليار و375 مليون، وهي مبالغ كان ينبغي أن تستغل في بناء المستشفيات والمجمعات السكنية، وفيما ينفع الناس.


Saint Samaan #Church #Christian #Jew #Islam #egypt #Coptic

Saint Samaan #Church  #Christian #Jew #Islam #egypt #Coptic 

In the MoKattam, every Thursday evening mass and public exorcisms take place in one of the cave churches. Dive into an area where miracles are often, and the people extraordinary.
In the Mokattam, every Thursday evening mass and public exorcisms take place in one of the cave churches. Dive into an area where miracles are often, and the people extraordinary.
By Louise Sarant, Community Times
Mansheyet Nasser is mostly a Coptic area situated on the lowest slope of the Mokattam hill. This is the residence of the Zabaleen, or slum dwellers, who cart away the rubbish of Cairo metropolis. Apart from a dozen houses inhabited by Muslims and a small “masged” (mosque) among the dusty roads deprived of asphalt of the neighbourhood, mostly Copts are installed there.
The main road of Mansheyet Nasser, lined with cram-full garbage bags that reach impressive heights, bakeries, butcheries and other religious shops, climbs steeply to what the residents call “el dir”, the monastery, even though no monastery is to be seen. However, five amazing churches are established in this secluded and final area of the neighbourhood. A curvy paved road leads to a wide area back by the impressive raw, colored rock of the Mokattam, carved with holy images of the Christ carried out by Marcos, a polish sculptor.
Partly because of the round cafeteria packed with youngsters, who seem to enjoy this moment of rare freedom, and also the huge cave church know as “Saint Samaan Church” excavated in the rock that can host 20,000 people, the common sense of proportion starts to diminish. Thursday evenings sermons of Abouna Samaan, the priest of Mansheyet Nasser, attract thousands of people each week, some from the Mokattam, others from Cairo.
Microbuses also bring faithful Christians through the narrow and smelly streets of this tiny village. The contrast between the pristine and no-smoking area of “el dir” and the smelly streets of Mansheyet Nasser is startling, and gives an impression of sudden serenity and harmony.


In order to understand why the father of the neighbourhood, whose name is Farahat, has chosen to baptize himself, as well as the church, Abouna Samaan, it is necessary to go back in time, while keeping in mind the legendary aspect of this tale.
A thousand years ago in Egypt, a rather tolerant Caliph encouraged Muslim, Christian and Jewish teachers to debate controversial issues without anger. A battle of wits started between a Jew and a Christian upon religious matters, and the Jewish teacher, in order to force the Coptic patriarch Abraham to the wall, quoted an excerpt of the Bible that says: “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to the mountain move from here to there, and it will move”.
The Caliph was thrilled because through the accomplishment of this miracle, the Christian faith would be validated and there would be a way of expanding the city eastwards, blocked by the mountain. In case of failure, the future of the whole Christian community would be doomed.
The patriarch was granted three days to achieve this miracle, and started by warning the whole community of the imminent threat upon them, inviting them to pray and feast through the day. On the third day, the patriarch, hopeless, had a vision of the Virgin Mary that unveiled the identity of the man who will accomplish the miracle: Samaan, the shoemaker. Indeed, at sunset on the same day, the mountain rose up three times, and while it rose for the last time, the sun was seen under the mountain. The history, or legend, of the miracle that saved the whole Christian community from an assured extinction is still vivid today, which explains the name both of Farahat and the church.
Many miracles happen in those churches of the Mokattam, which also justify the use of the shoemaker’s name.


On Thursday evenings, the first hour and a half is devoted to praying in the massive church of Saint Samaan and listening to the sermon of Abouna Samaan.
Around 9 pm, the huge assembly parts in two, those who go back to their homes and those who will follow the mass exorcism that is to take place right after the sermon in Mar Girgis Church. This church is considerably smaller than the previous one; still around 2000 people can be seated without a feeling of claustrophobia.
Originally, this church was a cavern filled with 140,000 tons of rocks. The auditorium-like shape of the cave is filled with rows of quite uncomfortable folding seats. In the middle stands a stage where the acts of exorcism are performed, and on both sides of the central stage, two neat queues (one for women and one for the men) are forming. Dressed in black with a bushy grey beard and a wooden cross in the right hand, Abouna Samaan radiates an impression of solemnity and wisdom that is quite striking to the audience.
A tiny orchestra, led by a dynamic choir and a few instruments is lightening the atmosphere by playing a whole repertoire of songs glorifying Jesus while the exorcisms take place. The lyrics can be easily followed on a big screen that is hung on the wall of the cavern, scrolling on images of happy people. A woman is on stage, standing in front of the priest. Her body is shivering while he firmly presses his wooden cross on her forehead while whispering a prayer. In an instant, she is lying on the stage floor, almost unconscious.
A khadeema immediately covers her body with a white sheet and Abouna Samaan crouches close to the distressed women. Her body is struck by spasms, and her high-pitched screams fill the whole cave. The attention of the audience is total. After hitting her many times with his wooden cross so that her body calms down, he grabs the microphone and asks to the evil spirits inside her: “How many of you are there?” She screams louder, the audience stiffens.
“Six”, she answers.
The priest starts praying for her in the name of Christ and in the name of the cross, then orders her to lift her left leg. “Irfa!” he yells, while the leg of the young woman begins rising under the sheets, thus creating a very unnatural shape. “Put it back down!” yells the priest, and she obeys promptly. On the third time she lifts her leg, he addresses the devil and tells him that now is time to leave this body, and that he will let go of her when her leg touches the floor for the last time.
At that moment, one of the numerous khadeemas on the stage pours “Baraka” water (from a real Baraka bottle) into the priest’s palm. As soon as the poor woman’s leg is back on the floor, Abouna Samaan sharply splashes her face with the holy water, prompting the immediate release from the evil spirit that inhabited her. She is helped to stand on her two feet again, and is invited by the priest to stomp her feet in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. She then readjusts the veil that has been crumpled in the exorcism process, and leaves the cave.
It could sound unconventional, but many Muslim men and women come to Abouna Samaan for an exorcism. It also happens in the Mar Girgis Cathedral in Ramses, where Abouna Makary Younane proceeds with exorcisms every Friday evenings.


#FreeSpeechStories #France accused of 'double standards'

Tens of thousands of fans of the French comic Dieudonne - often criticised as anti-Semitic - are making claims of hypocrisy and double standards after French authorities opened up dozens of cases against people accused of justifying terrorism.

Fans of the controversial comedian reacted angrily after he was arrested and charged with condoning terrorism for a remark on his a Facebook page: "je me sens Charlie Coulibaly" ("I feel like Charlie Coulibaly").
The remark, which has since been taken down, was a mash-up of the#JeSuisCharlie tag and the name of Amedy Coulibaly, the man who killed a policewoman near a Jewish school and four people at a Jewish supermarket in Paris. Dieudonne later defended the remark by saying he felt like he was being persecuted by authorities as if he were a terror suspect.
"Freedom of expression is dead, but its funeral on Sunday was pretty!!" said one of the comedian's Facebook fans, referring to the enormous march through Paris in support of Charlie Hebdo.
"WHAT HYPOCRISY!!!!!" shouted another commentator. "You can legally caricature and insult the prophet and the Muslim world: the oligarchy calls this freedom of expression ... We are in a pseudo-democratic dictatorship."

Dieudonne is a comedian with a history of making crude jokes about the Holocaust (and occasionally getting into legal trouble). He has a huge following on social media including more than 900,000 Facebook fans. Most of the comments on his page were in support of the comedian, and his name was trending briefly on Twitter earlier in the week, but there were a few fans who thought Dieudonne had crossed a line.
"There is a big difference between freedom of expression and incitement to hatred," said one fan. "He knew what to expect ... Charlie Hebdo made caricatures of the prophet that I haven't agreed with, it has made a mockery of the prophet, made some laugh, shocked others, but there was no incentive to hatred and this is a big difference."

The arrest of Dieudonne was just one of dozens of cases - up to 100according to one estimate - opened by the French authorities since the attacks. Some people have even been jailed already under fast-track legislation that was passed last year.
In a typical year, only one or two people are arrested for speaking out in favour of terrorism, said Emmanuel Pierrat, a French media lawyer and member of PEN International, which supports free expression.
Pierrat told BBC Trending that free speech is an idea at the core of the French nation, but one that in his view has been eroded over the years by exceptions for things including hate speech.
"We have weakened the principle of freedom of speech, for good intentions, but without thinking about the consequences. We need to think about how we can recover the idea of freedom of speech after an event that is so emotional, like the one in Paris (last week)," he said.
He cautioned however, that Dieudonne's statements could not be directly compared with the Charlie Hebdo cartoons showing the Prophet Muhammad.
"One thing is for sure, in France you can make drawings or speeches against ideology or against religion. The French revolution of 1789 abolished the crime of blasphemy" and courts have consistently upheld the legality of speech directed at religions or historical religious figures, he says.
Pierrat, who represented Michel Houellebecq when the author wascleared of charges of religious hate speech against Muslims in 2002, says the Dieudonne case will be difficult to judge given the ambiguity of the comedian's outburst. But he says he believes the authorities are made a mistake by arresting him. A trial is scheduled for next month.

"If Dieudonne wins, he will be like a hero," Pierrat says. "It will gives a lot of young people the idea that he is a champion of Muslims or immigrants ... he's no longer a comedian or an actor, but instead his audiences are far-right sympathisers."
"What makes me somewhat afraid is that French justice is speeding up when it comes to these questions," he says. "Like Americans after 11 September, the worry is that judgments are coming too quickly, and influenced by a very emotional event."

Blog by Mike Wendling