‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Egyptian X-Files. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Egyptian X-Files. إظهار كافة الرسائل


Egypt Economy 2017

تحيا مصر ب الأرقام
اقتصاد تحيا مصر ٢٠١٧

الاقتصاد - نظرة عامة: 
تحتل مصر الركن الشمالي الشرقي للقارة الأفريقية، تقطع مصر وادي النيل الخصيب للغاية، حيث يحدث معظم النشاط الاقتصادي. كان اقتصاد مصر مركزيا للغاية خلال حكم الرئيس السابق جمال عبد الناصر ولكنه انفتح بشكل كبير تحت رئاسة الرئيسين السابقين أنور السادات ومحمد حسني مبارك من القاهرة في الفترة من 2004 إلى 2008 من أجل إصلاحات مناخ الأعمال لجذب الاستثمارات الأجنبية وتسهيل النمو. إن ظروف المعيشة السيئة وفرص العمل المحدودة لمصر العادي تسهم في السخط العام، وهو عامل رئيسي يؤدي إلى ثورة يناير 2011 التي أطاحت بمبارك. وقد تسببت البيئة السياسية والأمنية والسياسية غير المؤكدة منذ عام 2011 في تباطؤ النمو الاقتصادي بشكل كبير وإلحاق الضرر بالسياحة والصناعة والقطاعات الأخرى، مما أدى إلى ارتفاع معدلات البطالة. وقد أدى ضعف النمو ومحدودية عائدات النقد الأجنبي إلى جعل المالية العامة غير مستدامة، مما جعل السلطات تعتمد على الاقتراض المكلف لتمويل العجز، وحلفاء الخليج للمساعدة في تغطية فاتورة الواردات. وفي عام 2015، ساهمت المستويات األعلى لالستثمار األجنبي في انتعاش طفيف في نمو الناتج المحلي اإلجمالي بعد فترة من الكساد في فترة ما بعد الثورة.

الناتج المحلي الإجمالي (تعادل القوة الشرائية): 
$ 1.105 تريليون دولار (2016) 1.064 تريليون دولار أمريكي (2015) 1.021 تريليون دولار أمريكي (2014) 
ملاحظة: البيانات هي في عام 2016 دولار 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 23 

الناتج المحلي الإجمالي (سعر الصرف الرسمي): 
342.8 مليار دولار (عام 2015 م) 

الناتج المحلي الإجمالي - معدل النمو الحقيقي: 
3.8٪ (عام 2016) 4.2٪ (2015 م) 2.2٪ (2014 م) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 65 

الناتج المحلي الإجمالي للفرد الواحد: 
12،100 دولار (قيمة عام 2016) 12،000 دولار (قيمة عام 2015) 11800 دولار (عام 2014) 
ملاحظة: البيانات هي في عام 2016 دولار 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 125 

إجمالي الادخار الوطني: 
8.7٪ من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي (2016) 10.7٪ من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي (2015) 13٪ من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي (2014) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 157 

الناتج المحلي الإجمالي - التركيب، حسب الاستخدام النهائي: 
الاستهلاك المنزلي: 84.4٪ 
الاستهلاك الحكومي: 12٪ 
الاستثمار في رأس المال الثابت: 12.1٪ 
الاستثمار في المخزونات: 0.4٪ 
صادرات السلع والخدمات: 12.7٪ 
واردات السلع والخدمات: -21.6٪ (2016) 

الناتج المحلي الإجمالي - التكوين، حسب قطاع المنشأ: 
الزراعة: 11.3٪ 
الصناعة: 35.8٪ 
سيرفيسز : 52.9٪ (2016 إست.) 

الزراعة - المنتجات: 
القطن والأرز والذرة والقمح والفاصوليا والفواكه والخضروات. الماشية، جاموس الماء، الأغنام، الماعز

والمنسوجات، وتجهيز الأغذية، والسياحة، والمواد الكيميائية، والمستحضرات الصيدلانية، والهيدروكربونات، والبناء، والأسمنت، والمعادن، والصناعات الخفيفة

معدل نمو الإنتاج الصناعي: 
0.6٪ (2016) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 160 
[انظر أيضا: معدلات نمو الإنتاج الصناعي في البلدان ]

القوى العاملة: 
31.96 مليون (2016) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 20 

القوى العاملة - حسب المهنة: 
الزراعة: 29.2٪ 
[انظر أيضا: القوى العاملة - حسب المهنة - صفوف البلدان الزراعية ] 
الصناعة: 23.5٪ 
سيرفيسز : 47.3٪ (2013 إست.) 

معدل البطالة: 
13.1٪ (عام 2016) 12.8٪ (2015 م) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 145 

السكان الذين يعيشون تحت خط الفقر: 
25.2٪ (2011) 

دخل الأسرة أو استهلاك النسبة المئوية: 
أدنى 10٪: 4٪ 
أعلى 10٪: 26.6٪ (2008) 

توزيع دخل الأسرة - مؤشر جيني: 
30.8 (2008) 32.1 (2005) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 116 

الإيرادات: 60.09 مليار دولار 
[انظر أيضا: إيرادات الميزانية القطرية ] 
النفقات: 92.37 مليار دولار (قيمة عام 2016) 

الضرائب والإيرادات الأخرى: 
17.5٪ من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي (2016) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 173 

فائض الميزانية (+) أو العجز (-): 
-9.4٪ من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي (2016) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 199 

الدين العام: 
92.6٪ من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي (2016) 90.2٪ من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي (2015) 
ملاحظة: تغطي البيانات ديون الحكومة المركزية وتشمل أدوات الدين الصادرة (أو المملوكة) من قبل كيانات حكومية بخلاف الخزينة، وديون الخزانة التي تحتفظ بها كيانات أجنبية، والديون الصادرة عن الكيانات دون الوطنية، وكذلك الديون داخل الحكومات؛ داخل الحكم 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 18 

السنة المالية: 
1 تموز / يوليه - 30 حزيران / يونيه

معدل التضخم (أسعار المستهلك): 
12.1٪ (2016) 10.4٪ (2015 م) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 209 

معدل خصم البنك المركزي: 
9.75٪ (30 أكتوبر 2014) 8.75٪ (5 ديسمبر 2013) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 26 

البنك التجاري سعر الإقراض الرئيسي: 
12.5٪) 31 ديسمرب 2016 (11.63٪) 31 ديسمرب 2015 م 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 63 

سهم من المال الضيق: 
55.96 مليار دولار (31 ديسمبر 2016) 66.49 مليار دولار (31 ديسمبر 2015 م) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 47 

مخزون من المال الواسع: 
210.8 بليون دولار (31 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2016) 243.4 بليون دولار (31 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2015) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 41 

مخزون الائتمان المحلي: 
260.3 بليون دولار (31 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2016) 297.4 بليون دولار (31 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2015) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 39 

القيمة السوقية للأسهم المتداولة: 
55،19 بليون دولار (31 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2015) 70،08 بليون دولار (31 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2014) 61،63 بليون دولار (31 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2013) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 49 

رصيد حسابك الحالي: 
- 12.18 مليار دولار (قيمة عام 2015) - 12.18 مليار دولار أمريكي (2015 م) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 181 

14.73 مليار دولار (قيمة عام 2016) 19.03 مليار دولار (قيمة عام 2015) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 73 

الصادرات - السلع: 
والنفط الخام والمنتجات النفطية، والفواكه والخضروات، والقطن، والمنسوجات، والمنتجات المعدنية، والمواد الكيميائية، والأغذية المصنعة

الصادرات - الشركاء: 
المملكة العربية السعودية 9.1٪، إيطاليا 7.5٪، تركيا 5.8٪، الإمارات 5.1٪، الولايات المتحدة 5.1٪، المملكة المتحدة 4.4٪، الهند 4.1٪ (2015)

50.07 مليار دولار (عام 2016) 57.17 مليار دولار (قيمة عام 2015) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 48 

الواردات - السلع: 
والآلات والمعدات، والمواد الغذائية، والمواد الكيميائية، والمنتجات الخشبية، والوقود

الواردات - الشركاء: 
الصين٪ 13، ألمانيا 7.7٪، الولايات المتحدة 5.9٪، تركيا 4.5٪، روسيا 4.4٪، إيطاليا 4.4٪، المملكة العربية السعودية 4.1٪ (2015)

احتياطيات النقد الأجنبي والذهب: 
15.06 مليار $ (31 ديسمبر 2016) 15.49 مليار $ (31 ديسمبر 2015 إست.) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 64 

ديبت - إكسترنال: 
50.67 مليار دولار أمريكي (31 ديسمبر 2016) 44.61 مليار دولار أمريكي (31 ديسمبر 2015 م) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 63 

مخزون الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر - في المنزل: 
94.51 بليون دولار (31 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2016) 89.65 بليون دولار (31 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2015) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 48 

مخزون الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر - في الخارج: 
8.042 بليون دولار (31 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2016) 7.362 بليون دولار (31 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2015) 
مقارنة البلدان بالعالم: 65 

معدل التحويل: 
جنيه مصري (بالدولار الأمريكي) 9.71 (2016) 7.7133 (2015) 7.7133 (2014) 7.08 (2013) 6.06 (2012)

ملاحظة: يتم إعادة نشر المعلومات المتعلقة بمصر في هذه الصفحة من كتاب الحقائق العالمي لعام 2017 لوكالة المخابرات المركزية الأمريكية. لم يتم تقديم أي مطالبات بشأن دقة معلومات اقتصاد مصر لعام 2017 الواردة هنا. جميع الاقتراحات لتصحيح أي أخطاء حول مصر الاقتصاد 2017 ينبغي أن توجه إلى وكالة المخابرات المركزية.


The rape of a dog in Egypt

 The rape of a dog in Egypt

This's Anastasia, she used to live in front of my building in october .. Anastasia was extremely friendly. during the last months, the rest of her pack was shoot by gun by a stuid officer who lives close to me but i dont know him! (20+ dogs) 5 days ago she found her in pain, bleeding from behind with her nether area completely shredded. "Check the photos" we took to dr khaled ali and turns out she was RAPED! .. we had to make her a surgery as we also found a tumer which got bigger and had pus because of the raping! full hysterectomy and we removed the tumer but shes still on medications! after the surgery we took her to a kennel but she was so sad , cold, and scared so i couldnt keep her for long. I took her and i'm still looking for a place to take her of her for the first 2 3 weeks .. she needs a special care! and medical care! P.S. she didnt take any of her medications today so plz someone help me! I dont know how to clean wounds or give injects! 
also i cant control her alone .. plz someone help me! I live in october and i dont have a place for her! someone can take her to her place but i have to find someone to help me transfer her! and give her her medications as well coz the girl also doesnt have anymedical experience or experience with dogs!


#Egypt’s flag rises 20 meters high in #Tahrir Square

Egypt’s flag rises 20 meters high in Tahrir Square!!!

Experts plan to fix King Tut mask after glue gaffe

Experts plan to fix King Tut mask after glue gaff

The head of the conservation department at the Egyptian Museum was demoted to a low-profile post in the wake of an inappropriate restoration of the 3,000 year-old funerary mask of King Tutankhamun using household epoxy glue.

Elham Abdelrahman, who supervised restoration work at the museum of over 180,000 artifacts, was transferred to the Royal Carriages Museum in the Citadel of Saladin, Antiquities Minister Mamdouh el-Damaty announced Thursday.

Damaty also referred other conservators involved in the irresponsible repair of the golden mask to investigations, and stressed that legal proceedings would follow.

Abdelrahman was replaced by Saeed Abdel Hamed, who was head of restoration department at the Coptic Museum.

 Images of the mask showing conspicuous globs of glue around the gap between the braided beard and the chin recently circulated on social media and drew sharp criticism.

Last week, media outlets reported the mask’s beard broke off in 2014 and was hastily glued back on by conservation staff. Moreover, the piece was reattached with epoxy, which, while sometimes used, is considered a debatable material among conservators.

Damaty said in a press conference Sunday that Tutankhamun’s mask is safe and the reaction to the incident was “overexcited and unjustified” and would have a negative impact for Egypt’s reputation and tourism sector.


Saint Samaan #Church #Christian #Jew #Islam #egypt #Coptic

Saint Samaan #Church  #Christian #Jew #Islam #egypt #Coptic 

In the MoKattam, every Thursday evening mass and public exorcisms take place in one of the cave churches. Dive into an area where miracles are often, and the people extraordinary.
In the Mokattam, every Thursday evening mass and public exorcisms take place in one of the cave churches. Dive into an area where miracles are often, and the people extraordinary.
By Louise Sarant, Community Times
Mansheyet Nasser is mostly a Coptic area situated on the lowest slope of the Mokattam hill. This is the residence of the Zabaleen, or slum dwellers, who cart away the rubbish of Cairo metropolis. Apart from a dozen houses inhabited by Muslims and a small “masged” (mosque) among the dusty roads deprived of asphalt of the neighbourhood, mostly Copts are installed there.
The main road of Mansheyet Nasser, lined with cram-full garbage bags that reach impressive heights, bakeries, butcheries and other religious shops, climbs steeply to what the residents call “el dir”, the monastery, even though no monastery is to be seen. However, five amazing churches are established in this secluded and final area of the neighbourhood. A curvy paved road leads to a wide area back by the impressive raw, colored rock of the Mokattam, carved with holy images of the Christ carried out by Marcos, a polish sculptor.
Partly because of the round cafeteria packed with youngsters, who seem to enjoy this moment of rare freedom, and also the huge cave church know as “Saint Samaan Church” excavated in the rock that can host 20,000 people, the common sense of proportion starts to diminish. Thursday evenings sermons of Abouna Samaan, the priest of Mansheyet Nasser, attract thousands of people each week, some from the Mokattam, others from Cairo.
Microbuses also bring faithful Christians through the narrow and smelly streets of this tiny village. The contrast between the pristine and no-smoking area of “el dir” and the smelly streets of Mansheyet Nasser is startling, and gives an impression of sudden serenity and harmony.


In order to understand why the father of the neighbourhood, whose name is Farahat, has chosen to baptize himself, as well as the church, Abouna Samaan, it is necessary to go back in time, while keeping in mind the legendary aspect of this tale.
A thousand years ago in Egypt, a rather tolerant Caliph encouraged Muslim, Christian and Jewish teachers to debate controversial issues without anger. A battle of wits started between a Jew and a Christian upon religious matters, and the Jewish teacher, in order to force the Coptic patriarch Abraham to the wall, quoted an excerpt of the Bible that says: “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to the mountain move from here to there, and it will move”.
The Caliph was thrilled because through the accomplishment of this miracle, the Christian faith would be validated and there would be a way of expanding the city eastwards, blocked by the mountain. In case of failure, the future of the whole Christian community would be doomed.
The patriarch was granted three days to achieve this miracle, and started by warning the whole community of the imminent threat upon them, inviting them to pray and feast through the day. On the third day, the patriarch, hopeless, had a vision of the Virgin Mary that unveiled the identity of the man who will accomplish the miracle: Samaan, the shoemaker. Indeed, at sunset on the same day, the mountain rose up three times, and while it rose for the last time, the sun was seen under the mountain. The history, or legend, of the miracle that saved the whole Christian community from an assured extinction is still vivid today, which explains the name both of Farahat and the church.
Many miracles happen in those churches of the Mokattam, which also justify the use of the shoemaker’s name.


On Thursday evenings, the first hour and a half is devoted to praying in the massive church of Saint Samaan and listening to the sermon of Abouna Samaan.
Around 9 pm, the huge assembly parts in two, those who go back to their homes and those who will follow the mass exorcism that is to take place right after the sermon in Mar Girgis Church. This church is considerably smaller than the previous one; still around 2000 people can be seated without a feeling of claustrophobia.
Originally, this church was a cavern filled with 140,000 tons of rocks. The auditorium-like shape of the cave is filled with rows of quite uncomfortable folding seats. In the middle stands a stage where the acts of exorcism are performed, and on both sides of the central stage, two neat queues (one for women and one for the men) are forming. Dressed in black with a bushy grey beard and a wooden cross in the right hand, Abouna Samaan radiates an impression of solemnity and wisdom that is quite striking to the audience.
A tiny orchestra, led by a dynamic choir and a few instruments is lightening the atmosphere by playing a whole repertoire of songs glorifying Jesus while the exorcisms take place. The lyrics can be easily followed on a big screen that is hung on the wall of the cavern, scrolling on images of happy people. A woman is on stage, standing in front of the priest. Her body is shivering while he firmly presses his wooden cross on her forehead while whispering a prayer. In an instant, she is lying on the stage floor, almost unconscious.
A khadeema immediately covers her body with a white sheet and Abouna Samaan crouches close to the distressed women. Her body is struck by spasms, and her high-pitched screams fill the whole cave. The attention of the audience is total. After hitting her many times with his wooden cross so that her body calms down, he grabs the microphone and asks to the evil spirits inside her: “How many of you are there?” She screams louder, the audience stiffens.
“Six”, she answers.
The priest starts praying for her in the name of Christ and in the name of the cross, then orders her to lift her left leg. “Irfa!” he yells, while the leg of the young woman begins rising under the sheets, thus creating a very unnatural shape. “Put it back down!” yells the priest, and she obeys promptly. On the third time she lifts her leg, he addresses the devil and tells him that now is time to leave this body, and that he will let go of her when her leg touches the floor for the last time.
At that moment, one of the numerous khadeemas on the stage pours “Baraka” water (from a real Baraka bottle) into the priest’s palm. As soon as the poor woman’s leg is back on the floor, Abouna Samaan sharply splashes her face with the holy water, prompting the immediate release from the evil spirit that inhabited her. She is helped to stand on her two feet again, and is invited by the priest to stomp her feet in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. She then readjusts the veil that has been crumpled in the exorcism process, and leaves the cave.
It could sound unconventional, but many Muslim men and women come to Abouna Samaan for an exorcism. It also happens in the Mar Girgis Cathedral in Ramses, where Abouna Makary Younane proceeds with exorcisms every Friday evenings.


نهاية 2014 وبداية 2015

اممممممممم هتكلام على مصر الاول
احية طبعا على سنة 2014 من اولة لحد اخرة والى جاى اسود من الى فات و الى مش شايف دة اكيد ابن كلب اعمى اة او معرص و مستفيد من الى بيحصل و دول كتير اوى , طبعا فشخ الاخوان و مرسى والوسخة دية و السيسى و المجلس المعرص بتاع مبارك الى فعلا ركب على ثورة يناير 2011 الى شوفنا فية العجب و دم و عيون راحت للاسف ان الشعب ابن متناكة بطبعة طول عمرة شعب بيحي يعيش عبد ويعشق حياة العبودية و دة من ايام الفراعنة فا تقريبا دة فى الجينات المصريين انهم عبيد وبس.........
الى يزعل يخبطة فى الحيطة
يعنى بعد كل الى الى ماتوا والى راحت عيونهم و فى الاخر مبارك وعصابتة براة و الداخلية حمامة سلام, و احنا بقينا شعب بيتعاقب عقاب جماعى طبعا علشان شبابة فكر فى حريتة , كرامة ولقمة عيش لا اكتر ولا اقل بس ازى ما هما شعب عبيد

وطلع المعرصيين زى ما فى كل تاريخ طلع مبارك و عصابتة اطهر من الطاهرة نفسة والشعب هو المتهم اة هو كدة  ما هو قضاء مصر شامخ وعادل 

الى الواحد بيشوفة وبيسمعة وبقى يحصل و قطع الكهرباء  والقرف و الاشعار و عدم الامان و يا كدة يا هتبقى زى سوريا وليبيا ونجيب لك داعش هاة اختار انت بقى !! يا الوسخ يا الاوسخ

و الشعب دماغة اتغسلت وباقى تايهة و اتلعبت نفس اللعبة شعب ابن عرص بطبعة يا حب يكون عبد للفرعون وبس
الكرف التلات 
السيسى لم يحكم مصر أو أى عرص منهم هيفشخوا المصريين بسبب الثورة هيكدرونا و يفقرونا وهياخدو قروض من البنك الدولى و قروض من طوب الارض و دة هي سبب تتضخم  يعنى الدولار الى ب٦ هيبقى ب ٢٠ و ممكن ٣٠ جنية !!!!يعنى اكتر من ¾ سعر مصر يدخلوا الفقر....
غير شوية مشاريع وهمية فنكوش كبارى،مدن جديدة،مفاعل نووي أو والله لزوم تخليد فخامة الرئيس..
 و ممكن يدخلوا فى حرب وهمية مع دولة او مجموعات إرهابية مسلحة وهميةعلشان الى يفتح بقة يبقى عميل و خاين و من اعداء الوطن و طبعا هما مش هيفشخوا الشعب بس لا ابدا دة الهدف تدمير مصر و ثرواتة و ارضة تخيل لم الواقع يفشخ الخيال لم يتم بيع أرض مصر علشان نقدر نسدد ديون مصر 
و تجفيف كل موارد الدولة و اولهم النيل طبعا و الآثار هتكون للبيع عادى و شوية يتم إعلان إفلاس مصر و قتة الى هيحكم مصر هنا أصحاب الديون السيادية طبعا الامارات و السعودية و من خلف الستار اسرائيل 
و شعب مصر وقتة مش هتقدر يقول لا علشان بقى متعودة
هبقى اكمل بعدينا لحس اتبضنت ...............


Minha Husaini Girl form #Egypt work as tea boy! #women

Minha Husaini she girl 22 old i think,she finish her study in Tourism and because no security now work for must of egyptian people .

she  shift her hair to can deal with guys in st, and Most of the time, sexual harassment, and she go to work in tahrir Sq !!! in down town  ,,,, its dangers place , but she go bur the police come after her
and they asked her to give then money to let her work ;)


#Egypt in 1911

Egypt in  1911



That how Egyptian (devils) kids Treatment of a lion #EGYPT

That how Egyptian kids of (devils) 
Treatment of a lion !!

In fact No words can explain! What the lion and his wife did for them,nothing ! 
why that happiness the kids of (devils) ? WHAT WRONG FUCKEN WITH THEM ! ;(

And that fucken garden watching them! sun of pitch  like nothing happened 


The Egyptians Eid al-Fitr #Egypt 2014


Scientists Discovered the Egyptian Secret to Moving Huge Pyramid Stones #Egypt

The question of just how an ancient civilization—without the help of modern technology—moved the 2.5 ton stones that made up their famed pyramids has long plagued Egyptologists and mechanical engineers alike. But now, a team from the University of Amsterdam believes they've figured it out, even though the solution was staring them in the face all along.
It all comes down to friction. See, the ancient Egyptians would transport their rocky cargo across the desert sands, from quarry to monument site with large sleds. Pretty basic sleds, basically just large slabs with upturned edges. Now, when you try to pull a large slab with upturned edges carrying a 2.5 ton load, it tends to dig into the sand ahead of it, building up a sand berm that must then be regularly cleared before it can become an even bigger obstacle.
Wet sand, however, doesn't do this. In sand with just the right amount of dampness, capillary bridges—essentially microdroplets of water that bind grains of sand to one another through capillary action—form across the grains, which doubles the material's relative stiffness. This prevents the sand from berming in front of the sled and cuts the force required to drag the sled in half. In half.

As a UvA press release explains,
The physicists placed a laboratory version of the Egyptian sledge in a tray of sand. They determined both the required pulling force and the stiffness of the sand as a function of the quantity of water in the sand. To determine the stiffness they used a rheometer, which shows how much force is needed to deform a certain volume of sand.
Experiments revealed that the required pulling force decreased proportional to the stiffness of the sand...A sledge glides far more easily over firm desert sand simply because the sand does not pile up in front of the sledge as it does in the case of dry sand.
These experiments served to confirm what the Egyptians clearly already knew, and what we probably already should have. Artwork within the tomb of Djehutihotep, which was discovered in the Victorian Era, depicts a scene of slaves hauling a colossal statue of the Middle Kingdom ruler and in it, a guy at the front of the sled is shown pouring liquid into the sand. You can see it in the image above, just to the right of the statue's foot.


R.I.P Bassem Sabry (1982-2014)

Bassem Sabry, a voice of Egypt's 2011 revolution, dies in accident

Cairo-based journalist and strategist for liberal party Dostour was respected for his analysis of regional politics


One of the voices of Egypt's 2011 revolution and its aftermath, Bassem Sabry, has died in an accident aged 31.
A Cairo-based journalist and political strategist, Sabry rose to prominence during the Arab uprisings of 2011, achieving widespread acclaim for his analysis of regional politics in several local and global outlets, including al-Monitor and the Huffington Post. He was frequently cited in international media, including the Guardian.
For a period, Sabry was also a strategist for Dostour, a new liberal party founded by Mohamed ElBaradei, a figurehead of Egypt's 2011 uprising who is now in exile.
But whatever his formal affiliations, Sabry was admired for rarely letting his personal preferences skew his commentary. In a deeply polarised and often vicious political environment in which many others abandoned the centre ground, Sabry won respect across the political spectrum for his principled, fair and insightful analysis.
Paying tribute to Sabry, the Cairo analyst HA Hellyer said: "I was honoured to call Bassem Sabry a companion, a colleague and most of all, a friend. At a time when Egypt sorely needed voices that rejected destructive polarisation and mutual hatred, Bassem was one of the few that insisted on standing for far loftier principles. He believed in a better Egypt for all Egyptians – and worked tirelessly, often very quietly and without taking credit, in pursuit of that goal."
Zeinobia, another well-known Egyptian blogger, wrote on her website: "I know that he did his best to change the world around him to a better place."
Sabry's death also sparked a wave of emotion on social media. "Only the good die young," wrote Ragia Omran, one of Egypt's leading human rights lawyers. "What a great loss for those who still have hope for a better Egypt."
Sabry's cause of death could not immediately be verified. His funeral will take place at west Cairo's Mostafa Mahmoud mosque on Wednesday, with a memorial at the nearby Hamdiyyah Shadhiliyya mosque at sunset on Saturday.

last tweet form him was ask for blood for lil girl


Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all Egyptian and Arab mothers all over the globe celebrating this day today , even if it was late. 

Happy Mother Day to all the martyrs’ mothers from all parties who lost their children especially in last year because of a disgusting fight over power. Happy Mother Day to the Mothers of the detainees who are waiting for the return of their children back home safe. 
Happy Mother Day to all the fantastic women and mothers working hardly to provide their children a better life. 
Happy Mother Day to all mothers in the world. 


'The Square' Film On Egypt's Revolution Will Not Be Shown In #Egypt #Tahrir #25jan

There’s a lot anyone can learn from Jehane Noujaim’s Oscar-nominated documentary “The Square,” an examination of the 18-day uprising that toppled President Hosni Mubarak.

But Egyptians may be least able to benefit from its lessons. So far, the film has not been approved for screening here.
On the third anniversary of Mubarak’s ouster, which falls on Tuesday (Feb. 11), Egypt is more polarized than ever, largely between those who are sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood and those who support the military. The film is a reminder of what Egyptians share, regardless of religious or political beliefs.
“The Square” depicts the uprising through the eyes of six revolutionaries who lived in Tahrir Square during those historic weeks and follows them as Egyptians struggled to redefine themselves. Mubarak’s ouster ushered in a tumultuous period that saw clashes with the military, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, the return to the streets to demand the deposal of the Muslim Brotherhood’s President Mohammed Morsi, and the sit-ins that followed Morsi’s overthrow by the army.
The film, available to American audiences on Netflix and in theaters, ends with the clearing of the Morsi supporters’ encampment, which resulted in nearly 1,000 deaths. Since then, the Brotherhood has been outlawed and people have been arrested for simply possessing Brotherhood materials, now a crime.
Noujaim, 39, is an accomplished documentarian and TED Prize winner whose credits include “Startup.com” and “Control Room,” a film about the Al-Jazeera network. “The Square,” though, is not a film that intends to accurately and journalistically represent all factions. Noujaim, an Egyptian-American who spent much of her childhood in Egypt, lived on Tahrir Square with her characters during the revolution. In many ways, she is one of them, and “The Square” is her contribution to the revolution.
The film depicts those historic events from the revolutionary’s point of view. There were hundreds of thousands of people in the square; Noujaim chose to follow the ones she was intrigued by, trusting that viewers would do the same.
Two of the most captivating characters are Ahmed Hassan, a young street revolutionary, and Magdy Ashour, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and a father of four who, under Mubarak, was imprisoned and tortured. Despite their differing backgrounds and perspectives, the two become fast friends, and the exchanges between them provide some of the film’s most compelling moments.
Through Ashour viewers get a nuanced view of the Brotherhood and its army of foot soldiers, a stark contrast to the heavy-handed, black-and-white demonization of them in Egyptian media of late. Ashour had been a loyal member of the Brotherhood for decades, attracted to its religiosity and benefiting from its financial support. After it seized power, he began to question some of its decisions, which left him conflicted.
When Morsi was first elected, many Egyptians opted for Muslim rule. But that feeling didn’t last long. Only 150 days into his presidency, Morsi made a power grab that gave him even more authority than Mubarak.
The revolutionaries were upset with his autocratic maneuvers and with the new constitution that the Islamist-dominated parliament drafted, which they considered a betrayal of the ideals they had fought for. Noujaim said she spoke to many ordinary Egyptians during that time — many of them practicing Muslims — who were “deeply disturbed” that the ruling party was now determining who constituted a good Muslim.
Ashour is visibly torn in the film between the revolutionaries, whose principles he, too, had stood for, and the Brotherhood. He found himself increasingly at odds with Hassan and his other friends from the square.
“If there were an alternative, I wouldn’t want Morsi,” he says at one point in the film. “We’re afraid that if Morsi falls we’ll be taken back to prisons,” Ashour said.
One of the film’s most poignant moments comes a short time later when British-Egyptian actor Khalid Abdalla sits with Ashour and his son and shows them video of Muslim Brotherhood members attacking protesters outside the presidential palace, some of the very same people who had been in Tahrir with Ashour.
Ashour’s son had gone to the presidential palace that day, and was on the side of the Brotherhood throwing rocks at their opponents. Ashour looks mournful, and chastises his son for his actions: “You have to stand as an individual,” Ashour tells the boy. “You have to think for yourself.”
It is Ashour and his conflict that resonated most strongly with some of the film’s most conservative and religious audiences in the United States.
When Noujaim took the film to Sundance, some of the screenings were in downtown Salt Lake City and attended by Mormons and ex-Mormons. They, as well as evangelicals, came up to the filmmakers after showings and said that, despite initially thinking they had the least in common with Ashour, it was he whom they related to the most. They identified with his deep faith, his trust in the fledgling government, and his ultimate disillusionment. Those feelings transcended culture and creed.
“We are all confused sometimes, and we question our beliefs,” Noujaim said.
Once Morsi was overthrown and the Brotherhood was again the victim of state oppression, that changed.
“Once they were persecuted, Ashour was immediately back on their side,” she said.
His rueful words all those months ago now seem prescient. Authorities recently raided his house, and he is reportedly in hiding.
Noujaim said she is not one of those filmmakers who believes her work can change the world. Perhaps, though, it can make a difference in what’s happening in Egypt today. Noujaim, who is currently in the U.S., hopes to be able to bring the movie to Egypt.
But “The Square” has already thawed some icy relations in the places it’s been shown. Noujaim said she spoke to an Egyptian woman in the United States who had seen “The Square” on Netflix, and decided to bring her family to a screening.
Like many other Egyptian families, they were so divided over events that relatives weren’t talking to one another. Seeing the film together enabled them to find enough understanding for one another’s viewpoints to enable them to begin to communicate once again, the woman told Noujaim.
And therein lies perhaps the most salient lesson of the film, particularly for Egyptians.
“We are all human beings,” Noujaim said. “Reminding ourselves of our humanity is a very simple idea, but I think it couldn’t be more important right now.”