
Because we deserve to live in peace ‪#‎kefayawar‬ ‪#‎ouryemen‬ #Yemen

Nearly two weeks into a Saudi Arabia-led military assault on Yemen, that has rained down bombs on civilian neighborhoods and infrastructure while locking out food and medical aid, people within the country and across the global diaspora are turning to social media—and to the streets—to send a message to the world: Enough War. The online campaign Kefaya War (“enough war” in Arabic) calls for people across the globe to “end ALL fighting in Yemen & stand with The People, who refuse to be collateral damage in a battle for Power.” Since the bombings began March 26, the hashtag has received an outpouring of messages, from Scotland to Mexico to Yemen to the United States.
Protest at the White House April 5. (Photo courtesy of Rami Elamine)

thank you to the people of Pakistan for their incredible solidarity!
Posted by KefayaWar # OurYemen on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Sketch of Old Sana'a - "Solidarity from Turkey"
Posted by KefayaWar # OurYemen on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Solidarity from a #US war veteran - "I know that one war was two too many!" #KefayaWar
Posted by KefayaWar # OurYemen on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Crater -Aden is not Israel and people there are not Zionists #AdenRelief #Kefayawar
Posted by Alawiya Alsakkaf on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Bombs and human rights violations can never bring peace. Therefore, The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation stands with the...
Posted by The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation on Thursday, 9 April 2015

#KefayaWar from Noha in the UK, because I want to go home.. enough war, enough bloodshed!
Posted by KefayaWar # OurYemen on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Posted by Dr-Nasr Alshodby on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Posted by Dr-Nasr Alshodby on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Children have the right to live in safety #KefayaWar
Posted by Soraya Monassar on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Wishing you a smiley Thursday and more warmth and smiles to light up your life as we get closer and closer to Easter!...
Posted by Are you happy? on Thursday, 9 April 2015

#عاصفة_الكبسة #عاصفة_الحزم #اليمن #صنعاء #العدوان_السعودي يستهدف المؤسسة العامة للإتصالات ومنازل مجاورة في الجراف#YemenUnderAttack #Yemen #SaudiAirStrike #KefayaWar #Sanaa
Posted by Mohamed Algenaid on Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Dear friends..Over the past few years, ALL of us living in the Arab world have been disillusioned, disappointed and...
Posted by Sara Ishaq on Friday, 3 April 2015

#KefayaWar #OurYemen After sleepless nights she decided to ignore the bombs.By Ethar Alshami http://t.co/sMrdPoxU4P
Posted by Soraya Monassar on Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Because we deserve to live in peace #kefayawar #ouryemen 
Posted by Amani Yahya on Wednesday, 8 April 2015


R.I.P Keen

I well never ever forget you, all my life u was there for me    :'(  I love u so much , and always well missing you best, good , kind, respect it man, ever know all my life ♥♥♥    :'(


#Egypt’s flag rises 20 meters high in #Tahrir Square

Egypt’s flag rises 20 meters high in Tahrir Square!!!

Experts plan to fix King Tut mask after glue gaffe

Experts plan to fix King Tut mask after glue gaff

The head of the conservation department at the Egyptian Museum was demoted to a low-profile post in the wake of an inappropriate restoration of the 3,000 year-old funerary mask of King Tutankhamun using household epoxy glue.

Elham Abdelrahman, who supervised restoration work at the museum of over 180,000 artifacts, was transferred to the Royal Carriages Museum in the Citadel of Saladin, Antiquities Minister Mamdouh el-Damaty announced Thursday.

Damaty also referred other conservators involved in the irresponsible repair of the golden mask to investigations, and stressed that legal proceedings would follow.

Abdelrahman was replaced by Saeed Abdel Hamed, who was head of restoration department at the Coptic Museum.

 Images of the mask showing conspicuous globs of glue around the gap between the braided beard and the chin recently circulated on social media and drew sharp criticism.

Last week, media outlets reported the mask’s beard broke off in 2014 and was hastily glued back on by conservation staff. Moreover, the piece was reattached with epoxy, which, while sometimes used, is considered a debatable material among conservators.

Damaty said in a press conference Sunday that Tutankhamun’s mask is safe and the reaction to the incident was “overexcited and unjustified” and would have a negative impact for Egypt’s reputation and tourism sector.



حرب اليمن

و هل من جديد!! اليمن دائما فى حالة حرب من وقت انضمام الجنوب و الحدة ودائما (الدولة) تحارب من يقف فى طريقة و (الدولة) فى اليمن ما هى الا عائلة الاحمر و حاشيتة فقط ,,,, فهمى ملكية لكن تحت اسم الجمهورية و اليمن دولة فاشلة بكل المقيايس من فساد فى كل نواحى الحياة و السلاح ارخص من الطعا و مخدر القات اهم من اى شئ لليمنين 
القات هو من الاسباب الرئيسية فى تدمير اليمن حيث دمر الاقتصاد ة دمر زراعة البن فى اليمن وانهاء المخزون المائى فى اليمن كلة حتى ان اليمن اصبحت اول عاصمة فى العالم بلا موارد مياة.

و ال سعود من اكثر من 60 عام و هما يحاربون اليمن من خلال مرتزقة من السياسين و المحاربين فى كل موسسات الدولة العفنة, حتى ال سعود استعلوا امريكا نفسة لتدمير الجمهورية فى اليمن, و دفع مليارات لزعماء القبائل لشراء سلاح وافتعل الفتنة فيما بينهما.

و زرع الخلافات فى ما بين اهل الجنوب و تحريضهما على الانفصال, حتى قامت ثورات التقسيم للشرق الاوسط الجديد و النظام العالمى و اهمية اليمن فقط فى باب المندب و البترول و الغاز ال>ى تحارب السعودية من اجلة حتى لا يكتشف ولكى يكون اليمن فقيرا.

و من بعد خلع على عبدالله صالح وهميا فقط وافتعل رئيس وهمى و لكن الحاكم الحقيقى هو صالح وعائلة الاحمر الى تحارب من اجل السيطر على خيرات اليمن البكر, اليمن دولة ليست فقيرة ولكنة دولة منهوبة وخيراتة تحت الارض لم تكتشف حتى الان.
و تدخل ايران لمساندة الحوثيين ماديا و عسكريا وكانت اقصى طموح مجموع الحوثى هى حكم محافظة عمران فقط.

وطبعا ال سعود حاربوهما حيث اصبح الحوثثين يد ايران فى اليمن وبالتالى لن تقف ال سعود متفرجين.
الحوثييين يتحركون باوامر صالح و ايران الان ولكن الان اصبحت حالة الحرب رسميا و ضاع اليمن السعيد بسبب الخونة والعملاء و المرتزقة دمروا اقدم دولة فى التاريخ.
و دور قطر الخبيث فى تدمير اليمن و مصر و تونس 
عجزوا عن احتلال قرية دماج والتي تبلغ مساحتها3 كم
فـ كيف اليوم يسيطرون على اليمن!!!
لاتقولون إيران!!!!!

A video posted by Akrăm Al Jăhmee 😏 (@akram_aljahmi) on

يتابع ......