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إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات noscaf. إظهار كافة الرسائل
إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات noscaf. إظهار كافة الرسائل
فى نظرية البيضان الحديثة المعاصرة
فى نظرية البيضان الحديثة المعاصرة
التدوينة تكملة للتدوينة سابقة (بيضان البطريق 18+) و (السماء تمطر بيضان)عندما تعيرت اوضاع مصر فرحت جدا و توقعت تغيرات كبيرة فى مصر و تحسين كل شى تقريبا و لكن
سحقا لهم شوية عسكر و شوية اخوان و سلفيين بدات من جمعة قندهار لم شوفت ميدان التحرير كلة دقون و جلبيات صعق عرفت ان الفئران خرجت من جحورة
مفيش حد فينا مايعرفش ازى السلفيين عبيد الوهابيين و ال سعود ماشيين ازى و تكفيرهما حتى الى اهلهم كان لى تجربة مع صديق بس قبل ما يكون سلفى كان فاجر جدا بيضرب ابوة و امة من الاخر كان ابن حرام اختفى 4 شهور ولقيتة وياريتنى ما لقيتة اتغير لبس جلبية قصيرة و طلع دقنة اتكلم مع يكفرنى سالت اهلة قالو انة مكفرهم كلهم فى البيت و انة طلع مع مجموع سلفية فى المهندسين و عملوا لية غسيل مخ صديق السلفى مش فاهم هو حافظ الخرا بس لكن نقاش مايعرفش و هما كلهم على كدة المهم فضلت وراة لحد ما خليت يتعدل و حلقت دقنة بيدى ولعبت فى دماغة طبعا اصحابة السلفيين ما عجبهم انهم يخسروا واحد جديد طلعوا على اوساخ كلام و انى كافر و بحرب المسلمين و دين الله ,,,
عموما اى حد يقف و يتكلم و كلمة ما يعجبوش بيتكفر ودية كانت اول مرة حد يكفرنى فية
نرجع للبيض الى احنا فية من الثورة لحد دلوقتى كل ما نقول هتيجى حاجة كويس تحصل خوازيق على الناشف و بيطلع دين اهلنا من اول مدبحة ماسيبرو و محمد محمود و مجرزة بورسعيد الى ماشايف انة كلة مؤامرت علشان الشباب يحصلة احباط و يكفر من الثورة ويرجع يقول كان يوم اسود يبقى لزم يحاول يفهم علشان مش هنعيش فى بيضان تانى لمدة 30 سنة بدين ابوهم و خصوصوا ان وصول الاخوان والسلفيين للحكم بقى شى اكيد مسالة وقت و هنشوف حاجات عجيبة و هتبقى مصرستان و انسى الحريات و انسى حق الشهداء و انسى اى حاجة وهنشوف عثول من القرن الى فات جهل و تخلف و فقر اكتر من الاول
عموما النفس البشرية بتمل و اكيد هما هيولعو فينا بس لزم يولعو فى بعضهم الاول وبعد كدة دورنا عدد الاخوان فى مصر 8 مليون و السلفيين 3 مليون عايز اعرف حتى لو عشرين مليون هيحربو 85 مليون ازى؟؟
المهم الملل جاى جاى هيبقى ملل سياسى و ملل دينى و ملل تكفيرى و هيبقى فى اكتر من ثورة فى مصر و هتبقى على توابع ثورة جياع ثورة مثقافيين لحد لم تتوحد الناس كلة لكن ان شوية معرصيين يفرضوا علينا طريقتهم و يقول اغلبية يبقى كس ام دين ابوهم كلهم عايز اقول انهم هيكرهون فى الدين بسبب طريقتهم اولاد الوسخة
افتكر الى خلنا نبتدى مشوار التغيير من 2006 و كانا مش اكثر من الف واحد فى مصر و الباقى بيقولو علينا مجانين دلوقتى المعاركة و تكسير العظام هتبقى مع الاخوان والسلفيين
يتبع ,,,,
كلماتك قد تنقذ حياة
كلماتك قد تنقذ حياة
اكيد بتعرف تكتب و تقراء طيب اكتب معانا عن مطالبنا و حقوقنا الى قامت علية ثورتنا
10 StepS
for human rightS
for human rightS
amneSty international’S human rightS
manifeSto for egypt
In parliamentary elections beginning
on 28 November, Egyptians will ask
whether the demands and promises of
the “25 January Revolution” will finally
be fulfilled. Those contesting seats in the
People’s Assembly have the chance to
break a cycle of repression that has
continued for three decades under the
state of emergency and that has eroded
the rule of law.
Egypt under the Supreme Council of the
Armed Forces seems miles away from
the promises of the uprising. The end
of the state of emergency has been
promised, but the Emergency Law has
been fully re-enacted and even
expanded. The abusive State Security
Investigations Service has been
abolished, but thousands of civilians
have been unfairly tried by military
courts. Freedoms of expression,
association and assembly have been
promised, but criticism of the authorities
has been suppressed, activists targeted,
NGOs threatened with criminal
investigation, and demonstrators
arbitrarily arrested and forcibly dispersed.
Greater political participation has been
promised, but women have been
marginalized. New trade unions have
been permitted, but striking banned.
Millions of people in slums are still
waiting for their voices to be heard.
Real rights reform must begin now.
Here, Amnesty International sets out
10 pledges for candidates to show they
will fight for human rights in the next
ahead of the electionS,
i pledge to:
1. end the State of emergency and reform
the Security forceS
Repeal the Emergency Law. Fundamentally reform the security forces
in line with international law and standards. Their structure and chain
of command must be made public, and an oversight body established
to independently and impartially investigate reports of abuse.
2. end incommunicado detention and comBat
Detainees must have access in law and practice to the outside world,
regularly and without delay, including to their families, lawyers of their
own choosing and independent medical care. Torture and other illtreatment
must not be tolerated, and must be criminalized in line with
international law. Reports of torture and other ill-treatment must be
investigated. Places of detention must be publicly listed and subject
to regular, unannounced, unrestricted and independent inspection.
3. enSure fair trialS
Everyone charged with an offence must have a fair trial by a
competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law.
Military trials of civilians and trials before emergency courts must end;
those convicted must be retried before civilian courts or released.
4. uphold the rightS to freedom of aSSemBly,
aSSociation and expreSSion
Laws criminalizing the peaceful exercise of these rights must be
repealed or brought in line with international law and standards.
These include several articles of the Penal Code, the Law on
Associations and Law No. 34 of 2011, which criminalizes
demonstrations and strikes.
5. inVeStigate paSt aBuSeS
There must be an independent, thorough and impartial inquiry into
human rights violations under the rule of President Hosni Mubarak. It
October 2011
must make recommendations to prevent future abuses and to
provide truth, justice and reparation to the victims.
6. realiZe economic, Social and cultural
rightS for all
People must have access to essential public services, including
water, sanitation and health care, regardless of their place of
residence or income. Workers’ rights, including the right to strike
and the right to a fair minimum wage, must be upheld.
7. uphold the rightS of people liVing in
People living in informal settlements must be meaningfully consulted
and able to actively participate in decisions affecting their future.
They must have legal security of tenure. Forced evictions, which are
dangerous, humiliating and illegal under international law, must end.
There must be a comprehensive plan to address inadequate housing
conditions that threaten lives and health.
8. end diScrimination
Legal provisions discriminating against individuals on the basis of
race, colour, religion, ethnicity, birth, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property,
or other status, must be brought in line with international law and
standards or abolished. This includes Presidential Decree 291/2005
on Christian places of worship. Sectarian attacks must be prevented
and fully investigated and perpetrators brought to trial.
9. protect Women’S rightS
Women must be full partners in the process of political and human
rights reform. Women and men must be accorded equal rights in law to
marriage, divorce, child custody and inheritance. Women must have
legal protection from domestic violence, including marital rape, and
sexual harassment. Penal Code articles 260-263 must be amended
to allow abortion for women and girl survivors of rape and incest – or
when a pregnancy poses a grave risk to health. Law No.126 of 2008
must be amended to prohibit female genital mutilation in all cases.
10. aBoliSh the death penalty
A moratorium on executions must be imposed pending abolition
of the death penalty.
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