‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات internet. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات internet. إظهار كافة الرسائل


#Twitter notably absent from #NSA #PRISM list

Twitter was notably missing from a leaked list of Internet giants reported to be cooperating with The National Security Agency and the FBI on the surveillance program dubbed PRISM.
Those agencies are siphoning data from the servers of nine U.S. Internet companies including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube and Apple, according to news reports about the documents. The cloud storage device Dropbox was described as "coming soon," along with other unidentified firms.
Google and Apple have both denied any knowledge of PRISM. Apple stated "any government agency requesting customer data must get a court order." Google said "we disclose user data to government in accordance with the law, and we review all such requests carefully.
There may be two explanations for Twitter's absence.
Twitter has a history of noncompliance and fighting information requests against its users. That may, in part, explain its absence from the list of companies disclosed Thursday. The leaks were reported by The Washington Post and The Guardian.
--> The microblogging service notably defended Malcolm Harris last year. He was being prosecuted by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office on allegations of disorderly conduct related to an Occupy Wall Street protest on the Brooklyn Bridge.
In that instance, Twitter filed a motion in state court in New York in an effort to quash a court order asking it to turn over his communications on Twitter.
"As we've said many times before, Twitter users own their Tweets. They have a right to fight invalid government requests, and we stand with them in that fight. We appealed the Harris decision because it didn't strike the right balance between the rights of users and the interests of law enforcement," said Twitter spokesman Jim Prosser.
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Twitter is also currently embroiled in another legal skirmish to uphold the rights of user privacy. It's fighting a battle in France to not turn over information about users connected to complaints from a private French Jewish students group regarding anti-Semitic content.
Twitter's Prosser points out that the company tries to be transparent with its semi-annual Transparency Report on government requests.
Another explanation for Twitter's absense is that the bulk of its data — aside from direct messages — is publicly available in the form of tweets. That separates it from the likes of Yahoo and Google, which house years of personal emails and data on people.


Arab Spring Time in Saudi Cyberspace

Not more than two years ago, the concept of reform in Saudi Arabia would have been as much an oxymoron as business ethics or airline cuisine. In recent months, however, the Arab Spring’s uncertain winds of change have finally begun to sweep into the world’s last forbidden kingdom. Finding themselves alone in a crowd (of revolution) in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia’s monarchs are quickly realizing that their secret police and petrodollars may be no match for their citizens’ technology-driven empowerment.
On March 1, Saudi security forces cracked down on a woman-led protest in the city of Buraidah, known as the nerve center of Saudi Arabia’s ultraconservative Wahabbist ideology. Over 160 people, mostly women and children, were arrested after erecting a tent camp to pressure the government to free their imprisoned husbands whom they claim have been detained for years without visitation or access to legal counsel. The Saudi government claims that the detainees are part of a “deviant group,” a term given to suspected Al Qaeda sympathizers or Islamist political opposition groups across the Gulf.
News of the arrests spread like wildfire. Protests in support of the Buraidah women were called for by activists from the Shiite minority in the Eastern Province and liberal reformists in Riyadh and Jidda. The mobilization of Saudi conservatives, liberals and minorities against the government’s repressive policies bore a dangerous resemblance to the red-green alliances that toppled governments from Cairo to Tunis. While turnout at the demonstrations was limited due to the government’s ban on political gatherings, the Saudi Twittersphere was teeming with anger.
Two weeks later, the government-sponsored Arab News daily published a cover story condemning what it deemed “abusive” actions by Saudi Twitter users. The story mentioned that the authorities were mulling over a plan to link Twitter accounts with their users’ identification numbers. Soon after, the story was pulled from the online version of the newspaper without explanation.
For one of the most Internet-privy societies on the planet, any move to link Twitter accounts with personal ID numbers would result in a mass exodus to other online forums that are not monitored. Saudi Arabia ranks number one in the world for Twitter users per-capita, with an estimated 51 percent of all Saudi Internet users maintaining an account with the social media network. Analysts suggest that any such move would result in a 60 percent reduction of Twitter usage in the country — a true window onto how many Saudis are voicing dissent against their government.
Still, on March 31, the Saudi Communications and Information Technology Commission instructed Skype, WhatsApp and Viber to comply with local regulations or risk being shut down. These applications are Internet-based communications services that are both free of charge and not subject to the kingdom’s telecommunications regulations.
The Saudi government has a strong interest in limiting social media and online communications services. Protests are being increasingly organized through use of the WhatsApp messaging application. Political dissidents are able to use Skype to communicate with human rights organizations and foreign media networks without fear of government monitoring. Some government employees and those with ties to the royal family have begun to exploit Twitter to disseminate information regarding corruption in the kingdom.
The Saudi government is, however, becoming increasingly hesitant about limiting social media and other communications because of the potential for a political backlash. Freedom of speech and communication were a hallmark demand of popular uprisings elsewhere in the Arab world, with attempts to cut online activity serving to fuel discontent rather than mitigate unrest. Saudi Arabia is already a favorite target for civil rights activists across the globe, and a ban on social media would only add to a long list of reasons for further divestment and isolation campaigns.
As an alternative, the Saudi government has begun encouraging loyalists to condemn and pursue those suspected of online dissent rather than close the outlets altogether. In recent weeks, a Shura Council member filed a lawsuit against a critical Twitter user, while the government-appointed imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca dedicated his Friday sermon on April 5 to condemning the social network, calling it a “threat to national unity.”
As the government remains confounded by its inability to control online dissent, there is no doubt that the rising tide of anger across Saudi cyberspace has begun to spill over into physical reality. Unwillingly, the government has been forced to wrestle with undertaking previously unimaginable reforms with regard to women’s rights and employment opportunities for millions of young, educated citizens. With social media as their vehicle, Saudis are threatening to take control of their country’s destiny for the first time in history, and there may be nothing their government can do about it.


Meet our Egyptian Tablet With not So Egyptian Name “INAR” #egypt

Meet our Egyptian Tablet With not So Egyptian Name “INAR


The minister of telecommunication announced today in Cairo the production of the first so-called Egyptian tablet.
The tablet’s name  is “ENAR” and I think that this is not so Egyptian. Its operating system is Android 4. It will be distributed on students in secondary stage and university.

From Arab PC world
This makes me happy as Egyptian to see Katron once is competing electronics giants but seriously Can someone please tell Katron to improve their official website !? It is disgrace.
By the way Katron is from the state owned 1960s companies and what you know about the 1960s !!?? Seriously speaking I am glad that we started to produce tablets
Katron is going to produce in the upcoming 4 years units of “INAR” worth of LE 2 billion according to Ahram Online.
The first 1,000 units will be produced before the end of the year.
The specification of the tablet 

  • Resolution : 720 X 1024 pixel , 9.7 inches
  • OS : Android 4.0
  • Video Camera primary : 2 MP
  • Video Camera secondary : 2 MP
  • Weight : 750 g
  • Memory : 8 to 32 GB storage / 1 GB RAM
  • Connections : WiFi and 3G
By the way when you search for Egyptian tablet , this is what you get. Yes the first Egyptian tablets.



مبضون بيضان البطريق 18+

بيضان البطريق 18+ 

بيضان البطريق الحياة بقت صعبة نيييك وكلها بضان والكل بيبضن عليك بس هتعمل ايه لازم تعيش ولا دا يبقي بيضان

قريبا قريبا مبضون 37

تقدرى تقولى فى اية مش بضان من اول ما تصحى لحد ما تنام

 تدخل الحمام تلقى نفسك عندك احتباس بولى و مش عرف تطرطر و تحس ان عندك 80 سنة ,,,,,
تطلع من الحمام تلقى الهانم ولا عملت ليك كوبية شاى حتة ورجعت تنام او سبقت علشان تحتل التلفزيون علشان تتفرج على ام مهند صبح و ليل ,,,,
 تيجى تلبس علشان تنزل تلقى كل القمصان وسخة او مش مكوية تتبضان اكيد علشان متاخر و مفيش وقت بس هتعمل اية غير انك مبضون اصلا

 تنزل تركب الميكروباص السواق يبضان عليك فى باقى الفلوس ويديك باقى العشرين كلهم فضة تيجى تنزل من الميكروباص بنطلونك يتقطع من مسمار فى الكرسى الخرا بتاع الميكروباص البضان...
او السواق بيبضرب جوان حشيش و عادى ابن الوسخة و الله العظيم حصلت ;(

 توصل مصلحتك تلقى نفسك اتاخرت ساعتين بسبب الميكروباص و الزحمة البضان الى فى الشارع طبعا, يجى حد فى نظرك ابن خول ولا لية لزمة يبضان عليك علشان اتاخرت طيب ما هو مش بيدى؟
دة ببضانى المفقوعة طول عمرى يا ابن الوسخة 
 يا بضان اعمل انا اية عيشة بضان وبلاد بضان و شغل بضان واصحاب بضان تشوف خلقت الناس الى حواليك فى اى مكان تلقى اشكال غريبة و انت مبضون و مش ناقص اى عرص او دبانة تقف جنبك بس,,,
 تلقى واحدة عانس مبضون بتحكة مع اى حد نفسة تحس بالحب محرومة مسكينة لا اول ولا اخر واحدة البلد مليانة
تشوف زميلك تلقية بيكلام نفسة مش عارف يكمل الشقة الى لية مش كام سنة علشان يتجوز وقاعدة مبضون و مش عايز يتكلام غير معة نفسة  يعنى الى اتجوز مستريحين يا خى ,,,,
تطلع على مديرك تلقية واخد اصطباحة مع مراتة ونازل من بيتة يبضن على خلق الله علشان العرص معرفش يرد علية فيطلعة على الناس الى معة

تفضل تحلم ان كل دة مش بسبك انت و انت مش لوحدك الى فى البيض دة بس البيض درجات اوسخة و ابضنة نيك لم تلقى كل الى حواليك قالبو على بضان التنين بتبقى عيشة بنت شرموطة نيك على كس امهم,,,,
تاخد مرتبك تبقى مش عارف كام اتخصم منك ويتوهك فى التاخيرات الى انت نفسك بتتبضن منة و فى الاخر يتخصم من مرتبك كمان ما هى نقصة يا اولاد الوسخة
تمسك الفلوس ولا في كس امهم بركة ما تقولش فلوس حرام مع انك طلع دينك عليهم وفى الاخر تلقى نفسك من 10 فى الشهر افلست كس ام البيض امل انت شغال لية و طلع دينك علشان ترجع تستلف دة اذا لقيت حد يديك فلوس علشان هما برضوة عايزين يستلفو
 ولا لم تحصل مصيبة ما تلقى فى بيتك كام الف جنية تروح تجرى على جمعية بضان تفضل تتبضن فية على كام سنة من عمرك علشان تفك ازمة,,,, تتفك الازمة باضافة بيضان جديد لحياتك

انت شوفت الناس الى فى ملكوت الله تحت الكبارى الناس لسعت معهم فى ثانية حاجة بضان كدة بتحصل مع اى حد وانسى بقى انك تفتكر اى حاجة بعد ما تلسع الناس مستحملتش حياتة البضان وما عرفو يوصول لحل للبيض الى هو فية و كل واحد على قد ما قدر يتحمل فى الحياة البضان على قد ما يقدر و النتيجة انة بيهذى دلوقتى

 نشكر المغني محمد محي علي اغنيتة المشهورة
مــــــبـــــضــــون يمكن انا مبضون
واحنا بنضم صوتنا لصوتة ونقولة احنا كمان مبضونيين وشرفكم بيضانا ورمت من كتر البيض اللي بنشوفه في الدنيا دي
استنونا مع قصصص البيض ويوميات شاب مبضون كييييييييييييك

معندكش بضان سلف لى ما صعبتش عليك بجد سلفنى تجدنى .....

طبعا الحياة ما الا بيضة كبيرة