‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Islam. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Islam. إظهار كافة الرسائل


مكة المكرمة تحت التهديد ال سعود للتدمير الكعبة و تدمير بيت رسول الله والكعبة #السعودية #ksa

خطة لتدمير "مسقط" للنبي محمد واستبدالها قصر جديد ومراكز تجارية الفاخرة!!

بداء العد التنازلى لخطة ال سعود  بنى قيناقع  اكبر ثلاث قبائل يهودية فى المدينة المنورة و لم ينسوا دخول رسزل الله و المسلمين الى المدينة و حصارهم لهم فهما يضمرون الحقد والكراهية لكل مسلم حتى الان,,,,

وكانت خطتهم من نفاقهم للرسول وحتى الان و تدمير الاسلام والكعبة وان طال الامد  وانشاء مجمع تجارى وقصور لهم 
 اولا تم ردم مسقط راس سيدنا محمد رسول الله صلى الله علية وسلم بالرخام وبناء قصر ملكى لبنى صهيون , المشروع مقدم على ان يتم مشروع تحت اسم توسعة الحرم المكى من اجل المسلمين بمباركة كلاب السلفية  شيوخ السلاطين !!!

و الفرق بين ما كانت علية مكة وبيت الله الحرام وكيف اصبح




وكما هو موضح افى الصورة كيف اصبح بيت الله الحرام منتجع سياحى فاخر و تم هدم جميع الاثار الاسلامية بسبب كلاب الوهابية المتحكمين فى بيت الله وبيت المسلمين اجمعين هما وبنى صهيون

واغلب الفنادق حول الحرام المكى والمسجد الحرام ملك ال سعود اكبر بطن من بطون يهود العرب كما ذكر وتم سرقة ارضى المواطنين باسم الدين و قليل من المال من اجل بناء ناطحات السحاب و برج الساعة!!!

سؤال محير اتفاق علماء الوهابية الارهابيين على ان اى اثار للرسول والصحابة يجب ان يهدم و تمت الموافقة على بناء برج الساعة لكى تحمل اثار ال سعود!!!؟
و البرج ما هو الا نسخة من برج ساعة لندن بيج بين!!

قارن بنظرك هل هناك اى فرق!!؟؟ 

وليس مفاجاة ان تكون الشركة المنفذة للمشروع ساعة بنى صهيون هى شركة صهيونية
تم حفر انفاق ما بين الجبال للتوسع و تم استخدم متفجرات مما ادى الى تغيرات فى القشرة الارضية مما ادى الى تغير مسارات مياة زمزم  وبالفعل تغير طعم ماء زمزم وقل بنسبة 27% !!

اما بيت رسول الله صلى الله علية وسلام كما هو واضح مكانة فى الصورة تم بناء مكتب تابع للسطلة الوهابية الارهابية

وحتى غار حراء تم اغلاقة من عصابة الوهابية على انة اثار من سيدنا محمد صلى الله علية وسلم ويجب ان يمحى!!

House of Prophet Mohammad. After marrige Prophat Mohammad Lived in this house with Hazrat Khateeja R.A.

و هل تعلم ان من يقوم بتامين الحجاج هم شركة صهيوينة متعاقدة مع ال سعود واسمة G4S
وهى شركة عالمية و علية لغط مشاكل كبيرة فى كل دول اوربا بسبب انتهاكات حقوق الانسان !! و هى لا تفرق عن شركة بلاك وتر الامريكية صاحبة جرائم سجن ابو غريب!!
و كما تساهم الشركة فى مساعد الاحتلال الصهيونى فى القدس و تعمل مع الموساد و الشركة تم تاسيسة على ايدى ظباط سابقين من الموساد الصهيونى !!

السؤال كيف تحمى حجاج بيت الله الحرام و الامكان المقدسة بشركة صهيوينة !!! فكر قليلا!!

الحجّاج في حماية الشيطان.. شركة G4S لخدمة السعودية واسرائيل!!

    الوهابيون آل سعود أحد أنشط أفرع الصهيونية العربية تفضلوا وطالعوا كيف هؤلاء الصهاينة الوهابيون الحجّاج في حماية الشيطان.. شركة G4S لخدمة السعودية واسرائيل! 

    السؤال لمصلحة من ان يمحى تاريخ بداية الاسلام والاثار الاسلامية وبيت رسول الله صلى الله علية وسلم!!؟؟
    هل ال سعود بنى صهيون يملكون بيت الحرام!!
    اين السلمين 2 مليار مسلم ولا احد يتكلام!!

    يتابع ان شاء الله.....


    Stop #Islamophobia

    Stop Islamophobia

    Islamophobia is alive today, as I was reminded again a few days ago when someone told me that the Qur'an only teaches hatred. Chalk that up perhaps to ignorance, but like many people, he expressed at the same time a fear of Muslims that I have noticed in many countries all over the world. I define this as Islamophobia.

    Yet I just read an article claiming that Islamophobia does not exist, and another contending that since anti-Islamic crimes have declined after peaking in September 2001 the US cannot be described as Islamophobic.

    However, if Islamophobia is defined as a fear or hatred of Islam and Muslims, then it does exist. In fact, some Muslims argue that this term is inadequate to describe the hatred of their faith and the discrimination they experience. They would prefer to call it 'anti-Islamic racism' since it combines a dislike of a particular religion and an active discrimination against the people who belong to that faith.

    Jews, who have suffered discrimination, protest Islamophobia

    The Runnymede Trust in the 1997 document, "Islamophobia: A Challenge For Us All," identified eight components that define Islamophobia. These are just as relevant today as they were 15 years ago:
    1) Islam is seen as a monolithic bloc, static and unresponsive to change.
    2) Islam is seen as separate and 'other'. It does not have values in common with other cultures, is not affected by them and does not influence them.
    3) Islam is seen as inferior to the West. It is seen as barbaric, irrational, primitive and sexist.
    4) Islam is seen as violent, aggressive, threatening, supportive of terrorism and engaged in a 'clash of civilisations.'
    5) Islam is seen as a political ideology and is used for political or military advantage.
    6) Criticisms made of the West by Islam are rejected out of hand.
    7) Hostility towards Islam is used to justify discriminatory practices towards Muslims and exclusion of Muslims from mainstream society.
    8) Anti-Muslim hostility is seen as natural or normal.

    Islamophobia is a website that describes Islamophobia as "an irrational fear or prejudice towards Islam and Muslims." It includes many articles introducing Islam. Another site documents cases of Islamophobia.

    Islamophobia is irrational, not Islam. We tend to fear the unknown or things that we are ignorant of. The list that the Runnymede Trust provides illustrates the appalling ignorance of many people about Islam. One of the most effective ways of combating Islamophobia is through education. It is by far the easiest, since deep-seated prejudices are harder to eradicate.

    Some people, unfortunately, prefer to wallow in ignorance. They only know the myths that the media, or at least segments thereof, pedal in order to sell what purports to be news.

    Nearly a fifth of Americans believe that Barack Obama is Muslim. This myth was popular during the 2008 election in the US. In this election year it is crucial that this blatant example of Islamophobia be eradicated once and for all. Unfortunately, it will probably be perpetuated by those who can benefit from such ignorance.

    Europeans are not immune to Islamophobia either. Many there dread “Eurabia,” the ostensibly imminent Arab/Muslim takeover of the continent, even though its Muslim population is less than 3 per cent.

    Islamophobia is not just interpersonal: it is systemic. It is intimately connected with sexism and violence, both of which are endemic in Western societies. That is why it is so difficult to eradicate Islamophobia.

    The media are complicit in perpetuating Islamophobia. Many journalists know little about religion in general and Islam in particular. Deadlines are one factor in their ignorance but much more crucial is the relegation of religion to the private sphere in the West. Secularized journalists thus find it especially difficult to understand Islam, a religion that contradicts this relegation, since it emphatically denies the public/private distinction.

    Anti-semitism and Christophobia exist as well in Western societies. The former is attacked more often than any other group in the US, but this does not mean that Islamophobia is "a gross exaggeration that has been peddled by Muslim political leaders with an agenda," as one website puts it. 

    All hate crimes must stop, not just the one perpetrated against the group one belongs to. Islamophobia must be eradicated. The fight against every form of religious phobia is part of that process of eradication. 

    We must support each other so that one day every form of religious phobia will be gone.

    Man charged with spitting at Muslim woman as she walked through Bristol’s Cabot Circus

    Man charged with spitting at Muslim woman as she walked through Bristol’s Cabot Circus

    Police have charged a 26-year-old man with spitting at a Muslim woman as she walked through Cabot Circus.
    As previously reported, Hasina Khan was on her way to work when she was allegedly attacked at about 9am on July 21. Ms Khan said she had was spat on and verbally abused by a stranger who approached her as she walked through the shopping centre.
    Avon and Somerset police arrested Jack Hughes, of Upton Road, Southville. He has now been charged with racially- or religiously-aggravated common assault and is due to appear before Bristol magistrates on November 13.
    Any witnesses to the incident who have not yet come forward should call PC Hannah King on 101, quoting crime reference number 74214/14.
    A Muslim woman was left shocked and in tears when she was verbally abused and spat at by a stranger ranting about the Middle East.
    Hasina Khan, who was born in Bristol, was on her way to work when she was attacked by a man in Cabot Circus at about 9am on Monday. Saliva ended up on her hijab and her left hand.
    The 36-year-old, who lives in Horfield, said: “I’ve experienced hostility and racism many times, from being called Paki in the street to having alcohol thrown at me.
    “I remember during the 1990 Iraq invasion being pushed by a boy at school followed by ‘haha we are bombing you’, to more recent years when the world turned to topple Libya and I experienced yet again a rise in racism. In fact, every time there is aggression towards Muslims outside of the UK, I experience aggression from within the UK.
    “However, nothing could prepare me for what happened on Monday. Because of Israel’s bombardment of the mainly-Muslim population of Gaza, was I again being targeted?
    “I had just past Pret A Manger and a man came charging towards me with such aggression I thought he was going to punch me in the face. He was ranting and he spat in my face. I felt it fall onto my left hand.
    “I was in shock at what was happening. I asked him what his problem was, but he continued to rant and said something along the lines of ‘your people are killing’ and something about ‘Middle East’ and ‘killing Christians’. He spat at me again. It was terrifying. I thought he was going to attack me at any second.
    “Then my defence mechanism just kicked in and I started to shout at him. What a coward – he then started to back away. He tried to say something else, but I continued to shout at him until he left Cabot Circus. I’ve read so many reports that hate crime towards Muslim women is increasing in the UK, but nothing really prepares you for what to do if it happens and how humiliating, terrifying and dirty it makes you feel.
    “I hope he is caught so he cannot terrorise and traumatise other women.”
    The attacker was white, with short-brown hair and a short beard, a dark-green T-shirt with a white pattern or writing on the front, and he had two silver necklaces with silver coin-shaped pendants.
    When Hasina arrived at work near Temple Meads she found her hijab covered in spit. She washed it off, but was later told by police saliva can be used for DNA, so wants to warn others in case something similar happens to them. She said she hoped the city council, police and Muslim community could work together as much as possible to reduce religious and racial hate crimes.
    Hasina was disappointed a call was turned down for a minute’s silence for the people of Palestine to be held at a Bristol City Council meeting this week.
    Giving advice to other Muslim women, Hasina said: “Perhaps Muslim women should carry a spare scarf so they can have a clean one, should they be attacked. I would also suggest, if possible, Muslim women do not travel alone, even in the daylight, as these cowardly men seem to prey on what they perceive to be vulnerable looking young women.”
    When she arrived at work, her colleagues rallied around her.
    Heather Hatch said: “Thankfully, Hasina was not physically injured but mentally she was shocked, upset, shaking and tearful from the unprovoked attack.”
    Carolyn Parker added: “When I saw Hasina rinsing clothing on Monday morning, I had assumed spilt coffee or similar, so was shocked when I realised that she was shaking and very upset. Asking if she was OK, I was even more shocked at her response which included expletives that I had never heard her utter before. When she told me that no one had tried to help, or even asked afterwards whether she was ok, I was truly sickened by the public’s lack of action towards her.”
    Another colleague, Leanne Fletcher said: “I am so shocked by what happened to Hasina and can only imagine how terrified she would of felt when this man assaulted her in Cabot circus on her way to work. I can only hope that this will not make her afraid to walk around the city she was born in. This was a disgusting act and a violation to her.”
    Avon and Somerset police spokesman Martin Dunscombe said: “Officers are investigating these allegations and taking them very seriously. We know there were other people in Cabot Circus at the time and we would appeal for anyone who witnessed what happened, or has any information that might help the investigation, to contact us on 101, quoting 74214/14.”
    Victims of hate crimes can call Tell MAMA on 08004561226.
    For an earlier attack on a Muslim woman in Bristol, see “Muslim girl spat at and racially abused in Bristol city centre – and no one came to help”, Bristol Post, 17 July 2014
    Update:  See “Muslim spitting incident: police release CCTV images of suspect”, Bristol Post, 28 July 2014
    Update 2:  “Muslim woman who was spat on in Bristol speaks out”, BBC News, 30 July 2014
    Update 3:  See “Arrest over racial spitting incident in Cabot Circus, Bristol”, Bristol Post, 31 July 2014
    Bristol spitting suspect CCTV images


    The Day of Arafat During Hajj, 2014

    Hajj explained: your simple guide to Islam’s annual pilgrimage

    Millions of Muslims this week flock to Islam’s holiest city of Makkah to perform the annual hajj pilgrimage.
    Being the fifth pillar of Islam, hajj or the act of making a pilgrimage is a mandatory religious duty for Muslims.
    Adult Muslims are required to perform hajj at least once in lifetime if they have the physical and financial ability.
    In it, pilgrims follow the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim and his family, said Ridwan al-Sayed, professor of Islamic studies at the Lebanese University in Beirut.
    “Prophet Ibrahim preached the oneness of allha  , a message that was later revived and renewed by the last of all Prophets, Muhammad (peace be upon him),” 
    “Ibrahim, along with his son Ismail built the Kaaba in the holy city of Makkah. And accordingly, this pillar reflects the notion of complete submission to Allah and the Abrahamic faith.”
    For many pilgrims, hajj is perceived to be a journey of the body and the soul at the same time.
    The first day of hajj is 8 Zil Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar. The holy journey requires the pilgrim to perform ten rituals before and during hajj.
    Here are the basic steps you may want to know about hajj:
    State of Ihram: This is considered the first step for any pilgrim wishing to perform hajj. To enter the state of Ihram, a pilgrim has to recite an intention to perform hajj called the Talabiya. This is when a pilgrim prepares one’s soul, mind and body for journey to the Almighty God. Entering the stage begins from the Miqat, or a place that is outside the pilgrimage area.
    Men and women going on hajj adhere to a specific dress code which is aimed at showing modesty and shedding all signs of wealth. Men don unstitched white garments, while women wear normal stitched clothes and a headscarf. Women are forbidden however from wearing the burqa or niqab.
    In fact, the word Ihram originates from the Arabic term Tahreem, which means prohibited. Because the state is believed to have a special essence of spiritual purity, there are certain acts that are not allowed for pilgrims. Among them are using perfumes, cutting hair or nails, and slaughtering animals.
    Makkah: The Saudi Arabian city is considered Islam’s holiest site, as it holds al-Masjid al-Haram or the Grand Mosque that surrounds the Kaaba, a cuboid shaped building which Muslims believe has been put up together by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail almost 4, 000 years ago.