
Documenting the crimes of the #Muslim_Brotherhood in #Egypt

Short Documentary | Brotherhood Crimes


some in international community meddling in Egypt's decision to forcibly evict the pro-Morsi sit-ins, saying countries overlooked Brotherhood crimes



MB supporter terrorists threatenes to burn the country after being arrested at Al Nahda sit in 

Muslims Brotherhood resisting police during the disengagement of the sit in at Rab3a al Adaweya

Weapons that have been seized during the disengagement of the sit in at Al Nahda

Security found a coffin filled with ammunition, pistols, cartridges at Al Nahda sit in

Brotherhood burning tents and belongings before Disengagement their sit-in

Violence and attacks of government installations in

A fire set on in a church in Minya

More than 20 dead bodies found under Rab3a Al Adaweya platform

Brotherhood elements ignite fires in Cairo

Muslims Brotherhood cut Game3et Al Dewal Street and the masked men fire shots

Protesters setting fire at Rabaa Al Adaweya mosque before departure

#UP Date

Muslim Brotherhood leader Walid Khatab says “The streets would sink in blood and the police and army are of no value to us
A Morsi supporter threatenes to burn the country after being arrested at Al Nahda sit in
Muslims Brotherhood resisting police during the disengagement of the sit in at Rab3a al Adaweya
Weapons that have been seized during the disengagement of the sit in at Al Nahda
Security found a coffin filled with ammunition, pistols, cartridges at Al Nahda sit in
Brotherhood burning tents and belongings before Disengagement their sit-in
Violence and attacks of government installations in Egypt
A fire set on in a church in Minya
More than 20 dead bodies found under Rab3a Al Adaweya platform
Brotherhood elements ignite fires in Cairo
Muslims Brotherhood cut Game3et Al Dewal Street and the masked men fire shots
Muslims Brotherhood cut Game3et Al Dewal Street and the masked men fire shots
Police seized a large quantity of weapons and live ammunition at Al Nahda sit in
Scenes of the killing os Kerdasa Department officers by members of the Muslim Brotherhood
Dragging and killing of a taxi driver by supporters of the outsed president in Alexandria
Protesters setting fire at Rabaa Al Adaweya mosque before departure
Field execution chamber and the gallows at the hospital at Rabaa Al Adaweya
Worldwide scandal broadcasted by the Egyptian television of the Muslim Brotherhood and watch what they did
Muslims Brotherhood tried to kill photographers while being filmed using their gunshttps:
crime:muslims brotherhood killing egyptian by pushing them above buildings

Founder of Blogger semsam,Independent Blogger 2005.Middle East observer,Writer on Egypt,Yemen ,Arab,Current affairs-member in Arab blogger,Editor in Global Voices,Technology,Geek τέχνη,web development,internet security