
That how Egyptian (devils) kids Treatment of a lion #EGYPT

That how Egyptian kids of (devils) 
Treatment of a lion !!

In fact No words can explain! What the lion and his wife did for them,nothing ! 
why that happiness the kids of (devils) ? WHAT WRONG FUCKEN WITH THEM ! ;(

And that fucken garden watching them! sun of pitch  like nothing happened 


The Egyptians Eid al-Fitr #Egypt 2014


The first images from inside the "slot end of the world"

I picked up a new photo from inside the giant hole that suddenly appeared in the Earth's surface, and images quickly spread around the world with increasing interest in scientific views of this phenomenon.

The multiplicity of theories pay the government authorities in Yamal to call a mission of experts to find out the real reason for the appearance of the hole in the ground in this region. 
Marya Zulinovathe first pictures from inside the slot end of the world
I picked up the scientific mission of many important images of the slot, including by helicopter, and the pictures were published in the newspaper The Siberian Times, the scientists also used satellite images from Russian to see an instant form the slot.
The data indicate that the mission to the slot depth of 70 meters, and in the glacial lake bottom and Tnsal water ice on the walls of the hole corroded.
Marya Zulinovathe first pictures from inside the slot end of the world
Despite the insistence of the team of scientists that hole, "a natural phenomenon", but they emphasize the need for further study to determine the reasons for their formation like this huge and deep.
Scientists have observed also that the aperture diameter is smaller than Kdrōh previously, said Andrei Plekhanov, a researcher at the Center for State Scientific Research Arctic The nozzle hole take the form of elliptical rather than circular, what makes the measurement aperture diameter accurately is difficult, but they appreciate by about 30 meters, With the addition of the burnt edges of the measure becomes a diameter of about 60 meters.
Marya Zulinovathe first pictures from inside the slot end of the world
Scientists have been able to go down into the hole, but they were unable to get to the bottom, and noted that the ice accounts for about 80% of the components on the walls so that the bottom has been taken gradually to melt under the heat of the sun.
Some scientists likely to be high summer temperature in the region of Yamal past two years 2012.2013, the impact may be in the slot, but others believe that the best theories put those attributes posed to the causes of "internal" out of the ground does not "foreign."
Scientists say: "We can now say with certainty that under the influence of internal processes in the ground there was a" centrifugal "of ice, and that what happened was not an explosion, which means that there were not associated with the heat of the opening is."
Marya Zulinovathe first pictures from inside the slot end of the world
This calls for speech theory emerged in the eighties of the last century, scientists have neglected for several years, and says that the Yamal area lakes were formed due to such "natural processes" that occur in the ice beneath the surface of the earth.These processes have been happening since about the year 8000, and perhaps now is the repeated, ie, we are witnessing a new phenomenon of the lake again.
The proof of this theory means that we Nasr natural process is unique, the foundation was formed in scenic nature of the Yamal Peninsula.
On the future of the pit, said Marina Liebman, the researcher first at the Institute of the cryosphere of the Earth branch of Siberia to the Russian Academy of Sciences: "the walls of the crater will melt down, and with high temperatures in the summer there will be no time to freeze again, the water will top the water level inside the pit, and we are probably in front of the formation of a new lake. "
Marya Zulinovathe first pictures from inside the slot end of the world
This has scientists took samples of soil and ice in it, and sent it to a laboratory for the study.
Source: RT + "with Saberyan Times"


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Scientists Discovered the Egyptian Secret to Moving Huge Pyramid Stones #Egypt

The question of just how an ancient civilization—without the help of modern technology—moved the 2.5 ton stones that made up their famed pyramids has long plagued Egyptologists and mechanical engineers alike. But now, a team from the University of Amsterdam believes they've figured it out, even though the solution was staring them in the face all along.
It all comes down to friction. See, the ancient Egyptians would transport their rocky cargo across the desert sands, from quarry to monument site with large sleds. Pretty basic sleds, basically just large slabs with upturned edges. Now, when you try to pull a large slab with upturned edges carrying a 2.5 ton load, it tends to dig into the sand ahead of it, building up a sand berm that must then be regularly cleared before it can become an even bigger obstacle.
Wet sand, however, doesn't do this. In sand with just the right amount of dampness, capillary bridges—essentially microdroplets of water that bind grains of sand to one another through capillary action—form across the grains, which doubles the material's relative stiffness. This prevents the sand from berming in front of the sled and cuts the force required to drag the sled in half. In half.

As a UvA press release explains,
The physicists placed a laboratory version of the Egyptian sledge in a tray of sand. They determined both the required pulling force and the stiffness of the sand as a function of the quantity of water in the sand. To determine the stiffness they used a rheometer, which shows how much force is needed to deform a certain volume of sand.
Experiments revealed that the required pulling force decreased proportional to the stiffness of the sand...A sledge glides far more easily over firm desert sand simply because the sand does not pile up in front of the sledge as it does in the case of dry sand.
These experiments served to confirm what the Egyptians clearly already knew, and what we probably already should have. Artwork within the tomb of Djehutihotep, which was discovered in the Victorian Era, depicts a scene of slaves hauling a colossal statue of the Middle Kingdom ruler and in it, a guy at the front of the sled is shown pouring liquid into the sand. You can see it in the image above, just to the right of the statue's foot.