‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Copts. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Copts. إظهار كافة الرسائل


#egypt Salafists beating a Christian student in the street

Salafists beating a Christian student in the street


Is Sham El-Nasim against Islam?

Monday 16 April marks Sham El-Nasim, which Copts celebrate each year as part of Easter. It is also one of the few days that Egyptians of all religions celebrate together, since ancient times. Egyptians mark the day spending time with their families and friends.
Salted fish is the main dish of the day and eggs are painted — a ritual linked to ancient Egyptian feasts since 2700BC. However, in the wake of January 25 Revolution, with Islamists dominating the political and social scene, claims have been made by some Islamists that the feast is unIslamic and ought to be prohibited. 
A Salafist statement widely distributed last year prior to Sham El-Nasim said the feast originated with the Pharoahs, described as infidels. On ikhwanonline.com website, the official site of the Muslim Brotherhood, an article by Al-Azhar scholar Sheikh Atteya Saqr put forward the same idea. This despite statements to the contrary by the awqaf ministry (religious endowments) and Al-Azhar, the highest Sunni religious authority.
Adel Afifi, president of the Salafist Asala (Authenticity) Party, had studied music and is a composer of music symphonies and received international music awards. Even though Afifi says that he supports art that serves society, especially opera (at the time when many Islamists, especially Salafists, argue that music is not permitted under Islam) he believes that celebrating Sham El-Nasim is wrong.
Afifi believes that only Islamic feasts should be celebrated.
Amna Nosseir, professor of Islamic doctrine and philosophy at Al-Azhar University, believes that, "Celebration and fun for the Egyptian family cannot be prohibited by a sane person." Festivals and feasts are not against Sharia (Islamic law) and Islam, Nosseir added. Nosseir believes that the Islamists who make the claim that Sham El-Nasim is haram (forbidden) are reading religious texts in a narrow and literal way to the expense of reason.
Some who oppose Sham El-Nasim quote the Prophet Mohammed's saying (hadith), "We are a nation with two feasts." Normally the two feats refer to Eid Al-Fitr that comes after Ramadan and Eid Al-Adha (the Feast of Sacrifice) that follows later in the Islamic year. But the hadith does not establish that Muslims should refrain from celebrating anything else.
Nosseir added that there's a hadith by the Prophet Mohammad that Islamists who claim Sham El-Nasim is prohibited never mention. It says: "At the head of every 100 years, there would be someone to revive the religion." It infers that times change and circumstances change.
"How can enjoying God's created nature be a wrong thing?" Nosseir asks, explaining that this is part of observing and appreciating the beauty created by God. She adds: "The Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) said, 'Allah is beautiful and loves beauty.' So those who make such claims basically lack knowledge of what beauty and joy is."
Ahmed Shawky Al-Aqabawy, professor of educational psychology at Al-Azhar University, believes that "Those who call themselves Salafists are actually not Salafists." He explains that the term Salafist means those that follow Al-Salaf Al-Salih, who are the four Imams of Islam, who represent different schools of Islam.
Instead of this grounding in diversity, current Salafists follow the most strict fatwas and interpretations. They also assert that the way Al-Salaf Al-Salih lived fourteen centuries ago is the perfect way of living, without taking into consideration current circumstances. "They want life to be the way it was in the time of the Prophet, which is irrational," Al-Aqabawy said.
Al-Aqabawy explains that Imam Al-Shafii, for instance, changed certain fatwas when he went to live in Egypt, "because he realised that the country's circumstances and civilisation do not comply with them." He adds that prominent Islamic scholars know these facts well.
Al-Aqabawy stated that the general climate in the Arab world for the past 40 years has been Islamic, so it was no surprise that voters chose Islamists over other political currents. 'The Islamist current offers people the most amazing recipe: 'Vote for me, and go to heaven,' which is using religion for a worldly purpose," Al-Aqabawy said.
"And most Islamists are very extreme and do not even focus on the important issues that should be handled or discussed in Islam," he added.
Psychologically, political Islam gives permission to people — especially the youth — to stop using their minds since Islamist leaders are deemed to have all the answers, Al-Aqabawy stated. Meanwhile, the Islamic nation suffers from poverty and illiteracy. In this context, says Al-Aqabawy, it is telling that "people who call themselves spokesmen of religion and Islam argue on such lame matters as whether or not Sham Al-Nasim is prohibited."
Mona Youssef, sociologist and member of the National Centre of Social Studies, believes that no matter how dominant Islamists become, they won't be able to take away from Egyptians the small joys and forms of happiness they are used to, such as celebrating Sham Al-Nasim.
Youssef explains that celebrating feasts has become a habit in Egyptian culture. "I don't think the majority will be convinced that it's not right not to celebrate it." She added that Egyptians have their own religious references (Al-Azhar for Muslims and the Coptic Church for Christians), and she does not think that any other kind of religious authority will be followed blindly.
The name Sham El-Nasim (inhaling the breeze) is derived from Coptic language that in turn is derived from ancient Egyptian language. It was originally pronounced Tshom Ni Sime, with tshom meaning “gardens” and ni sime meaning “meadows.”
The Wednesday prior to Sham Al-Nasim (which always falls on a Monday) is known as “Jacob’s Rara” after the Rara plant that the Prophet Jacob bathed in, curing 18 years of illness. On that day, Egyptians traditionally bathed with it, to rid themselves of the waste of the past year. Some Egyptians, in Upper Egypt, continue the tradition to this day.
Like most ancient Egyptian feasts, Sham El-Nasim was also linked with astronomy and nature.
It marks the beginning of the spring festival, which is the time when the sun is in the Aries zodiac, marking the beginning of creation. The exact date is confirmed annually by sighting the sun in relation to the Great Pyramid. Ancient Egyptians named it the "Feast of Shmo" (the revival of life) and have celebrated it since 2700BC.

شم النسيم و الوهابيين الجاهلون

  الجو ربيع و قفلى على كل المواضيع
كل سنة والجميع افضل حال

و ادينا دخلنا فى موسم الربيع و الحياة بتفتح ذراعتة للبشر موسم الحب و التزوج و العطاء  حتى بين الحيوانات
و زى كل سنة عادة المصريين من ايام الفراعنة كانو برضوة بيحتفلو بعيد شم النسيم و ياكلو رنجة وفسيخ وبصل و بيض تقريبا العيد ابتداء لم كانو يهود موسى لسة فى مصر على حساب المخطوطات الفرعونية

 وأن تسميته "شم النسيم" مشتق من الكلمة الفرعونية "شمو" التي حرفت إلى "شم" ثم أضيف إليها "النسيم" لارتباط موعده باعتدال الطقس في مصر.

  ذكر هيرودوت، المؤرخ اليوناني الذي زار مصر في القرن الخامس قبل الميلاد، أن أهلها كانوا يأكلون السمك المملح في أعيادهم، ويقال إن البيض يرمز إلى خلق الحياة من الجماد، وقد صوَّرت بعض برديات منف الإله "بتاح" إله الخلق عند الفراعنة - وهو يجلس على الأرض على شكل البيضة التي شكَّلها من الجماد.

لحد هنا لسة كويسين مع بعض يبقى العيد اية ؟؟ من ايام الفراعنة صح لا هو بدعة ولا كفر ولا شرك بربنا

هل اختلاف احتفال عيد الربيع (شم النسيم) ؟؟
الاجابة لا  نفس العادات هى هى خروج الناس للحدائق و على ضفاف النيل و القناطر واكل الرنجة والبيض الملون والفسيخ و جع البطن هوهو ...

هو الاحتفال بالربيع للاقباط فقط؟؟
لا و الله الثلاتة ديانات بتحتفل بعيد الربيع عادى جدا لحد كام سنة لم طلع لينا شوية وهابيين ولاد وسخة يكفرو و يحرمو الناس انة تحتفل و تخرج و تفرح عايزين الناس تتسجن فى بيوتة علشان يبقى مسيطرين عليهم عقليا حتى لا يفكرو و يصبحون خطر عليهم ايوة واللة

 ومش كفر انى اعيد على جارى و صديق الفبطى بكل اداب و احترام لكن تكفير الى يعيد عليهم والى يسلم عليهم دة الكفر و الوسخة بعينة من شيوخ الوهابية عبيد ال سعود

لم اكبر مراجعية دينية فى مصر تروح الكنيسة ةو تعيد على الاقباط اكيد شيوخ الازهر مش عارفين انة شرك و لكن  الازهر يحرب تشدد و جهل الوهابين (السلفيين) فى مصر بقوة

الوهابيين عايزين اية من المصريين؟؟
ابدا  عايزينا نرجع 3000 سنة كدة و نرجع نسكن الكهوف و الست ما تطلع من بيتة الا على القبر و تطبيق الحدود والناس تنسى العلم علشان بيخلى الناس تلحد بربهم اة اصل ربهم غير ربنا
عايزن المصريين نبقى نسخة من افغنستان علشان هما اصلا نجحو انهم يعملو مشروع الاسلامى الارهابى هناك و جايين هنا بالصلاة على النبى يعملوة طيب لم يبطلو يعملوة على نفسهم الاول

المصريين بطبعهم شعب  وسطى وو معتدل فى كل حاجة وشعب بيعيش الحياة و دة تاريخنا و مش هنغير علشان شوية عبيد لا بيفكرو ولا بيتكلمو غير بالتكفير و اى معارض يبقى مصيرية انة ملحد و زنديق شغل ارهاب من الاخر
 يعنى مهما يعملو فى المصريين مش هيحصل الى فى دماغهم لتحويل مصر الى مستنقع ارهابى مش مشروع اسلامى

الى بيدافع عنهم او الى زعلان يقولى اى بلد مشيت على الشريعة و الاسلام و نجحت؟؟؟ فتش فى التاريخ وانت تعرف

طيب لية العكننة على اعياد المصريين بالتحديد ؟؟

ابدا هى حرب نفسية و حرب عقول مطموسة اعياد المصريين كثيرة جدا لكن هما مش عايزين غير عيدين بس فى مصر العيد الكبير و الصغير غير كدة مفر و لا يجوز

هو فى اية او سورة من القران بتقول كدة!!!!

و فى النهاية التدوينة اقول للمصريين كل سنة واحنا طيبين و اقول لعبيد ال سعود موتو بجهلكم