‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Masonic. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Masonic. إظهار كافة الرسائل


Scientists Discovered the Egyptian Secret to Moving Huge Pyramid Stones #Egypt

The question of just how an ancient civilization—without the help of modern technology—moved the 2.5 ton stones that made up their famed pyramids has long plagued Egyptologists and mechanical engineers alike. But now, a team from the University of Amsterdam believes they've figured it out, even though the solution was staring them in the face all along.
It all comes down to friction. See, the ancient Egyptians would transport their rocky cargo across the desert sands, from quarry to monument site with large sleds. Pretty basic sleds, basically just large slabs with upturned edges. Now, when you try to pull a large slab with upturned edges carrying a 2.5 ton load, it tends to dig into the sand ahead of it, building up a sand berm that must then be regularly cleared before it can become an even bigger obstacle.
Wet sand, however, doesn't do this. In sand with just the right amount of dampness, capillary bridges—essentially microdroplets of water that bind grains of sand to one another through capillary action—form across the grains, which doubles the material's relative stiffness. This prevents the sand from berming in front of the sled and cuts the force required to drag the sled in half. In half.

As a UvA press release explains,
The physicists placed a laboratory version of the Egyptian sledge in a tray of sand. They determined both the required pulling force and the stiffness of the sand as a function of the quantity of water in the sand. To determine the stiffness they used a rheometer, which shows how much force is needed to deform a certain volume of sand.
Experiments revealed that the required pulling force decreased proportional to the stiffness of the sand...A sledge glides far more easily over firm desert sand simply because the sand does not pile up in front of the sledge as it does in the case of dry sand.
These experiments served to confirm what the Egyptians clearly already knew, and what we probably already should have. Artwork within the tomb of Djehutihotep, which was discovered in the Victorian Era, depicts a scene of slaves hauling a colossal statue of the Middle Kingdom ruler and in it, a guy at the front of the sled is shown pouring liquid into the sand. You can see it in the image above, just to the right of the statue's foot.


What is the Eastern Star organization, and are they related to the Free Masons?

Answer:The Order of the Eastern Star (OES) is a secret society that is similar to that of the Masons. Both organizations work in concert, and many people belong to both groups. These organizations are shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Many believeMatthew 2:2to be the guiding verse of the Order: “We have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him” (KJV).

The Order of the Eastern Star maintains that it is not a secret society. The group calls itself the largest worldwide fraternal organization. More than 500,000 men and women are members of the OES. The OES officially began in the mid-1800s in the United States. Dr. Rob Morris, the Poet Laureate of Masonry, organized the first Grand Chapter of the Order. Morris developed the rituals and creeds of the Order supposedly based on his belief in God and biblical stories. The OES began as a group for women who were related to the male Masons but now admits both genders as official members.

According to Eastern Star’s official website, the purposes of the organization are “Charitable, Educational, Fraternal and Scientific.” The Order supposedly promotes moral values and personal goodness, building “an Order which is truly dedicated to charity, truth and loving kindness.”

The purposes of the OES seem honorable at first glance, even biblically based. Why, then, is there so much secrecy? Jesus’ earthly ministry was very public. He did not shroud His purpose in mystery; He was open and honest with everyone regarding His teachings and lifestyle. He did not create a secret code word or handshake for a select few. He made Himself and His grace available for all, and still does (John 3:16).

The Order has several specific requirements that individuals must meet before they can be “adopted” into the OES family. Male candidates must be Masons, and women candidates must be related to a Mason in some way before they will be considered. Also, a candidate must have a belief in a “Supreme Being.” The official website says, “Members of all religions may belong to the Order of the Eastern Star. We only require a belief in a Supreme Being.” In contrast to this nebulous belief system, the Bible presents Jesus as the exclusive Savior and Lord.Acts 4:12says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

There is a common belief that the Order of the Eastern Star is a Christian-based organization that simply observes traditions and rituals that support fraternal and historic bonds. However, the OES teaches some things that are at odds with biblical Christianity. Besides denying the exclusive nature of Christ’s salvation, the OES teaches that man is essentially good and places a heavy emphasis on good works and community service as a means of earning a relationship with the Supreme Being. Also, the group is cloaked in mystery and mysticism.First John 1:5says, “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” There is no confusion or darkness in God; therefore, as His followers, we should disengage from sources of worldly darkness, mysteries, confusion, and compromise.

Many people join groups such as the Eastern Star and the Masons innocently, for reasons such as family tradition or a desire to make friends or belong to a community group. Those who join for such reasons may not have given much thought to the works-based theology of Eastern Star. The Bible commands us to “test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1).

Philippians 4:8says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” A society that is “secret” and ambiguous in regard to its theology is not analogous with God’s Word, which is the embodiment of light and truth. A Christian should not be a member of any secret society or organization that has any connection with Freemasonry, and that includes Eastern Star.

Again, for more information, we strongly recommendEx-Masons for Jesus.
Recommended Resources:The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge by Ankerberg & WeldonandLogos Bible Software.



Browsing the internet, we came across this monster house listed for sale in Obour City. Anyone got 4.2 million LE spare?
Often, when we pass derelict housing areas or deserted buildings, on the edge of the city, we wonder what it might be like to buy a house, pimp it out, and turn it into some sort of minimal, modern art-deco tower amongst the sepia sea of unfinished buildings. At no point did we ever think to turn one into this...

The villa, which is listed for 4.2 million LE on Dubizzle.com, looks like something out of a Tim Burton movie, and features primitive gothic elements, as well as garish focal points, like a massive Lord of The Rings-style eye and jungle scene. There are dinosaurs in the eye. The gates look like pirate ship wheels. There's just weird shit everywhere. Ahhhh! What is this place?
--> Unfortunately we could not contact the owner for comment but if you have 4.2 million LE lying around and always fancied yourself to own a crib that Dali would be proud of, we suggest you find out more about this 12 bedroom monster house in Obour. House warming party?



Pepsi 2012 #Illuminati Breakdown Super Bowl Commercial

Pepsi 2012 Illuminati Breakdown Super Bowl Commercial 


First Look at the iPhone 5 – New World Order Phone?

First Look at the iPhone 5 – New World Order Phone?



الحركة الاشتراكية التحررية

الحركة الاشتراكية التحررية

نحن الاشتراكيون التحرريون نكافح من أجل مجتمع اشتراكي لا طبقي ولا سلطوي، يتحرر من سلطتي رأس المال والدولة القمعية، وليس من أهدافنا إقامة رأسمالية دولة تحت مسمى الاشتراكية كما حدث في دول المعسكر الاشتراكي القمعية، والتي نعاديها ونرفضها كما نعادي ونرفض النظام الرأسمالي.
ونحن نرى في الطبقة العاملة طبقة قائدة تستطيع قيادة تحالف موسع من الكادحين لإسقاط كلاً من سلطة الرأسمالية وسلطة الدولة القمعية.

نسعى من أجل :
1-      اللامركزية الإدارية كانتخاب المحافظين ورؤوساء المدن والأحياء وأعضاء المجالس المحلية، والحق الشعبي في مراقبتهم ومحاسبتهم والتحقيق معهم عبر المجالس المحلية واللجان الشعبية.
2-      تحويل كل المنشآت الخدمية والإنتاجية إلى منشآت تعاونية تدار ذاتيًا عبر أعضائها بشكل ديمقراطي ولا مركزي مع دعم حريتها واستقلالها الإداري عن الدولة.
3-      إلغاء الحوافز الضريبية التي يتمتع بها المستثمرون وتطبيق الضرائب التصاعدية التي توجه لدعم التعاونيات الخدمية من تعليم وصحة إلى آخره.
4-      التعددية النقابية، وإطلاق حرية تأسيس النقابات لكافة العاملين بالدولة والمصانع الحربية، ودعم مشاركة العمال في إدارة المصانع، والإدارة الذاتية للمصانع والشركات التي تمت خصخصتها بشكل جائر وفاسد في عهد مبارك.
5-      مصادرة الأموال التي يثبت أنها جاءت من طريق غير مشروع وضمها للتعاونيات.
6-      دستور يدعم كافة الحريات الإنسانية، مثل حرية العقيدة والتنظيم والفكر، وتأسيس جمهورية برلمانية لا مركزية إداريًا مع الرقابة الشعبية الدائمة من قبل سلطات الإدارة المحلية واللجان الشعبية على عمل الحكومة ورئيس الدولة، والحق الشعبي في محاسبة المسئولين واقتراح القوانين والاستفتاء الشعبي عليها.
7-      إقامة مجتمع اشتراكي تحرري لا سلطوي يعتمد على التعاونيات التطوعية بلا سلطة مركزية، مجتمع بلا طبقات ينظم نفسه ذاتيًا عن طريق لجانه الشعبية ومجالسه المحلية وتعاونياته ونقاباته، لنستغنِ بذلك عن سلطة الدولة المركزية القمعية.


يوم 11/11/11

يوم 11/11/11

طبعا مش هيعدى اليوم من غير تدوينة عن التاريخ دة 11/11/11 مش بيفكرك بحاجة ؟

اول حاجة فى مصر موضوع الحفلة الماسونية فاكس طبعا مع انى كتبت 3 تدوينات عن الماسونية علشان مش هجيب جديد فى الموضوع غير تاريخ الماسونية  فى مصر  

┈┏┓┈┏┓┈┈┏┓┈┏┓┈┈┏┓┈┏┓ ┏╯┃┏╯┃┈┏╯┃┏╯┃┈┏╯┃┏╯┃ ┗┓┃┗┓┃┈┗┓┃┗┓┃┈┗┓┃┗┓┃ ┈┃┃┈┃┃╭╮┃┃┈┃┃╭╮┃┃┈┃┃ ┈┗┛┈┗┛╰╯┗┛┈┗┛╰╯┗┛┈┗┛

فى اوربا و امريكا بيحتفلو باليوم دة بسبب انة مش هيتكرر غير مرة فى العمر و منهم بيقولك لزم تقول امنية قبل الساعة 11 و الثانية 11 

فى محلات عمل خصومات علشا الناس تشترى لبعض هدايا مش ماسونية طبعا ههه 

كل و احد بيحتفل على طريقتة و افكارة طبعا فى ناس هتسفر مارينا البلد و كدة و فى واحد هيحتفل على طبق فول و طعمية و كوبية شاى ...

و عقبال عندكم فى السنة الغريبة دية الى مش هتخلص على خير 

 و كمان توم هانكس معههم بس احتفال بس مع الماسونيين بس علشان هو اجندة مش فلول 


دة كليب عن فيلم بيتكلام عن 11/11/11 و الماسونية  طبعا المولف المعروف بروان