
#Egypt back to dark ages

Hey no we are going to start summer in Egypt so soon.
And we was have power  electric failure cross all Egypt, and when Muslims brother hood rolled Egypt and they lied about bulging new power st.. ..

And form 2012 till now 2014 it's just getting more worth every day

(According to Ahram ....  Japan to aid to Egypt  new electricity network) @BIG


the new government said that problem will finish in 2018 and we have peen in this problem form 2011

Power of the people 

electricity blackouts: Ministry of Electricity

To Be Continues.................

Founder of Blogger semsam,Independent Blogger 2005.Middle East observer,Writer on Egypt,Yemen ,Arab,Current affairs-member in Arab blogger,Editor in Global Voices,Technology,Geek τέχνη,web development,internet security