مذكرات ثائرة علياء مهدى و الفن الجنسى فى عصر الاخوان المسلمين و الوهابيين فى مصر
مذكرات ثائرة
Yesterday, I was going to protest against the Egyptian draft constitution with Femen and other Arab women in front of the Egyptian embassy in Paris.
One day before, Inna Shevchenko booked me a plane ticket from Gutenberg Landvetter Airport to Paris on Lufthansa and paid for it online, but I couldn't check-in at the airport. The ticket office woman told me that my ticket was canceled because the payment was not completed. I thought it was an error and had another Femen member buy me a ticket for the next flight on Scandinavian Airlines. I got a boarding pass, checked-in, passed airport security and was waiting for my flight. Then, the same woman came to me and told me that she got a warning about me and I have to show her the credit card used to pay for the ticket and it has to be mine or I will not take that flight. I replied that thousands of people travel with tickets paid for by other people everyday, event holders always pay for participants' travel expenses, I traveled this way three times before on KLM and Ryan Air and the first ticket was also paid for by someone else. She spoke to me in a not nice way, took the boarding pass and told me to collect my luggage. The woman who gave me my luggage removed the sticker that was stuck to it when I checked-in.
I am disappointed that my freedom of expression is also oppressed in Europe.
دعونا ننحى علياء جانباً عن حياتنا ونركز ونهتم أكثر بمستقبلنا ومستقبل بلدنا فنحن عندنا ما يكفينا أن نشغل بالنا به بدلاً من أن نشغل تفكيرنا بفتاة مريضة نفسياً أو أنها فريسة سهلة سقطت فى أيدى أصحاب الأفكار الشيطانية لتأجيج مشاعر الفتنة واثارة البلبلة فى هذا الوقت ، عموماً نترك الأمر للتحقيقات وندعو الله جميعا لها ولغيرها بالهداية وأن يصلح أحوالنا وأحوال بلدنا ويرشدنا الى فعل الخير وأن نبتعد عن ما هو يعكر صفو حياتنا وأن نراعى ضمائرنا لنصرة هذا الوطن لأنه يستحق منا ذلك .